2:58, ter fev 18

Acesso Aberto/TP

vol. 37, No. 7, 2014

Artigo de Capa
Quim. Nova 2014, 37(7), 1209-1219

Bionanocompósitos preparados por incorporação de nanocristais de celulose em polímeros biodegradáveis por meio de evaporação de solvente, automontagem ou eletrofiação

Fabiano Vargas PereiraI,*; Everton Luiz de PaulaI; Joao Paulo de MesquitaII; Alessandra de Almeida LucasIII; Valdir ManoIV

An alternative to improve the properties of biodegradable polymers is the development of nanocomposites using biodegradable nanoparticles obtained from renewable resources.


Publicado online: janeiro 1, 1900

Total access: 3476

Artigo Quim. Nova 2014, 37(7), 1111-1117


Produção e caracterização de polihidroxialcanoatos obtidos por fermentação da glicerina bruta residual do biodiesel

Tamiris V. B. FigueiredoI,*; Márcio I. CamposII; Luciane S. SousaI; Jaff R. da SilvaI; Janice I. DruzianI

The schematic representation is a possible chemical composition of PHAs produced by fermentation of GBRB in shake flasks (35 °C, 72 h, 180 rpm) by Cupriavidus necator IPT 026.


Publicado online: julho 3, 2014
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Total access: 1868

Quim. Nova 2014, 37(7), 1118-1121


Estudo da liberação controlada do herbicida ametrina em compósitos à base de PVA - carvão ativado

Ricardo Bortoletto-SantosI; Caue RibeiroII,*

Herbicide release was shown to be dependent on medium pH: in release tests using different pHs, medium acidification accelerated release and tablet deformation according to acid strength.


Publicado online: julho 3, 2014
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Total access: 2251

Quim. Nova 2014, 37(7), 1122-1127


HPLC-DAD based method for the quantification of flavonoids in the hydroethanolic extract of Tonina fluviatilis Aubl. (Eriocaulaceae) and their radical scavenging activity

Marcelo R. de AmorimI; Daniel RinaldoII; Fabiano P. do AmaralIII; Wagner VilegasIII; Mara A. G. MagentaIV; Gerardo M. Vieira JrV; Lourdes C. dos SantosI,*

This article describes the development of a HPLC-DAD based method for the isolation, identification, and quantification of three flavonoids in the hydroethanolic extract of the aerial parts of Tonina fluviatilis and evaluation of their radical scavenging activity by a DPPH based assay.


Publicado online: julho 15, 2014
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Total access: 3009

Quim. Nova 2014, 37(7), 1128-1131


Spectrophotometric determination of Sudan Blue II in environmental samples after dispersive liquid-liquid microextraction

Yunus Emre UnsalI; Mustafa TuzenI; Mustafa SoylakII,*

A dispersive liquid-liquid microextraction procedure coupled to spectrophotometry is described for the determination of the trace levels of Sudan Blue II.


Publicado online: julho 15, 2014
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Total access: 1806

Quim. Nova 2014, 37(7), 1132-1137


Síntese, liofilização e caracterização de acetato de 57Fe(III)

Antônio O. de SouzaI,*; Valdecir BiondoI; Paulo Willian C. SarvezukI; Jusmar V. BelliniI; Pedro R. AnizelliII; Dimas A. M. ZaiaII; Andrea Paesano JrI

X-ray diffraction (refined with the program FullProf / routine Le Bail) for iron(III) 57 acetate, formula [57Fe3O (CH3COO)6 (H2O)3]CH3COO or Ac57Fe, showed that the space group that best refines the X-ray diffraction pattern of the compound is C2/c.


Publicado online: julho 3, 2014
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Total access: 2265

Quim. Nova 2014, 37(7), 1138-1144


Atividade antibacteriana in vitro e toxicidade frente à Artemia salina Leach. de alguns compostos triazenos

Gustavo Luiz ParaginskiI,*; Claiton Roberto BerticelliI; Priscilla Jussiani ZambiaziI; Vanessa Teixeira Kunz ParaginskiI; Manfredo HörnerI; Aline Joana Rolina Wohlmuth Alves dos SantosII; Rosmari HörnerIII,#

Six diaryltriazene compounds bearing different substituent groups were tested for antibacterial activity and toxicity toward Artemia salina. MIC results were good to very good, in the range 8 to 128 µg mL-1. Toxicity was about 10-fold lower than DTIC for three compounds.


