15:44, ter fev 11

Acesso Aberto/TP

vol. 37, No. 8, 2014

Artigo de Capa
Quim. Nova 2014, 37(8), 1318-1323

Propriedades estruturais e eletrônicas de nanofilmes de TiO2 anatase: cálculos B3LYP-D* em sistemas periódicos bidimensionais

Anderson R. AlbuquerqueI,II,III; Iêda M. G. SantosII; Júlio R. SambranoI,*

Wulff construction of single crystal TiO2 anatase at the B3LYP-D* level of theory, where the (001) and (101) surfaces are the exposed facets. Charge density maps are shown bellow for each surface.


Publicado online: julho 15, 2014

Total access: 2515

Artigo Quim. Nova 2014, 37(8), 1263-1268


Terpanos pentacíclicos como indicadores de heterogeneidades composicionais em reservatório de petróleo biodegradado

Laercio Lopes Martins; Gabriel Clemente Franklin; Eliane Soares de Souza; Georgiana Feitosa da Cruz*

Oil fingerprinting technique employed to assess reservoir continuity in tar sand reservoirs. This work recommends the use of pentacyclic terpanes instead of lower molecular weight compounds to calculate peak ratios in order to plot star diagrams.


Publicado online: agosto 1, 2014
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Total access: 3759

Quim. Nova 2014, 37(8), 1269-1274


Avaliação da eficiência de degradação de hidrocarbonetos aromáticos por bactérias provenientes de estação de tratamento de efluente de refinaria de petróleo

Fernanda R. PinhatiI,*; Eduardo M. Del AguilaII; Ana Paula R. TôrresIII; Maíra P. de SousaIII; Vânia Maria J. SantiagoIII; Joab T. SilvaII,+; Vânia Margaret F. PaschoalinII

In this study, three bacteria from a wastewater treatment system were isolated and sequenced, demonstrating high efficiency in degrading polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons.


Publicado online: agosto 1, 2014
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Total access: 4074

Quim. Nova 2014, 37(8), 1275-1282


Obtenção de nanocelulose da fibra de coco verde e incorporação em filmes biodegradáveis de amido plastificados com glicerol

Bruna A. S. MachadoI,II,*; Joao H. O. ReisII; Jania B. da SilvaIII; Lindaiá S. CruzI; Itaciara L. NunesIV; Fabiano V. PereiraV; Janice I. DruzianII

Obtention of cellulose nanocrystals from coconut fiber by acidic hydrolysis (H2SO4 64% at 50°C). The nanocrystals were incorporated into a starch film solution to further obtain films with improved properties.


Publicado online: agosto 1, 2014
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Total access: 5373

Quim. Nova 2014, 37(8), 1283-1288


Sedimentação de nutrientes e material particulado em reservatório sob influência de atividades de piscicultura no semiárido do Rio Grande do Norte

Rodrigo S. T. de Moura*; Yuri V. de A. Lopes; Gustavo G. Henry-Silva

A proportion of the nutrients used in cage fish farming is lost to the environment and their sedimentation rates must be known to enable appropriate management of the system and protection of water resources.


Publicado online: julho 22, 2014
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Total access: 3479

Quim. Nova 2014, 37(8), 1289-1296


Nanocompósitos entre nanotubos de carbono e nanopartículas de platina: preparação, caracterização e aplicação em eletro-oxidação de álcoois

Adir H. Kalinke; Aldo J. G. Zarbin*

Glassy carbon electrodes modified with platinum nanoparticle/carbon nanotube nanocomposites exhibit high performance for the oxidation of methanol and ethanol.


Publicado online: julho 22, 2014
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Total access: 2652

Quim. Nova 2014, 37(8), 1297-1301


Synthesis of 1H-benzoxazine-2,4-diones from heterocyclic anhydrides: evaluation of antioxidant and antimicrobial activities

Juan I. Sarmiento-SánchezI,*; Julio Montes-AvilaII; Adrián Ochoa-TeránIII; Francisco Delgado-VargasII; Victor Wilson-CorralI; Sylvia P. Díaz-CamachoII; Fernando García-PáezI; Pedro Bastidas-BastidasIV

In this work we reported the synthesis of benzoxazine-2,4-diones derivatives and their evaluation of antioxidant and antimicrobial activities.


