W. Martin Wallau*
The German novel "Elective Affinities" which transfers the chemical concept of "Elective Attractions", represented here by the affinity scheme between lime, nitric and sulphuric acid, to social relations, is presented as an example for the use of poetic means in science communication.
Simone Birkheur Santos; Camila Farinha Valezi; Jessica Scremin; Carlos Alberto Rossi Salamanca-Neto; Luiz Henrique Dall'Antonia; Elen Romao Sartori*
A new voltammetric method was developed for the determination of scopolamine in pharmaceutical formulations using a cathodically pretreated boron-doped diamond electrode.
Nathalie Merlin; Barbara Arruda Nogueira; Vanderlei Aparecido de Lima; Larissa Macedo dos Santos*
The FTIR spectrum of poultry litter and cattle manure samples showed the characterization of the OM of the residues, indicating the functional groups present and their intensity.
Ardeshir ShokrollahiI,II,*; Nasrin ShokrollahiI,III
Steps of solution scanometry method for determination of Mn2+ ion, using periodate as oxidizing reagent.
Rodrigo B. MoruzziI,*; Verônica B. LimaI; Renata ColomboII; Fabiano T. ConceiçaoI; Marcos R. V. LanzaIII
The removal of mefenamic acid in aqueous solution was investigated using activated carbon powder (ACP), red mud and oxidation with chlorine.
Lourdes Maria Silva de SouzaI,II; Eduardo de Moraes Rego FairbairnII; Romildo Dias Toledo FilhoII; Guilherme Chagas CordeiroIII,*
Pastes containing calcium hydroxide and either rice husk ash or sugar cane bagasse ash, in various initial CaO/SiO2 molar ratios, produce different types of calcium silicate hydrates (CaO-SiO2-H2O), and inclusions of calcium aluminate hydrates.
Anne Caroline Candido GomesI,*; Luzia da Silva SampaioII; Paulo André da SilvaII; Marcelo Einicker LamasII; Cassia Mônica SakuraguiIII; Cleber Bomfim Barreto JuniorIV; Naomi Kato SimasV; Ricardo Machado KusterI
Isoschaftoside from Syngonium podophyllum significantly decreased the pig renal Na+, K+-ATPase activity at different concentrations.
Thiago V. ToledoI; Carlos R. BellatoI,*; Carlos H. Ferreira de SouzaI; Junielly T. DominguesI; Danilo de C. SilvaI; César ReisI; Maurício P. Ferreira FontesII
This study shows the steps of preparing a new magnetic adsorbent of chitosan modified with ethylenediamine and Fe (III) (MPCh-EDA-FeCL). When evaluated on the removal of Cr (VI) aqueous solutions MPCh-EDA-FeCL indicated interesting adsorption properties. This adsorbent was successfully applied in electroplating effluent.
Jéssica Morais de AraújoI; Jussara Cristina AlvesI; Thayane Kerbele Oliveira das Neves PeixotoI; Amanda Fernandes de MedeirosI; Richele Janaína de Araújo MachadoII; Alexandre Coelho SerquizII; Renata Alexandra Moreira das NevesI; Elizeu Antunes dos SantosII; Adriana Ferreira UchôaIII; Ana Heloneida de Araújo MoraisI,*
Affinity chromatography on trypsin - Sepharose CNBr 4B proved an efficient technique for isolating protein inhibitors with antitryptic specific activity in Japanese peanut, peanut nougat, and peanut butter.
Ardeshir Shokrollahi*; Masoud Gohari
Aluminum hydroxide is an excellent collector in the determination of silicon by coprecipitation method.
Dai Long VuI; Bensu ErtekII; Yusuf DilginII; Libor CervenkaIII,*
Possible mechanism of electrochemical determination of emodin using silica gel modified carbon paste electrode by anodic stripping differential pulse voltammetry.
Ronnie Edson da Silva; Kalil Cristhian Figueiredo Toledo; Herculys Bernardo Jorge; Bento Moreira Neto; Vagner Roberto de Souza; Helena Shizuko Nakatani*
Ruthenium complex quenched bovine serum albumin (BSA) fluorescence. The formation of the Ru-BSA complex was spontaneous through a dynamic quenching process. The binding constants, binding sites, and thermodynamic parameters were calculated.
