15:13, ter fev 11

Acesso Aberto/TP

vol. 43, No. 10, 2020

Artigo de Capa
Quim. Nova 2020, 43(10), 1463-1481

Nanomateriais plasmônicos: Parte I. fundamentos da espectroscopia de nanopartículas e sua relação com o efeito sers

Daniel GrasseschiI; Diego P. dos SantosII,*

The excitation of localized surface plasmon modes in metal nanoparticles is the fundamental property related to applications of plasmonic nanomaterials, such as photocatalysis, chemical sensing and enhanced spectroscopies (e.g. SERS).


Publicado online: agosto 27, 2020

Total access: 2083

Artigo Quim. Nova 2020, 43(10), 1375-1384


Preparação e validação de arquivos de entrada para uso no simulador de qualidade do ar (CMAQ)

Rodrigo do P. MaiaI,*; Leonardo BaptistaI,II; Eduardo Monteiro MartinsI,III

The city of Rio de Janeiro has a special atmosphere, as it is an urban region, surrounded by forests, mountains and the sea, which allows a series of chemical reactions from different types of sources.


Publicado online: setembro 21, 2020
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Total access: 1355

Quim. Nova 2020, 43(10), 1385-1392


Método de triagem de microgininas em cianobactérias por LC-MS/MS

Kazumi K. TeramotoI,*; Fabiane DorrI; Miriam SanzII; Ernani PintoI

Untargeted screening of microginin class cyanopeptides in cyanobacteria extracts by LC-MS/MS using precursor ion scan and structure elucidation based on high resolution mass spectra.


Publicado online: setembro 21, 2020
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Total access: 1971

Quim. Nova 2020, 43(10), 1393-1396


Método manual para deposição de tintas fotoluminescentes baseadas em lofs mistas aplicado a codificação de documentos

Millayd M. NogueiraI; Luiz H. M. CostaI; Jakson N. C. ReisI; Antonio Marcos U. AraújoII; Érico de Moura NetoI,*; Jarley F. S. NascimentoI

This image represents the whole process developed in this study, from the synthesis to the application of the photoluminescent ink in the sheets of paper.


Publicado online: setembro 10, 2020
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Total access: 1017

Quim. Nova 2020, 43(10), 1397-1403


Asarone-derived phenylpropanoids and isoquinoline-derived alkaloids from the bark of Duguetia pycnastera (Annonaceae) and their cytotoxicities

César A. S. de SouzaI; Victória B. NardelliI; Weider H. P. PazI; Maria Lúcia B. PinheiroI; Ana Carolina B. da C. RodriguesII; Larissa M. BomfimII; Milena B. P. SoaresII; Daniel P. BezerraII; Jamal da S. ChaarI; Hector H. F. KoolenIII; Felipe M. A. da SilvaIV; Emmanoel Vilaça CostaI,*

Asarone-derived phenylpropanoids and isoquinoline-derived alkaloids were isolated from the bark of Duguetia pycnastera (Annonaceae) and reported for the first time in the species. The unambiguous assignments of the 1H and 13C NMR data for nornuciferidine and guatterine N-oxide were described. Additionally, the cytotoxicity of the isolated compounds (except for nornuciferidine) was investigated by the Alamar blue assay.


Publicado online: agosto 21, 2020
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Total access: 1465

Quim. Nova 2020, 43(10), 1404-1407


Antipromastigote and cytotoxic activities of flavonoids from Fridericia speciosa leaves

Reinaldo R. Milani; Osvaine J. A. Alves; Camila S. Bertanha; Valéria M. M. Gimenez; Iara S. Squarisi; Heloiza D. Nicolella; Mariana C. Pagotti; Denise C. Tavares; Márcio L. A. e Silva; Wilson R. Cunha; Lizandra G. Magalhães; Ana H. Januario; Patricia M. Pauletti*

Chemical, biological, and HPLC quantification studies showed that Fredericia speciosa, mainly the EtOAc-soluble fraction, is a rich source of bioactive flavonoids.


Publicado online: setembro 4, 2020
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Total access: 1171

Quim. Nova 2020, 43(10), 1408-1415


Influência da força iônica na estimativa de pKa por método voltamétrico

Priscila A. Liberato; Astréa F. de S. Silva*; Leonardo L. Okumura; Juliana A. Diniz; André Fernando de Oliveira

The common ionic strenght adjust used in voltammetric techniques causes a bias in the determination of pKa by line intersection methods.


Publicado online: setembro 10, 2020
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Total access: 954

Quim. Nova 2020, 43(10), 1416-1420


An approach based on electrochemical impedance spectroscopy to study the glycerol/biodiesel gravity separation

Karen Gómez-Hernández; Rodrigo Patiño; Luis Maldonado-Lópezand; Luis Díaz-Ballote*

Electrochemical impedance spectroscopy is proposed as a novel tool to monitor the glycerol/biodiesel gravity separation.


Publicado online: setembro 10, 2020
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Total access: 1166

Quim. Nova 2020, 43(10), 1421-1430


Rapid detection of vitamin c content in fruits and vegetables using a digital camera and color reaction

Wen-zhu ZhaoI; Ping-ping CaoI; Yuan-yang ZhuI; Sheng LiuI,*; Hong-Wen GaoII; Chao-qun HuangIII

The RGB and Lab values of the solution to be measured were obtained using an image acquisition device and image processing software, while the color component and standard concentration were multiply fitted to obtain the measurement model for the determination of the vitamin C content in fruits and vegetables.


