Ursula Paôla Rudolph de MatosI,II; Luana Dezingrini LopesI; Ana Paula ScheerenI; Juliana Maria Forain Miolo SchneiderIII;
Adailton João BortoluzziIV; Helio Gauze BonacorsoV; Itamar Luís GonçalvesVI,*; Aloir Antonio MerloI,*
Mole fraction of 6 and 9 determined through the intersection of the graphs obtained by solving the Schröeder-van Laar equation for the formulation of the binary mixture UR10. Background image is the nematic texture of sample UR10 by polarized optical microscopy.
Luiz Phelipe de Souza TomasoI; Joice Florenço BomfimII; Nakédia M. F. CarvalhoII; Jaqueline Dias SenraII;
Luiz Fernando Brum MaltaI,*
Layered double hydroxides are multifunctional agents as catalytic mediators in reaction processes of paramount importance.
Jinlong GeI,II,*; Xiaoqi JinI,II; Liyuan ZhangI,II; Yuhong JiaoI,II; Qiuqin WangI,II; Yongkui WangI,II; Yan GaoI,II;
Jiaojiao GengI,II; Tianqi WangI,II
UiO-66-type Metal-Organic Frameworks (MOFs) were synthesized with functionalized organic linker. UiO-66-NH2 has the highest CO2 adsorption capacity.
Raysa Trindade da SilvaI; Wagner Arruda de JesusI; Mário Rodrigo dos Santos SoaresII; Ariane Isis BarrosI,*; Oscarlina Lúcia dos Santos WeberI
The application of liquid swine waste doses to a clayey Cerrado Oxisol improved its physical, chemical, and electrochemical attributes, leading to an increase in nutrient availability for plants and clay aggregation.
Rosaly Morales-GuevaraI,II; Dayán Páez-HernándezI; Manuel GacitúaIII,IV,V,*; Juan A. FuentesVI; Alexander CarreñoI,VII,*
Schiff bases (SB) are diverse organic compounds, holding potential in both chemistry and biology. We explored an amino benzoic acid SB that presents a stable intramolecular hydrogen bond by cyclic voltammetric profiles supported by computational protocol to estimate redox potentials.
Ana J. CecattoI; Anelise S. N. FormagioII; Cleide V. Buzanello-MartinsIII; Caroline FortunaI; Márcia R. P. CabralI; Willian F. da CostaI; Débora C. BaldoquiI; Maria H. SarragiottoI,*
This work deal with the phytochemical and dereplication studies, as well as antimicrobial and anticholinesterase evaluation of Palicourea tomentosa.
Caio V. L. V. do Nascimento; Arthur L. S. de Araújo; Lidiane M. A. de Lima; Filipe C. P. de Sousa; Wagner E. Silva; André F. Lavorante; Mônica F. Belian*
This paper describes a synthesis, and characterization of an organofunctionalized silica (Sil-TMSDT) and its application as a solid phase in the preconcentration (SPE) of Pt4+ ions in aqueous media, using detection by flame atomic absorption spectrometry (FAAS).
Jhessica Cavalcante de Souza GolveiaI; Elaine Sousa NunesI; Thiago Souza BulhõesI; Jerônimo Raimundo de Oliveira NetoII; Luiz Carlos da CunhaII; Luiza Cintra CamposIII; Mariângela Fontes SantiagoI; Fernando SchimidtIV,*
Bisphenol A (BPA) is challenging to remove in conventional wastewater treatment. In this study, with the laccase enzyme from Pleurotus ostreatus induced by acai berry and pineapple residues, BPA was effectively degraded within 4 hours.
Adrianne B. FerreiraI,* Rosane M. AguiarII; Hugo N. BrandãoIII; Rauldenis A. F. SantosIV; Humberto F. de FreitasIII,V; Catharine TelesV; Joice N. ReisV; Jessica L. de SouzaIII; Clayton Q. AlvesI
Amburana acreana Ducke leaves afforded coumarin, p-hydroxybenzoic, vanillic acids, campesterol 3-β-D-glucoside and amburoside B.
Micaelly S. OliveiraI; Otemberg S. ChavesII; Yanna C. F. TelesIII; Diégina A. FernandesIV; Camila Macaúbas-SilvaI;
Wallace A. M. QueirozII; Jéssica B. LimaV; Maristela R. R. M. MazzottiV; Edeltrudes O. LimaI,II; Givanildo L. FernandesVI;
Adilva S. ConceiçãoV; Maria de Fátima Vanderlei de SouzaI,II,*
A phytochemical study from aerial parts of Pavonia glazioviana Gurke led to identify fifteen compounds, with emphasis on the polymethoxylated flavonoids that showed antimicrobial activity.
