Jeferson Cavalcante AlvesI; Rennan Geovanny Oliveira AraujoI,II,*,#; Eliane Soares de SouzaIII; Sarah Adriana Rocha SoaresI; José Roberto CerqueiraI; Karina Santos GarciaI; Antonio Fernando de Souza QueirozI; Maria Goreti Rodrigues ValeIV; Aline Rocha BorgesV
The oil is made up of organic and inorganic components, in which identified and quantified through chromatographic analytical techniques and atomic spectrometry, which assists in the evaluation of the type of its generating rock and its depositional paleoenvironment.
Ana P. CapelezzoI,*,#; Laura C. MohrI,#; Francieli DalcantonI,x; Carolina R. D. M. BarretaI,#; Maria A. P. M. MartinsII; Márcio A. FioriI,#,x; Josiane M. M. de MelloI,#,x
ZnO NPs and Zn MCs were incorporate to Ecoflex® by the extrusion process, obtaining the biodegradable antimicrobial polymer. This property was proved by the death curve test, with better results to the Zn MCs + Ecoflex®.
Mayara Cristina LopesI; Elson Santiago AlvarengaIII,*; Alex Ramos AguiarIII; Izailda Barbosa dos SantosII; Gerson Adriano Silva,IV; Lucas de Paula ArcanjoII; Marcelo Coutinho PicançoII
The dienamides synthesized were evaluated against the insect pest Ascia monuste, the natural enemy, and the pollinator. The dienamides were toxic to the pest and were selective in favor of the natural enemy and pollinator.
Diego H. O. BarbosaI,II,#; Marcia R. de MouraII,#; Fauze A. AouadaII,*,#
Water contamination cycle caused by paraquat pesticide, which can be prevented by using nanocomposite hydrogels based on polysaccharide and zeolite as proven by the UV-Vis spectrum of paraquat solution indicating their sorption into absorbent materials.
Samira Rahmani-NezhadI; Shima DianatI; Mina SaeediI,II; Maliheh Barazandeh TehraniIII; Adel GhadiriIV; Abbas HadjiakhoondiI,V,*
A user-friendly and economical UV-spectrophotometric method was described to determine L-DOPA content in extracts from 33 biotypes of Phaseolus vulgaris L. The method is based on the nitrosation of L-DOPA to form a yellow solution and then formation of a red solution by adding base which is measurable at 470 nm.
Juliana D. C. SouzaI,#; Rogerio V. de Azevedo JúniorI; Glória M. VinhasII; Nathalia B. D. LimaI; Andréa M. S. S. BritoIII,*
We advance a computational strategy for the choice of sensing phases based on polymer matrices, for organic contaminants in water. This strategy was employed to evaluate a novel sensing phase of polyurethane, which was effective in determining toluene contaminant in water samples.
Francisco O. N. da SilvaI,*; Dayana P. S. PenhaI; Ana E. V. de AlencarI; Daniel de L. PontesI; Ana C. F. de B. PontesI; Eduardo H. S. SousaII; Luiz G. F. LopesII
The results showed that HPLC can be used as a powerful technique to monitor and characterize more complex reactions involving metal complexes such as nitrite/nitrosyl interconversion in ruthenium bipyridine complexes.
Adonias Almeida CarvalhoI,II; Lucivania Rodrigues dos SantosII; Ruth Raquel Soares de FariasII; Mariana Helena ChavesII,*; Chistiane Mendes FeitosaII; Gerardo Magela Vieira JúniorII; Mônica Regina Silva de AraújoII,V; Paulo Michel Pinheiro FerreiraIII; Claudia do O PessoaIV
EEF and EAF showed similar profiles by HPLC, with the presence of three flavonoids: myricitrin (1), quercitrin (2) and afzelin (3). In assay of TBARS and ABTS radical cation, EAF showed antioxidant potential higher than the EEF.
Bruna M. de MesquitaI; Patricia G. G. do NascimentoI; Luciana G. S. SouzaI; Iolanda F. de FariasI; Romézio A. C. da SilvaI; Telma L. G. de LemosI,*; Francisco J. Q. MonteI; Irvila R. OliveiraI; Maria T. S. TrevisanI; Horlando C. da SilvaI; Gilvandete M. P. SantiagoII
Nine derivatives were prepared from carvacrol/thymol. The structures were confirmed by MS, IR and NMR, and acetylcholinesterase and larvicidal tests were performed.
Shakeel Ahmed AnsariI,*; Syed Ismail AhmadII; Mohammad Alam JafriI; Muhammad Imran NaseerI; Rukhsana SatarIII
Immobilization of β-galactosidase on galactose modified ANPs for hydrolyzing lactose.
Yomaira L. Uscategui; Luis E. Díaz; Manuel F. Valero*
Medical applications of polyurethanes.
Renato Luiz SiqueiraI,*; José Henrique AlanoII; Oscar PeitlI; Edgar Dutra ZanottoI
GlassPanacea is an efficient software tool for ceramic materials formulation, providing the users with flexibility in the selection of chemicals, as well as speed and accuracy in the calculation of their relative proportions in a batch. The software is freely available from
Junia Graziele PereiraI; Luiz Antonio RamosI; Éder Tadeu Gomes CavalheiroI,*; Joaquim de Araújo NóbregaII
Analytical calibration curves for sodium ions in flame atomic emission spectrometry: effect of solvent composition.
Amadeu Moura BegoI,*; Tarso Bortolucci FerrariII
The findings show that the majority of undergraduate students in chemistry at the Sao Paulo State University take the course for reasons that are essentially motivated by intrinsic factors.
Franciane S. C. de Lima; Leliz T. Arenas; Camila G. Passos*
This figure represents the interrelationship between different aspects that can be analyzed on the teacher formation from this experience.
Carolina Horta AndradeI; Arthur E. KümmerleII; Rafael V. C. GuidoIII,*
In the 21st century, medicinal chemists will face many challenges to improve the quality of life of populations. The challenges consist of emerging infectious and non-communicable diseases. To combat them, innovative technologies shall be developed.
On-line version ISSN 1678-7064 Printed version ISSN 0100-4042
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