Caio M. PortoI; Matheus S. FonsecaII; Guilherme de S. T. MoraisI; Celso J. Villas-BoasII; Rene A. NomeI
; Nelson H. MorgonI,*
Quantum computing simulators can provide valuable insights into electronic structures, offering a significant step toward exact simulations using full-fledged quantum computers.
Livia Deris PradoI,II; Isabella Costa Ramos de CastroI; Karen Medeiros GonçalvesI; Thamyrys Barreto ArgentaIII; Leandro TassoIII; Helvécio Vinícius Antunes RochaI,II,*
It was demonstrated a process improvement in the wet milling of efavirenz, increasing the concentration of solids in the suspension, and incorporating the powder into dispersible tablets.
Fernando Luiz LavoieI,*; Marcelo KobelnikI; Clever Aparecido ValentinI; Érica Fernanda da Silva TirelliII; Maria de Lurdes LopesIII; Jefferson Lins da SilvaI
In exposed geomembrane applications, polyethylene (PE) is in contact with ultraviolet (UV) radiation, and the degradation is led by photo-oxidation with several free radical reactions.
Wendel C. de SousaI; Josemar G. Oliveira FilhoI; Alana K. PereiraII; Samara S. da SilvaIII; Giulia KassabIV; Marcela ChristofoliI; Cassia C. F. AlvesI; Andreia P. MatosV; Moacir Rossi ForimII; Cristiane de M. CazalVI,*
Volatile organic compounds extracted of Protium ovatum were collected in five different vegetation physiognomies of the Brazilian Cerrado and analyzed by GC-MS (gas chromatography coupled to mass spectrometry). Posteriorly, these were tested against Staphylococcus aureus, Escherichia coli, and Candida albicans. Chemometric tools were used.
Neuton T. Vasconcelos JuniorI,*; Paulo P. AraújoII; Kelson C. F. FaialI; Bruno S. CarneiroI
Interpretation of physical-chemical and chemical shallow groundwater quality for human consumption, using statistical techniques.
Yongshun LiangI,II; Chaojie LeiI,II; Lang XuI,II; Ya LiI,II; Ting YangI,II; Junming GuoI,II; Mingwu XiangI,II; Wei BaiI,II,*
Expired amoxicillin and penicillin V potassium tablets form a protective film on the surface of the lowcarbon steel, reducing the direct contact between the steel and the corrosion solution, thus alleviating the corrosion of the steel.
Alfredo de Jesús-González; Norma Aurea Rangel-Vázquez*
Analysis of the adsorption process of different pesticides using functionalized single-walled carbon nanotubes (SWCNT) using the AMBER/PM3 hybrid method and Monte Carlo simulation.
Shunjie LiI,*; Jian ChenII
Compound 1•+, which is the largest reported monoradical cation of thiophene-modified pyrene, has broad application prospects in the fields of semiconductors and optoelectronic materials.
Yuli Marcela Henao-HoyosI,II,*; Marco Antonio Márquez-GodoyII; José G. CarriazoI
Synthesis of Fe-TiO2 from natural ilmenite and its application in the photodecomposition of aqueous cyanide (FeTiO3).
Marta S. D. FreitasI; Rodrigo M. BatistaII; Andressa R. C. CostaI,*; Ozelito P. de Amarante JuniorI,II,; Teresa C. R. S. FrancoIII; Gilberto FillmannII; Natilene M. BritoI
Silicone rubbers were tested as passive samplers to determine the presence of third-generation antifouling biocides, commonly used as reinforcing agents in underwater paints. The chromatographic conditions provided an efficient separation and quantification of the analytes.
Lara Beatriz Pereira de LimaI; Shirlene Kelly Santos CarmoII,*; José Mariano da Silva NetoII,; Stefani da Silva de MeloI; Flávio Luiz Honorato da SilvaIII
The pineapple peel biomass was subjected to chemical pretreatment experiments of organosolv delignification, and acid pretreatment with sulfuric acid (H2SO4) and hydrochloric acid (HCl), to enable the hydrolysis of hemicellulose and cellulose and obtain the fermentable sugars.
Syeda Abida EjazI,*; Aisha A. AlsfoukII; Tahira ShamimIII; Laila SumreenIV; Hafiz Kashif MahmoodI; Chen LiIV
7-Chloro-1-ethyl-6-fluoro-3-(5-oxo-4-phenyl-4,5-dihydro-1H-1,2,4-triazol-3-yl)quinolin-4(1H)-one (11e) as a potential multi-targeting agent against cholinestaeses (AChE and BChE) and monoamine oxidases (MAO-A and MAO-B) for the treatment of Alzheimer’s disease.
Vitoria B. Messias; Regina M. Takeuchi; André L. Santos*
High concentrations of ammonia in natural waters indicate pollution and environmental degradation. In this study, we propose a simple, rapid, and cost-effective voltammetric method for quantifying NH3 in water samples using a non-modified Pt electrode.
Maria C. da S. SauthierI, II,*; Walter N. L. dos SantosI, III; Jamile da C. CaldasI; Isaac M. de J. SilvaI; José J. C. L. de Souza JúniorI;
Lourdes C. de Souza NetaI; Luiz A. F. RibeiroI
High performance liquid chromatography-diode array detector (HPLC-DAD) and spectrophotometric methods were applied to determine bioactive phenolic compounds in Schinus terebinthifolia Raddi fruits. Antioxidant and antimicrobial activity were assessed. Metals were also determined by flame atomic absorption spectrometry (FAAS).
