3:21, ter fev 18

Acesso Aberto/TP

vol. 41, No. 8, 2018

Artigo de Capa
Quim. Nova 2018, 41(8), 857-866

Trace elements in river waters and sediments before and after a mining dam breach (bento rodrigues, brazil)

Danilo de C. SilvaI; Carlos R. BellatoI,*; José de O. Marques NetoI; Maurício P. F. FontesII

Trace elements in the sediments of Carmo River before and after the deposition of the tailings mud. Sequential extraction was used to investigate the distribution of As and metals. High concentration of trace elements associated with easily mobilized fractions.


Publicado online: junho 26, 2018
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Total access: 2855

Artigo Quim. Nova 2018, 41(8), 839-848


Comparação dos níveis de poluentes emitidos pelos diferentes combustíveis utilizados para cocção e sua influência no aquecimento global

Adriana Gioda*

One of the main causes of global warming is the use of fossil and biomass fuels. Products and by-products generated by burning result in increased greenhouse gases. These fuels are also used for cooking, so it also has its share of contribution to global warming.


Publicado online: julho 19, 2018
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Total access: 2692

Quim. Nova 2018, 41(8), 849-856


Efeito da concentração dos íons Eu3+ e Bi3+ nas propriedades fotoluminescente da matriz de YVO4

Marcela G. MatosI; Emerson H. de FariaI; Katia J. CiuffiI; Lucas A. RochaI; Eduardo J. NassarI,*; Marc VerelstII

This work showed the influence of the dopants concentration on the spectroscopic properties of the europium III ion and the crystallite size, when incorporated in the yttrium vanadate matrix obtained by non-hydrolytic sol-gel route.


Publicado online: junho 26, 2018
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Total access: 1601

Quim. Nova 2018, 41(8), 867-873


Predição de toxicidade dos estabilizantes usuais em propelentes à base de nitrocelulose e de seus principais produtos de degradação

Rodrigo L. B. RodriguesI; Jakler NicheleI; Tanos C. C. FrançaI,II,*; Letivan G. Mendonça FilhoI,#

The stabilizers currently used in compositions of the nitrocellulose based propellants are toxic, carcinogenic and mutagenic. Besides they also represent a serious risk to the environment and to workers who deals with this kind of chemicals.


Publicado online: julho 23, 2018
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Total access: 2600

Quim. Nova 2018, 41(8), 874-879


Molecular description of copper (i) oxide and copper (ii) oxide

Wei GaoI,*; Muhammad ImranII,III; Muhammad Kamran SiddiquiII,IV; Muhammad NaeemV; Farrukh JamilVI

The topological index of a molecular structure correlate certain physicochemical properties such as boiling point, enthalpy and entropy and stability of that molecular structures. In this article we have computed topological indices for Copper (I) oxide and Copper (II) oxide.


Publicado online: julho 12, 2018
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Total access: 2053

Quim. Nova 2018, 41(8), 880-883


Luclaricin, a new lignan from phyllanthus acuminatus

Susyanne L. F. DuarteI; Yuri M. NascimentoI; Sara A. L. MadeiroI; Vicente C. O. CostaI; Maria F. AgraI; Marianna V. SobralI; Raimundo Braz-FilhoII; Mario G. CarvalhoIII; Joao E. CarvalhoIV; Ana L. T. G. RuizIV; Larissa S. TurriIV; Marcelo S. SilvaI; Josean F. TavaresI,*

New lignan, luclaricin, isolated from the aereal parts of Phyllanthus acuminatus.


Publicado online: julho 25, 2018
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Total access: 1779

Quim. Nova 2018, 41(8), 884-890


Alkaloids from leaves of guatteria pogonopus (annonaceae) and their cytotoxicities

Maria de Fátima C. SantosI,II; José Eraldo N. FontesI; Lívia M. DutraII; Larissa M. BomfimIII; Cinara O. D. CostaIII; Valéria R. S. MoraesIII; Andersson BarisonII; Milena B. P. SoaresIII,IV; Felipe Moura A. da SilvaV; Jackson R. G. da Silva AlmeidaVI; Héctor H. F. KoolenVII; Daniel P. BezerraII; Emmanoel Vilaça CostaV,*

Aporphine, oxoaporphine and tetrahydroprotoberberine alkaloids were isolated from the leaves of Guatteria pogonopus. The NMR data for most of the described alkaloids were reviewed herein. In addition, the cytotoxicity of these alkaloids was evaluated.