Laís D. S. M. K. MeloI; Cláudio T. CarvalhoI; Pedro Enrique Sánchez JiménezII,III; Thiago SequinelI; Antonio PerejónII,III;
Luis Allan Pérez MaquedaII; Tiago A. D. ColmanI,*
The synthesis of the coordination complex between aceclofenac and lanthanum or gadolinium ions results in stable compounds with potential medical and catalytic applications. Thermoanalytical characterization reveals information about the structure and thermal stability, while thermokinetic analysis investigates reaction rates, decomposition, and phase transitions, contributing to an overall understanding of the thermal behavior of the complex.
Camilo Aurélio Brandão CrisóstomoI; Fernanda Barbosa DamacenoI; Luele Ribeiro de Sousa BarbosaI; Jânio Santos AlmeidaI; Walker Vinicius Ferreira do Carmo BatistaI; Andréa Renata MalaguttiII; João Paulo de MesquitaIII; Juliana Arriel TorresIV;
Gustavo Duran IgaIV; Caue Ribeiro de OliveiraIV; Roberto Ananias RibeiroV; Henrique A. J. L. MourãoI,VI,*
In this paper, we describe the hydrothermal synthesis of Nb2O5 and their application in photodegradation of dyes (methylene blue (MB) and indigo carmine (IC)) and photoesterification of free fatty acids (FFA) which are present in waste cooking oil (WCO).
Paula M. VeigaI; Ayres G. DiasII; Cláudia de O. VelosoI; Cristiane A. HenriquesI,*
HBeta, USY, and HZSM-5 zeolites produce solketal from glycerol and 2,2-DMP with higher yield under mild conditions.
Thifanny T. P. da SilvaI; Ademar D. V. MáquinaI,II,*; Anízia F. F. DuransI; Lucas G. da CostaI; Frederico G. PintoIII;
Timothy J. GarrettIV; Waldomiro Borges NetoI
PSI-MS spectra of urine samples from control individuals and patients with prostate cancer used in multivariate calibration with orthogonal correction to develop the OPLS-DA model.
Shan LiuI,II,III,IV,#; Yuemeng ChenI,III,#; Fang WangII,*; Jingjie WuIII; Guo TangV,*; Song BaiII,*
A portable near-infrared spectrometer (linear variable filter (LVF) used as a dispersive element) was applied to rapidly detect methamphetamine samples on site, and 359 methamphetamine crystal and 187 methamphetamine tablet samples were modeled and analyzed.
João Victor de S. Araujo*; Aline D. Gabbardo; Stela M. Fernandes; Isolda Costa
In this study, the influence of deaeration on the electrochemical behavior of aluminum was investigated using polarization techniques. The advantages of deaeration in assessing localized corrosion on aluminum are addressed.
Total access: 287
Fuchen Cao; Feilong Li; Tianping He*
Based on zeolitic imidazolate framework-8 (ZIF-8), Zn-Fe bimetallic ZIF was synthesized. Subsequently, the photocatalytic nitrogen fixation performance of the sample was investigated. The synthesis process of the samples is simple, and they exhibit excellent photocatalytic nitrogen fixation performance.
Arthur K. NoceraI; Guilherme S. SouzaI
; Mateus B. de AlmeidaI
; Matheus S. e SantosI,*
; Noemi L. GilI
; Thaís CorrêaII
Corrosion rate comparison in millimeters per year between the cities of Cubatão, Praia Grande and São Paulo in the following cases: exposed without anode; exposed with anode; buried without anode; buried with anode.
Guilherme M. Martins*; Kleber T. de Oliveira*
This review provides an overview of recent advancements in organic electrosynthesis in Brazil. It highlights the principles, applications, and limitations of various electrosynthetic methodologies, aiming primarily to enhance the understanding of fundamental principles and stimulate research in this field.
Alana Deduck CicilinskiI,*; Vander de Freitas MeloII; Patricio Peralta-ZamoraI
The existence of mobile colloidal fractions favors the transport of pollutants through the soil, even when strongly sorbed.
Lucas A. L. Dias; Thiago M. Cardozo; Roberto B. Faria*
Comparative splitting of spectroscopic terms for a p2 electronic configuration following LS and jj spin-orbit coupling schemes.
Rafael P. Machado; Antônio C. Doriguetto*
Integrating the chemical, historical, physical, and mathematical concepts encompassed by crystallography in the determination of crystal structure through X-ray diffraction fosters a more comprehensive and effective grasp of this powerful interdisciplinary tool.
Rodrigo Régis C. SilvaI,II; Rita de Cássia MarquesIII; Carlos A. L. FilgueirasI,*
Alfred Schaeffer (center) in one of his classes for medical and pharmaceutical courses at the Faculty of Medicine of Belo Horizonte in the 1910s.
Ana Paula N. de SouzaI; Gabriel Francisco S. da SilvaI; Bernardo Cardeal DarzéI; André Vinícius D. SenraII; Jaqueline D. SenraI,*
The 4th Industrial Revolution is promoting a paradigm change in the society. Chemistry alignment with the 4.0 scenario requires the involvement of chemists towards some technological challenging themes already in course.
On-line version ISSN 1678-7064 Printed version ISSN 0100-4042
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