Publicado online: julho 3, 2014
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Total access: 1647

Quim. Nova 2014, 37(7), 1145-1150


Development and validation of a RP-HPLC method to determine the xanthyletin content in biodegradable polymeric nanoparticles

Cristiane de Melo CazalI,*; Moacir Rossi ForimII; Maria Fátima G. Fernandes da SilvaII; Paulo Cezar VieiraII; Joao Batista FernandesII

A rapid analytical method using HPLC for the quantification of xanthyletin content in biodegradable polymeric nanoparticles has been developed and validated.


Publicado online: julho 22, 2014
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Total access: 3893

Quim. Nova 2014, 37(7), 1151-1157


Estudo químico e atividades antiproliferativa, tripanocida e leishmanicida de Maxillaria picta

Thiago L. de AlmeidaI; Josiane A. MonteiroI; Greice K. P. LopesI; Lucas U. R. ChiavelliI; Silvana M. de O. SantinI; Cleuza C. da SilvaI; Vanessa KaplumII; Débora B. ScariotII; Celso V. NakamuraII; Ana L. T. G. RuizIII; Joao E. CarvalhoIII; Ricardo T. de FariaIV; Armando M. PominiI,*

Chemical study of the orchid Maxillaria picta allowed the isolation of the bioactive stilbenes phoyunbene B and phoyunbene C, which were evaluated for anticancer activity against human tumor cell lines and against evolutionary forms of T. cruzi and L. amazonensis.


Publicado online: julho 3, 2014
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Total access: 3920

Quim. Nova 2014, 37(7), 1158-1164


Vanadato de bismuto sintetizado por combustão em solução na presença de diferentes combustíveis: síntese, caracterização e estudo da atividade fotocatalítica

Jéssica Aparecida SerafimI; Renata AfonsoI; Adriana Campano LucilhaI; Lucas Agostinho de OliveiraI; Paulo Rogério Catarini da SilvaII; Marcelo Rodrigues da SilvaIII; Elen Romao SartoriI; Luiz Henrique Dall'AntoniaI;*

Bismuth vanadate, a semiconductor, when irradiated with visible light promotes discoloration of dyes leading to a decrease in their concentration as a function of irradiation time.


Publicado online: julho 15, 2014
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Total access: 3630

Quim. Nova 2014, 37(7), 1165-1170


Theoretical investigations of the bulk modulus in the tetra-cubic transition of PbTiO3 material

Renan A. P. Ribeiro; Sergio R. de Lázaro*

Density functional theory B3LYP investigations of the pressure-induced phase transition of PbTiO3 material revealed that the transition state of this process displayed a tetragonal symmetry, and spontaneous polarizations changed under pressure.


Publicado online: julho 15, 2014
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Total access: 2074

Quim. Nova 2014, 37(7), 1171-1176


Avaliação de dispositivos de captura de imagens digitais para detecção colorimétrica em microzonas impressas

Fabrício Ribeiro de Souza; Gerson Francisco Duarte Junior; Paulo de Tarso Garcia; Wendell Karlos Tomazelli Coltro*

This report describes a study about the feasibility of using a conventional digital camera, a cell-phone camera, an optical microscope, and a scanner as digital image capture devices for colorimetric measurements in laser-printed microzones on transparency films.


Publicado online: julho 15, 2014
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Total access: 2693

Quim. Nova 2014, 37(7), 1177-1181


Determinação do coeficiente de atividade na diluição infinita em sistemas etanol-água-sal por microextração em fase sólida-GC-FID

Andrew Milli Elias; Filipe Arantes Furtado; Gerson Luiz Vieira Coelho*

Schematic representation of a closed system containing a liquid phase, a gaseous phase, and fiber-coating phase. SPME is a technique for extraction and concentration of analytes for posterior analysis on analytical equipment such as GC or HPLC.


Publicado online: julho 3, 2014
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Total access: 2950

Quim. Nova 2014, 37(7), 1182-1187


Determination of triamterene in human plasma and urine after its cloud point extraction

Ahad Bavili TabriziI,II,*; Sana NainiIII; Kosar ParnianIII; Samin MohammadiIII; Fayeze Emami zadIII; Samira Pourtaghi AnvarianIII; Ali AbdollahiII

Cloud point extraction combined with spectrofluorimetric detection was used to extract and determine triamterene in human urine samples, and was found to be a promising method for monitoring drugs for pharmaceutical and clinical purposes.


Publicado online: julho 15, 2014
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Total access: 1895

Quim. Nova 2014, 37(7), 1188-1192


Variation of essential oil composition of Tapirira guianensis Aubl. (Anacardiaceae) from two sandbank forests, North of Brazil

Maria das Graças Bichara Zoghbi*; Raimunda Alves Pereira; Giselle do Socorro Luz de Lima; Maria de Nazaré do Carmo Bastos

Leaves and branches of Tapirira guianensis (Anacardiaceae) afforded three different types of oils: I) β-selinene/α-selinene, II) (E)-caryophyllene, and III) β-sesquiphellandrene/α-zingiberene. This is the first report on the volatiles of this tree.


