Dalva L. A. de Faria; Marcia L. A. Temperini
Total access: 1246
Dalva L. A. de Faria
The history of Raman spectroscopy in Brazil begins with the cinematic escape from Europe by Hans Stammreich, a jewish scientist persecuted by the Nazists, and continues in a newly created University in South America.
José M. Riveros
Long-wave excitation for Raman spectroscopy pioneered by Professor Hans Stammreich allowed to obtain for the first time the Raman spectrum of substances opaque to visible radiation.
Mauro C. C. Ribeiro
The original photographic plate used by Prof. Hans Stammreich in a study of the Raman spectrum of iodoform published in 1956.
Bruno Luís Sacco; Henrique de Santana*
Raman spectra of raw and processed cocoons were compared at different excitation radiations. By correlating the intensity ratios of the deconvoluted Raman bands using the broad bands characteristic of amide I and III, it was possible to evaluate the conformational changes in both materials.
Ana P. Mangoni; Bruno B. N. S. Brandão; Jorge S. Shinohara; Alceu T. Silveira; Marcelo Nakamura; Henrique E. Toma*
The capability of the terpyrazine complex to bind transition metal ions, such as the [Fe(CN)5]3- species, allowed to generate pentanuclear complexes displaying characteristic charge-transfer and resonance Raman spectra, revealing the pyrazine vibrations in the complex.
Dayane V. N. dos Santos; Diego P. dos Santos*
The excitation of surface plasmon resonances creates strong local field amplifications leading to the observed SERS spectra from adsobed molecules. Mappings over multiple possible molecular adsorption configurations (histogram) probe the near-field plasmonic properties.
Leandro B. CarneiroI,II; Marli L. MoraesIII; Sidney J. L. RibeiroI,#; Alexandre G. BroloII,IV,*
A SERS immunoassay was implemented to detect the HIV marker protein p-17. The SERS results were treated statistically and compared quantitatively to scanning electron micrograph images.
LinLinus Pauling F. PeixotoI; Jacqueline F. L. SantosII,#; Gustavo F. S. AndradeI,*
SERS detection of anti-BSA using a sandwich immunoassay based on gold nanorods both in solution and adsorbed on glass slides in an extrinsic method, monitoring Nile blue dye signaling.
Thiago S. PuglieriI,III,*; Raul de O. FreitasII; Francisco C. B. MaiaII; Dalva L. A. de FariaI
The use of complementary techniques, both in micro and nano scales, is of paramount importance to the understanding of metal corrosion processes. Synchrotron infrared nanospectroscopy was here used in the investigation of corrosion products.
Isabela F. S. SantosI,*; Thiago S. PuglieriI,II; Marcia S. BarbosaIII; Ana CardosoIV; Tânia RosadoIV; Milene GilIV; António CandeiasIV; Dalva L. A. de FariaI
Multi-analytical approach for the investigation of efflorescences in cultural assets using vibrational spectroscopy, scanning electron microscopy and microbiological analysis in two types of paintings: tempera on canvas and oil mural painting.
Vanessa E. de OliveiraI; Luiz Fernando Cappa de OliveiraII,*
The vibrational spectra of Cis and Trans squaraines suggest high molecular symmetries, and the Group Theory applied here proposes C2v (Cis) and D2v (Trans) symmetries; for Cis has been suggested a different approach to justify such discrepancy: a supramolecular regularity.
Pedro V. Almeida; Celly M. S. Izumi; Hélio F. Dos Santos; Antonio C. Sant'Ana*
Application of SERRS and RR spectroscopies to evaluate electronic parameters of PEDOT:PSS with the support of theoretic models of oligomers.
Jayr H. MarinI; Douglas S. LopesI; Paulo S. SantosI,*
H. Stammereich recorded Raman spectra using glass photographic plates. Almost 60 years later we repeated two of his experiments using the best technology available to us.
Mónica B. Mamián-LópezI,II,#; Marcia L. A. TemperiniII,*
Hotspot stabilization and analyte-induced aggregation control of colloidal gold nanoparticles allows significant SERS enhancement.
Michele Lemos de SouzaI,*; Paola CorioII
The Nile Blue twisted tertiary amine group in low concentration polar solvents presents high energy electronic transition. The tertiary amine group remains in the plane of the molecule in nonpolar solvents, which electronic transition is at higher energy. The intensification of the C-N bond through vibrational spectroscopy in nonpolar solvent was observed.
Alvaro C. C. Barra; Thaeny C. Amaral; Celly M. S. Izumi*
Raman spectra of MEH-PPV and PEDOT:PSS conducting polymers were employed to study the temperature dependence of conjugation and thermal degradation.
Maria T. C. SansivieroI,*; Carlos E. SampietriII; Marcos V. da CostaII; Norma C. CassaresII; Dalva L. A. FariaI
The most ancient manuscript (1578) from the Arquivo Público do Estado de São Paulo, which has both sides covered by thermoplastic film, was analyzed by Raman and FTIR spectroscopies and Scanning Electron Microscopy aiming at its characterization and the access to its preservation state.
Lucia Kiyomi Noda*; Fabricio Ronil Sensato; Norberto Sanches Gonçalves
Anhydrous titanyl sulfate (TiOSO4) was synthesized and characterized by elemental analyses and vibrational spectroscopy by the first time. Raman, infrared and far infrared spectra were obtained, the bands having been tentatively assigned. Essentially, the spectra exhibit the vibrational modes of the sulfate anion splitted by the low local symmetry along with the bands of the TiO6 skeleton.
Natália M. MoneziI; Luiz F. LepreI,II; Rômulo A. AndoI,*
The effect of the solvent on the spectroscopic properties of rosolic acid in neutral and anionic forms was investigated by Raman spectroscopy revealing the induced symmetry changes due to solvent polarity and hydrogen bonding.
On-line version ISSN 1678-7064 Printed version ISSN 0100-4042
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