Publicado online: setembro 21, 2020
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Total access: 1502

Quim. Nova 2020, 43(10), 1431-1438


Characterization of aquatic organic matter in a natural environment in northeastern brazil

Adnívia S. Costa MonteiroI,*; Maria Aparecida A. SantanaII; Raisa de Siqueira Alves ChielleIII; Carlos Alexandre Borges GarciaII; José do Patrocínio Hora AlvesI

Natural organic matter (NOM) is a complex mixture of organic compounds that occurs in natural waters. The assessment of NOM characteristics is often carried out by fluorescence spectroscopy and UV-visible absorbance, and the measure of dissolved organic carbon (DOC).


Publicado online: setembro 4, 2020
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Total access: 1079

Quim. Nova 2020, 43(10), 1439-1446


Polímero de impressão molecular para o tiacloprido: uma investigação teórica

Camilla Fonseca Silva; Clebio Soares Nascimento Jr.*

Based on the need for determination of thiacloprid neonicotinoid in samples of analytical interest, the rational synthesis protocol regarding the chemical nature of the functional monomer (FM), stoichiometry (MM:FM) and solvent was optimized by DFT calculations.


Publicado online: agosto 21, 2020
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Total access: 1020

Revisão Quim. Nova 2020, 43(10), 1447-1462


Bionanocompósitos poliméricos à base de montmorillonita - materiais de interesse contínuo

Denise B. FrançaI; Ana C. S. AlcântaraII; Edson C. Silva-FilhoIII; Maria G. FonsecaI,*

Montmorillonite/biopolymer nanocomposites is a class of materials inspired in classic montmorillonite/polyamide nanocomposite and present new properties for application in different fields including antimicrobial materials and vehicle for drugs.


Publicado online: agosto 3, 2020
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Total access: 1214

Quim. Nova 2020, 43(10), 1482-1499


Nanomateriais plasmônicos: Parte II. química de coordenação de superfície e sua aplicação em sensores e catalisadores

Diego P. dos SantosI; Daniel GrasseschiII,*

The approach here presented incorporates supramolecular approach, in which nanoparticles with well-controlled features conjugated with properly chosen molecules are the basis of functional organized structures for several applications.


Publicado online: setembro 4, 2020
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Total access: 1764

Nota Técnica Quim. Nova 2020, 43(10), 1500-1504


Autenticação de orégano (Origanum vulgare L.) orgânico utilizando espectroscopia NIR e quimiometria

Ana Sophia Tovar Fernandez; Andressa Rafaella da Silva Bruni; Vitória Maria Almeida Teodoro de Oliveira; Paulo Henrique Março; Patrícia Valderrama*

An approach was proposed for authentication of organic oregano through the NIR and chemometrics.


Publicado online: agosto 21, 2020
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Total access: 941

Educação Quim. Nova 2020, 43(10), 1505-1509


Extraction and identification of formulations of anabolic androgenic steroids: a forensic educational approach

Lucas M. Berneira; Marina Ritter; Caroline C. da Silva; Tais Poletti; Luan F. Passos; Bruno N. da Rosa; Marco A. Z. dos Santos; Claudio M. P. de Pereira*

A set of three experiments was developed and applied to undergraduate students of Forensic Chemistry dealing with visual inspection of apprehended formulations of anabolic androgenic steroids as well as chemical identification by Infrared Spectroscopy and Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry. Moreover, the classroom evaluated the extraction of steroidal active ingredients by ultrasonic and microwave-assisted extraction.


Publicado online: agosto 7, 2020
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Total access: 380

Quim. Nova 2020, 43(10), 1510-1521


Green chemistry teaching for sustainability in papers published by the journal of chemical education

Carlos Alberto MarquesI,*; Leonardo V. MarcelinoI; Érica D. S. DiasII; Patricia Link RüntzelII; Leila Cristina Aoyama Barbosa SouzaIII; Adélio MachadoIV

This paper analyses 286 papers on Green Chemistry published in the Journal of Chemical Education regarding the relationships between Green Chemistry, Sustainability and Systems Thinking present in teaching approaches.


Publicado online: agosto 13, 2020
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Total access: 1769

Quim. Nova 2020, 43(10), 1522-1528


Utilização de biomassa em aulas de graduação de química orgânica experimental: extração de flavonoides a partir de resíduos de cascas de frutas cítricas

Mauricio M. VictorI,II,III,*; Juliana L. LeiteI,II; Gabriel S. RamosI,II; Jorge M. DavidI,III; Klauber V. CardosoI

A well succeeded and useful flavonoid extraction experiment from citrus waste biomass employing common solvents for undergraduate experimental classes is described.


Publicado online: agosto 7, 2020
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Total access: 1610

Quim. Nova 2020, 43(10), 1529-1537


A problematização da abordagem temática na formação inicial de professores de química

Renata Aragão da Silveira; Lya Piaia; Fábio Peres Gonçalves*

This work about training of chemistry teachers was guided by assumptions from the perspective of the teacher as researcher of the practice itself and by Pedagogy of Paulo Freire.


Publicado online: agosto 21, 2020
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Total access: 1049

Assuntos Gerais Quim. Nova 2020, 43(10), 1538-1548


Patentometria: uma ferramenta indispensável no estudo de desenvolvimento de tecnologias para a indústria química

Marcelo Gomes SpezialiI,*; Raphael da Silva NascimentoII

Big data patent analysis as an essential tool for the understanding of the technological maturity, competitors, and strategic intelligence for technologies in chemistry.


Publicado online: agosto 27, 2020
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Total access: 1316

Errata Quim. Nova 2020, 43(10), 1549


On-line version ISSN 1678-7064 Printed version ISSN 0100-4042
Química Nova
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