Krislany A. L. Guedes AraujoI; Herbert G. SousaI; João P. da Silva GomesI; Renato Pinto de SousaI; Éverton L. de França FerreiraII,III; Monica T. PupoII; Pedro M. da Silva CostaIV; Claúdia PessoaIV; Mahendra RaiV; Mariana H. ChavesI,*
; Gerardo Magela Vieira JuniorI,*
Electrospray ionization-ion trap mass spectrometry (ESI(-)-ITMS) and ultra-performance liquid chromatography coupled with electrospray ionization quadrupole-time-of-flight mass spectrometry (UPLC-ESI-QTOF-MS/MS) analysis of the fractions from leaves of Dipteryx lacunifera led to the annotation of twenty-one polar compounds (1-21). The antioxidant and cytotoxic potential of the ethyl acetate and ethereal fractions was also observed.
Josiele Aparecida Magalhães Conrado; João Flávio da Silveira Petruci*
In this study, a simple, portable and low-cost analytical method for the determination of salycilic acid is presented. The reaction between the analyte and FeIII ions is used for salicylic acid (SA) recognition, and the quantification is based on the color information extracted by digital images.
Areej S. AlqarniI,*; Ibrahim BulusII
For the first time, the thermal and mechanical properties of the promising composition of ZnSO4-B2O3-P2O5-Ho2O3 were determined.
Ana Caroline Vedovato RubinI; Vinicius Machado NevesI; Ana Barbosa VianaI; Taynara Bonfim RiquieriI; Dirce PozebonII;
Valderi Luiz DresslerI,*
A calibration procedure using internal standardization and matrix matching was established for lanthanides determination in tea by laser ablation-inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (LA-ICP-MS).
Jociani AscariI,*; Murilo S. de OliveiraI; André L. RüdigerI; Elaine ElisabetskyII; Domingos S. NunesIII; Jorge IulekIII;
Dilamara R. ScharfIV; Gustavo HeidenV
Considering the occurrence and availability of verboccidentafuran in the species Baccharis punctulata DC. and its structural similarity to curzerene, docking calculations were performed for the interaction of both compounds with the human α1-β2-γ2 GABAA (gamma-aminobutyric acid type A) receptor.
Marta S. D. Freitas; Matheus H. O. de Sousa; Alexandre Piccinini; Luiz Antonio Mendonça Alves da Costa
; Neusa F. de Moura
Analysis of mono and sesquiterpenes from geopropolis powder by headspace-gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (HS-GC/MS) and analysis of di and triterpenes by GC-MS after ultrasound extraction.
Marcus L. Sousa; Isabela A. Duran; Giovana V. Teixeira; André L. B. Formiga*
The invention aims to improve the calibration of gas sensors not covered by a membrane using a system for mixing solutions with different gas concentrations.
Luclécia D. NunesI; Nyuara A. S. MesquitaII,*
The training of Chemistry teachers by higher education institution in the state of Goiás in relation to radioactivity presents gaps that reverberate in the teacher's performance in basic education.
Rebeca Fernanda de Souza e Silva; Natália Neves Macedo Deimling; Patrícia Valderrama*
How to interpret it? Perform a PCA (principal component analysis). And, how to interpret the PCA results?
Fernando CasellatoI; Luciana MassiII,*; Matheus Monteiro NascimentoIII
We show in this study that there is a strong hierarchy in the field of chemistry in Brazil. The dominant pole consists of researchers with high scientific capital and prestige. On the other side, we identified researchers with fewer resources and possibilities of raising the hierarchy.
Aline Samara Lima de JesusI; Emerson Costa RiosI; Ana Cláudia KasseboehmerI,*; Ettore Paredes AntunesIII
Practical electrochemistry activities seen from an accessible microscopic perspective: water electrolysis and steel corrosion.
Carla MoraisI,*; Cidália AndréI
; Joana AlvesI
; Gildo Girotto Jr.II
A "mystery box" laboratory activity incorporating technological resources designed to engage pre-service chemistry teachers in exploring electrochemical concepts through a predict-observe-explain strategy.
Douglas C. Silva; Emilio Borges*
One of the most important equations in the history of chemistry. It represents the culmination of decades of conceptual and experimental evolution in the field of electrochemical systems and still today stands as one of the pillars of modern electrochemistry.
Thamires Luciana Braz Alves*; Ana Paula de Carvalho Teixeira; Breno Germano de Freitas Oliveira; Luísa Carolina Andrade Barbosa; Maria Paula Duarte de Oliveira; Rochel Montero Lago*
Escalab is a chemical technology and innovation lab at Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais (UFMG) structured to take technologies to the market and connect academy-industry focused on scale up, business modeling and startup creation.
Luiz C. A. Barbosa*; Pedro G. M. Gomes; Carlos A. L. Figueiras
In the early 19th century, the arrival of the Portuguese court in Brazil fostered an intellectual elite interested in science. This article illustrates their interest through the analysis of the works of Humphry Davy which appeared in Brazilian periodicals during that time.
On-line version ISSN 1678-7064 Printed version ISSN 0100-4042
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