Publicado online: julho 22, 2014
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Total access: 2088

Quim. Nova 2014, 37(8), 1302-1307


Caracterização mecânica e estrutural de um dispositivo PDLC baseado em hidrogéis de PAAm e cristal líquido liotrópico LP/DeOH/H2O

Fauze A. AouadaI,*; Marcia R. de MouraI; Paulo R. G. FernandesII; Adley F. RubiraIII; Edvani C. MunizIII

The presence of LLC caused optical anisotropy in the polymeric hydrogels, a useful property for technological applications.


Publicado online: julho 22, 2014
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Total access: 2033

Quim. Nova 2014, 37(8), 1308-1311


Ligandless cloud point extraction of trace amounts of palladium and rhodium in road dust samples using Span 80 prior to their determination by flame atomic absorption spectrometry

Mahmoud RoushaniI,*; Yar Mohammad BaghelaniI; Shahryar AbbasiI; Sayed Zia MohammadiII

A ligandless cloud point extraction procedure was developed for the separation and preconcentration of trace amounts of Pd(II) and Rh(III) ions in water samples using Span 80 prior to their determination by flame atomic absorption spectrometry.


Publicado online: julho 22, 2014
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Total access: 5319

Quim. Nova 2014, 37(8), 1312-1317


Influence of chloride-mediated oxidation on the electrochemical degradation of the Direct Black 22 dye using boron-doped diamond and β-PbO2 anodes

Douglas A. C. Coledam; José M. Aquino; Romeu C. Rocha-Filho*; Nerilso Bocchi; Sonia R. Biaggio

For the degradation of the DB 22 dye (30 mA cm−2, 25 °C, and pH 7), COD removal is greatly accelerated in the presence of NaCl. In its absence, the β-PbO2 anode is more efficient for COD removal than the BDD anode, which suggests that distinct oxidation pathways take place on the surface of those anodes.


Publicado online: agosto 1, 2014
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Total access: 4090

Quim. Nova 2014, 37(8), 1324-1328


Potentiometric determination of nickel (II) ion using 2-hydroxy-1-naphthylidene-N-cyanoacetohydrazone as electroactive material

Harish Kumar SharmaI,*; Pernita DograI; Akhilesh Kumar GuptaI; Fardad KoohyarII

Scheme of nickel selective potentiometric cell assembly and calibration curve for Ni(II) obtained using a selective electrode based on Schiff's base.


Publicado online: julho 22, 2014
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Total access: 1589

Quim. Nova 2014, 37(8), 1329-1334


Carcinogenicidade do carbendazim e seus metabólitos

Renato C. Silva; Karina A. Barros; Antonio C. Pavao*

Used to control the pest Guignardia citricicarpa (early blight), a common fungus in oranges. This study however, demonstrates its carcinogenic potential.


Publicado online: julho 29, 2014
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Total access: 3559

Quim. Nova 2014, 37(8), 1335-1341


Otimização da etapa de extração do ácido clavulânico presente no caldo de fermentação utilizando misturas de solventes

Mariane de A. Mancilha; Gabriela C. Guimaraes; Joao Cláudio S. de C. Nardi; Jaine H. H. L. de Oliveira; Daniela B. Hirata*

Four different solvent mixtures were studied intended to increase the yield of the extraction stage of clavulanic acid from fermentation broth. Response surface methodology was used to optimize the liquid-liquid extraction.


Publicado online: julho 29, 2014
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Total access: 3933

Quim. Nova 2014, 37(8), 1342-1350


Desenvolvimento de procedimento de extração para análise de sedativos e β-bloqueadores em rim suíno

Lenise G. de OliveiraI,*; Marcia H. S. KurzI; Fábio F. GonçalvesI; Fabiano BarretoII; Gabriel RübensamII; Rodrigo HoffII

Sedatives and beta blockers are used in swine to reduce stress during transport to the slaughterhouse. These residues can remain in foods. Therefore, the monitoring of these compounds should be performed to ensure food safety.


Publicado online: julho 15, 2014
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Total access: 2078

Quim. Nova 2014, 37(8), 1351-1356


Biodegradação bacteriana de compostos organoclorados

Mariana Consiglio Kasemodel; André Luiz Meleiro Porto; Marcia Nitschke*

A selected Pseudomonas aeruginosa strain was able to degrade DDD, dieldrin and PCP in liquid medium and the presence of rhamnolipid biosurfactant increased biodegradation of the organochlorides.


Publicado online: agosto 1, 2014
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Total access: 4031

Quim. Nova 2014, 37(8), 1357-1364


Determination of sulfate in the wet-process of phosphoric acid by reverse flow injection

Wenhui Shi; Lin Yang; Quanjun Fu; Zhiye Zhang; Xinlong Wang*

Reverse-flow injection analysis system used for sulfate concentration determination in wet-process of phosphoric acid (WPA).