Publicado online: julho 12, 2018
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Total access: 2594

Quim. Nova 2018, 41(8), 891-898


Analysis of the performance of a packed bed reactor to production ethyl esters from crude vegetable oil using lipase immobilized in silica modified with protic ionic liquid

Juliana Lisboa SantanaI; Juliana Marçal de OliveiraI; Nayara Bezerra CarvalhoI; Natália Maria Ferreira de Melo OsórioII; Silvana MattediIII; Lisiane dos Santos FreitasIV; Eliane Bezerra CavalcantiI; Alvaro Silva LimaI; Cleide Mara Faria SoaresI,*

The silica prepared in the absence and presence of the protic ionic liquid was used in a packed bed reactor for the characterization of the reactor by the residence time distribution and the mass transfer effect.


Publicado online: julho 19, 2018
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Total access: 1515

Quim. Nova 2018, 41(8), 899-904


Characterization of CeO2 doped MgAl2O4 prepared by the chelating agents-assisted impregnation method

Alejandra C. Villagrán-Olivares; Mariana N. Barroso; Maria C. Abello*

The use of chelating agents in the impregnation step induces the formation of nanoparticles of CeO2 between 5 and 6.8 nm as it is shown by XRD.


Publicado online: julho 23, 2018
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Total access: 2032

Quim. Nova 2018, 41(8), 905-911


Optimization of solvent-free geranyl butanoate production using novozyme 435 and homemade polyurethane immobilized novozyme NZL-102-LYO-HQ as catalysts

Carla R. SbardelottoI; Suelen P. PiazzaI; Nadia L. D. NyariI; Rogério M. DallagoI; Débora de OliveiraII; Vladimir de OliveiraII; Jamile ZeniI; Rogério L. CansianI,*; Natalia ParoulI

A homemade and commercial immobilized lipases were used to geranyl butanoate production by esterification of geraniol and butanoic acid with production optimization and kinetic evaluation.


Publicado online: julho 19, 2018
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Total access: 1625

Revisão Quim. Nova 2018, 41(8), 912-919


A família das bambus[n]urilas

Renato Salviato Cicolani#; Grégoire Jean-François Demets*

Bambus[n]uril cavitands have a low electron density (blue) at the center of the cycle and binds anions with high affinity and selectivity.


Publicado online: junho 19, 2018
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Total access: 2353

Nota Técnica Quim. Nova 2018, 41(8), 920-925


Dosimetria de luz efetivamente absorvida (Dabs) pelo azul de metileno em processos de fotossensibilização utilizando fontes de luz policromáticas

Bruno R. RabelloI,II,*; Wilker CaetanoII

Light dosimetry effectively absorbed (Dabs) by methylene blue in photosensitization processes employing polychromatic light sources.


Publicado online: maio 30, 2018
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Total access: 1788

Quim. Nova 2018, 41(8), 926-932


Synthesis of gold nanoparticles by tetrachloroaurate reduction with cyclodextrins

Yuri S. Pestovsky*; Agustino Martínez-Antonio#

The immobilization of cyclodextrin onto the surface of gold nanoparticles at the time of their formation. Cyclodextrin acts as a reductant and a stabilizer.


Publicado online: maio 30, 2018
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Total access: 2342

Educação Quim. Nova 2018, 41(8), 933-942


De onde vêm os nomes das vidrarias de laboratório?

Iara Terra de OliveiraI; Karim Maria Chagas ZuccherattoII; Isabela Zampirollo GranadoII; Paula Homem-de-MelloI; Hueder Paulo Moisés de OliveiraI,*

Presentation of the origin of the names and the historical background of development of glassware used in Chemistry experimental classes can make learning more meaningful.


Publicado online: maio 22, 2018
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Total access: 4166

Quim. Nova 2018, 41(8), 943-952


Caracterização de obstáculos epistemológicos na concepção de licenciandos em química que dificultam o desenvolvimento do conhecimento profissional docente

Graziele B. O. PenaI; Nyuara A. S. MesquitaII,*

This article discusses the epistemological obstacles related to the Pedagogical Knowledge of Chemistry Content that influence the formative process of future professors of chemistry.


Publicado online: maio 9, 2018
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Total access: 1867

Quim. Nova 2018, 41(8), 953-957


O critério de euler como ferramenta para o estudo e diferenciação entre funções de estado e variáveis de processo em termodinâmica química

Paulo F. R. Ortega*; Natal J. Pires; Cláudio P. Lima

The Euler's relation, as a mathematical consequence of the exact differential equations, allows an easy and didactic differentiation of the thermodynamic variables in state functions and process variables.


Publicado online: maio 9, 2018
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Total access: 1798

On-line version ISSN 1678-7064 Printed version ISSN 0100-4042
Química Nova
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