Hiany Mehl; Carolina F. Matos; Eduardo G. C. Neiva; Sergio H. Domingues; Aldo J. G. Zarbin*
Varying the experimental parameters in graphite oxidation and reduction of graphene oxide produced graphene with different properties.
Robisnéa A. RibeiroI,*; Fernando J. B. GomesI; José N. FlorianiII; Renato A. P. DamásioI; Iara F. DemunerI; Jorge L. ColodetteI
The slow release of chlorous acid from chlorite results in efficient bleaching with the minimal concentration of chlorate.
Bruno H. VilsinskiI,*; Jader L. AparicioI; Paulo Cesar de Souza PereiraI; Silvia Luciana FávaroI; Katieli S. Souza CampanholiI; Adriana P. GerolaII; André L. TessaroIII; Noboru HiokaI; Wilker CaetanoI
The spectroscopic properties of the photosensitizer compound meso-tetrakis(p-methoxyphenyl)porphyrin (TMPP), solubilized in biocompatible polymeric micelles of PluronicTM surfactants P-123 and F-127, were analyzed for application in photodynamic therapy (PDT).
Karine ZanoteliI; Jair C. C. FreitasII; Paulo Roberto Nagipe da SilvaI,#,*
Methane reforming with carbon dioxide, or dry reforming, is a promising alternative that may lead to the reduction of CO2 emissions and the production of a syngas with a lower ratio of H2/CO. In this work, nickel catalysts supported on rice husk ash were used.
Vanusa Rodrigues HorasI; Mario Antonio Navarro da SilvaI; Vinicius AnniesII; Beatriz Helena L. N. Sales MaiaII; Francisco A. MarquesII,*; Maria Fátima das Graças Fernandes da SilvaIII
The aim of this contribution is to give an overview of the plant volatiles induced by noctuids, as well as to present and discuss the methodologies used in the induction of these volatiles, and the prospects involving this line of research in pest control.
Alexandre PorteI,*; Luciana H. Maia PorteII; Luciana M. de OliveiraI
Fruit flavours comprise several enantiomers and enantioselective gas chromatography can be a powerful tool to study these. Learn more in this review.
Noroska G. S. MogollónI,*; Paula F. de LimaI; Mariana R. GamaI; Mayra F. FurlanI; Soraia C. G. N. BragaI; Paloma S. PrataI; Isabel C. S. F. JardimII; Fabio AugustoI
This review focuses on theoretical, instrumental, and chemometric aspects of comprehensive two-dimensional liquid chromatography and its use as a powerful separation tool in complex sample analyses.
Elaine Marotta*; Francisco Radler de Aquino Neto; Débora de Almeida Azevedo
A complete analysis of oil fractions allows correlations to be defined between their composition and derivatives, generating products with high economic value. Urea adduction was used to accurately separate linear and branched/cyclic alkanes in Brazilian oils.
Fabiano A. S. OliveiraI,III; Fernando D. MadureiraI; Renata P. LopesI,II; Marina G. FerreiraIII; Benito Soto-BlancoIII; Marília M. MeloIII,*
This paper describes the optimizing chromatographic steps for multiresidue determination of 20 pesticides in bovine milk using four different extraction methods and a technique of UFLC-MS/MS.
Karina Mannrich; Marcelo Silva; Leandro G. Nandi; Celso R. Nicoleti; Vanderlei G. Machado*
Students synthesized calix[4]pyrrole (CP), a receptor that is highly selective for F−, and a pyridinium N-phenolate dye. Subsequently, the students used the synthesized compounds to investigate a displacement assay on the basis of the competition between F− and the dye for CP.
Haline G. O. Alvim; Jose R. Correa; Taynara R. Machado; Wender A. Silva; Brenno A. D. Neto*
The bioactive 3,4-dihydropyrimidin-2(1H)-thione known as Monastrol is synthesized. The manuscript compares the reaction under catalyzed and non-catalyzed conditions, highlighting the importance of catalysis and multicomponent reactions
Anderson G. M. da Silva; Thenner S. Rodrigues; Alexandra Macedo; Rafael T. P. da Silva; Pedro H. C. Camargo*
The synthesis of Au NPs with controlled sizes is described as a laboratory experiment covering concepts on the synthesis, stabilization, and characterization of Au NPs, size-dependent optical/catalytic properties at the nanoscale, chemical kinetics, and the role of a catalyst.
On-line version ISSN 1678-7064 Printed version ISSN 0100-4042
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