Publicado online: julho 22, 2014
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Total access: 2197

Quim. Nova 2014, 37(8), 1365-1370


Exploración estocástica de las superficies de energía potencial de dímeros cis-trans y trans-trans del ácido fórmico

Said F. Figueredo*; Adolfo E. Ensuncho; Jesús M. López

Using a stochastic method, new conformations were found on the potential energy surface of formic acid dimers. B3LYP/6-311++G(3df,2p) calculations show strengthening or weakening of chemical bonds.


Publicado online: agosto 1, 2014
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Total access: 3578

Quim. Nova 2014, 37(8), 1371-1376


LC-MS/MS method applied to preclinical pharmacokinetic investigation of olanzapine-loaded lipid-core nanocapsules

Frantiescoli A. DimerI,*; Maiara C. PigattoI; Adriana R. PohlmannI,II; Teresa Dalla CostaI; Silvia S. GuterresI

A method for determining olanzapine in rat plasma was developed. Low plasma sample volumes (100 µL) were used. The method was applied in the pharmacokinetic study of olanzapine nanocapsules.


Publicado online: julho 22, 2014
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Total access: 1850

Revisão Quim. Nova 2014, 37(8), 1377-1381


Sínteses totais das enoquipodinas

Camila B. Nascimento; Fernando Macedo Jr.

Enokipodins A-J are attractive synthetic targets due to either their biological potential or their structural characteristics, particularly concerning to the presence of a benzylic quaternary center for which different synthetic approaches have been used.


Publicado online: junho 11, 2014
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Total access: 2313

Quim. Nova 2014, 37(8), 1382-1400


Química entre a microcamada superficial oceânica e os aerossóis marinhos

Célia A. Alves*

The sea surface microlayer controls interactions between the ocean and the atmosphere. Organic material from seawater is directly introduced into the atmosphere by bubbles bursting at the sea surface, which affects biogeochemical processes and climate.


Publicado online: agosto 1, 2014
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Total access: 3843

Nota Técnica Quim. Nova 2014, 37(8), 1401-1403


Desenvolvimento de reator tipo "dip catalyst" para filmes poliméricos contendo nanopartículas de metais de transição

Deyvid G. M. Oliveira; Glademir Alvarenga; Carla W. Scheeren; Gilber R. Rosa*

Low-cost reactor-type "dip catalyst" developed and tested in Suzuki-Miyaura cross-coupling.


Publicado online: agosto 1, 2014
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Total access: 3281

Quim. Nova 2014, 37(8), 1404-1409


UV determination of epinephrine, uric acid, and acetaminophen in pharmaceutical formulations and some human body fluids using multivariate calibration

Hanieh MontaseriI,*; Habibollah KhajehsharifiI; Saeed YousefinejadII

The simultaneous determination of EP, UA, and AC is difficult due to spectral overlap in the ultraviolet region. Therefore, multivariate calibration methods were used for the construction of calibration sets.


Publicado online: julho 22, 2014
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Total access: 4476

Educação Quim. Nova 2014, 37(8), 1410-1416


Simulação de sinais de RMN através das equações de Bloch

Tiago Bueno MoraesI,*; Luiz Alberto ColnagoII

The aim of this paper was to present a simple and fast way of simulating Nuclear Magnetic Resonance signals using the Bloch equations. Through the formalism of sum of isochromats, simulations of Single Pulse, Inversion Recovery, Spin Echo and CPMG sequences are presented.


Publicado online: julho 22, 2014
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Total access: 5220

Quim. Nova 2014, 37(8), 1417-1425


A quimiometria nos cursos de graduação em química: proposta do uso da análise multivariada na determinação de pKa

Paulo Cesar de Souza PereiraI; Camila Fabiano de FreitasI; Cristiane Santi ChavesI; Bianca Martins EstevaoI; Diogo Silva PellosiI; André Luiz TessaroII; Vagner Roberto BatistelaIII; Ieda Spacino ScarminioIV; Wilker CaetanoI; Noboru HiokaI,*

Using chemometric multivariate analysis methodology in the treatment of spectroscopic data it is possible to extract the maximum information from the experimental data, leading to an accurate determination of pKa values as well as simulation of the spectra of pure species.


Publicado online: julho 29, 2014
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Total access: 5123

Correçao Quim. Nova 2014, 37(8), 1426


On-line version ISSN 1678-7064 Printed version ISSN 0100-4042
Química Nova
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