Publicado online: julho 22, 2014
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Total access: 2086

Quim. Nova 2014, 37(7), 1193-1198


Physicochemical properties of lecithin-based nanoemulsions obtained by spontaneous emulsification or high-pressure homogenization

Roselena S. Schuh#; Fernanda Bruxel#; Helder F. Teixeira*,#

Nanoemulsions stabilized by rapeseed or sunflower lecithins demonstrated similar physicochemical properties to the egg lecithin-based formulations obtained by spontaneous emulsification or high-pressure homogenization procedures.


Publicado online: julho 15, 2014
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Total access: 2639

Revisão Quim. Nova 2014, 37(7), 1199-1208


Avaliação de risco ambiental de ambientes aquáticos afetados pelo uso de agrotóxicos

Rafaela Maciel RebeloI; Eloisa Dutra CaldasII,*

The environmental fate of pesticides depends on its physical-chemical properties, application method, soil characteristics and climate. The pesticide can reach the ground water and contaminate river and lakes, affecting the living organisms.


Publicado online: junho 17, 2014
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Total access: 3616

Quim. Nova 2014, 37(7), 1220-1226


Dissulfeto de molibdênio, um material multifuncional e surpreendente: doze anos depois

Fernando Wypych*

2H-MoS2 having a layered structure is able to be exfoliated through several chemical or physical methods and the obtained single layers can be used in several branches of science and technology.


Publicado online: junho 5, 2014
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Total access: 3069

Nota Técnica Quim. Nova 2014, 37(7), 1227-1232


Grape juice quality control by means of 1H NMR spectroscopy and chemometric analyses

Caroline Werner Pereira da Silva Grandizoli#; Francinete Ramos Campos#; Fabio Simonelli#; Andersson Barison*,#

Grape Juice Quality Control by Means of 1H NMR Spectroscopy and Chemometric Analyses.


Publicado online: julho 22, 2014
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Total access: 4539

Quim. Nova 2014, 37(7), 1233-1235


Medição e interpretação de valores do potencial redox (EH) em matrizes ambientais

Wilson F. Jardim*


Publicado online: julho 22, 2014
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Total access: 5649

Educação Quim. Nova 2014, 37(7), 1236-1243


"Serpentes de Faraó" - a história de uma brincadeira pirotécnica e sua aplicabilidade no ensino de princípios químicos básicos

Marcius A. UllmannI; Wilhelm M. WallauI; Daniela BianchiniI,*; Andressa da C. SchneidII; Lara M. P. MontenegroI

Would you like to make serpent eggs which vivify? These eggs are basically comprised of sugar and sodium bicarbonate. In the past, mercuric thiocyanate was used for this experiment and its decomposition had generated ash very more times longer than the eggs. Interesting, yet toxic.


Publicado online: junho 30, 2014
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Total access: 3951

Quim. Nova 2014, 37(7), 1244-1248


Alterações em medicamentos mal acondicionados: uma estratégia para desenvolver habilidades investigativas, comunicação científica e interdisciplinaridade nas aulas de química

Jaqueline R. Maluta#,*

The physical alterations in poorly stored drugs represented in the picture were the framework by which several questions were raised. Thus, undergraduate students have to connect all the information, and investigate and test their hypotheses to solve the problem.


Publicado online: julho 3, 2014
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Total access: 3098

Quim. Nova 2014, 37(7), 1249-1256


Uso de diagrama V modificado como relatório em aulas teórico-práticas de Química Geral

Maria Fernanda Campos Mendonça*; Márcia Regina Cordeiro; Keila Bossolani Kiill

This work proposes the use of the modified V diagram as a report in practical classes of general chemistry to assist students in establishing relationships between theoretical/conceptual and methodological knowledge concerning objects and/or events studied.


Publicado online: julho 22, 2014
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Total access: 5583

Assuntos Gerais Quim. Nova 2014, 37(7), 1257-1261


Química verde: a evolução de um conceito

Eduardo F. Sousa-AguiarI; Joao M. A. R. de AlmeidaII; Pedro N. RomanoII,*; Rodrigo P. FernandesII; Yuri CarvalhoII

The topic "Green Chemistry" has gained great importance over recent years, being quoted in an increasing number of publications. This fact shows how concern over developing "greener" processes has played a prominent role in the scientific community.


Publicado online: julho 22, 2014
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Total access: 5693

On-line version ISSN 1678-7064 Printed version ISSN 0100-4042
Química Nova
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