1:37, seg fev 17

Acesso Aberto/TP

vol. 38, No. 4, 2015

Artigo de Capa
Quim. Nova 2015, 38(4), 538-552

Curcumina, o pó dourado do açafrão-da-terra: introspecções sobre química e atividades biológicas

Vitor Sueth-SantiagoI; Gustavo Peron Mendes-SilvaI; Débora Decoté-RicardoII; Marco Edilson Freire de LimaI,*

Curcumin, isolated from the dried rhizomes of Curcuma longa (Zingiberaceae), is a golden colored derivative present in turmeric. Since its structural elucidation, several studies have been published on the biological activities exhibited by curcumin, particularly its chemotherapeutic properties.


Publicado online: março 5, 2015

Total access: 5165

Artigo Quim. Nova 2015, 38(4), 459-465


Syngas production from CO2-Reforming of CH4 over sol-gel synthesized Ni-Co/Al2O3-MgO-ZrO2 nanocatalyst: effect of ZrO2 precursor on catalyst properties and performance

Seyed Mehdi SajjadiI,II; Mohammad HaghighiI,II,*; Farhad RahmaniI,II

Effect of ZrO2 precursor on product yield at different temperatures.


Publicado online: março 5, 2015
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Total access: 1683

Quim. Nova 2015, 38(4), 466-470


Application of sulfonic acid functionalized nanoporous silica (SBA-Pr-SO3H) for the preparation of 4,6-diarylpyrimidin-2(1H)-ones

Ghodsi Mohammadi ZiaraniI,*; Masoumeh AziziI; Parvin HajiabbasiI; Alireza BadieiII

The Biginelli-type reaction between various aldehydes, acetophenones and urea in the presence of sulfonic acid functionalized silica (SBA-Pr-SO3H) under solvent-free conditions produced 4,6-diarylpyrimidin-2(1H)-ones derivatives at good yields.


Publicado online: fevereiro 3, 2005
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Total access: 2074

Quim. Nova 2015, 38(4), 471-477


Avaliação das normas de ensaio aplicadas na quantificação de PCBs em óleo isolante

Kassia dos SantosI,II; Heloisa N. da MottaI; Erick Amaral CamposIII; Joseane V. GulmineI; Marilda MunaroI,II,*

This work identified the inefficiency in the analytical methods presented in standards ABNT NBR 13882 and IEC 61619 in the insulating oil analysis, and highlights potential failures that generated discrepancies on quantification of polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs).


Publicado online: março 5, 2015
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Total access: 2449

Quim. Nova 2015, 38(4), 478-482


Isolation and characterization of nanofibrillated cellulose from oat hulls

Giovanni B. PaschoalI; Carmen M. O. MullerII; Gizilene M. CarvalhoIII; Cesar A. TischerI; Suzana MaliI,*

Raw oat hulls were bleached with peracetic acid and then submitted to acid hydrolysis resulting in nanofibrillated cellulose, which showed an aspect of interconnected webs of tiny nanofibers with diameters of 70-100 nm and lengths of several micrometers.


Publicado online: março 5, 2015
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Total access: 1516

Quim. Nova 2015, 38(4), 483-487


Zingiber officinale (gengibre) como fonte enzimática na redução de compostos carbonílicos

Leonardo A. AlvesI,II; Luciana M. BertiniI,II; Ayla Márcia C. BizerraI,III; Marcos Carlos de MattosI; Francisco José Q. MonteI; Telma L. G. LemosI,*

Several vegetables were evaluated as biocatalysts for the reduction of ketones. Z. officinale presented the best results with the formation of an alcohol configuration.


Publicado online: março 5, 2015
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Total access: 1738

Quim. Nova 2015, 38(4), 488-492


Parâmetros termodinâmicos da casca de laranja desidratada

Carolina M. Santos*; Leandro Cardoso de Morais

The thermodynamic parameters obtained by thermogravimetry in inert and oxidizing atmosphere of dry orange peel were analyzed and compared in order to generate data for the discussion of potential applications of this material as a biofuel.


Publicado online: fevereiro 3, 2005
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Total access: 2690

Quim. Nova 2015, 38(4), 493-497


Rapid and sensitive determination of palladium using homogeneous liquid-liquid microextraction via flotation assistance followed by graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrometry

Mohammad RezaeeI,*; Reyhaneh ShadaniyanII; Majid Haji HosseiniI; Faezeh KhalilianII

A method for the determination of trace amounts of palladium was developed using homogeneous liquid-liquid microextraction via flotation assistance followed by graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrometry.


Publicado online: março 23, 2015
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Total access: 1438

Quim. Nova 2015, 38(4), 498-505


Análise comparativa do conteúdo em esteroides livres de diferentes óleos, gorduras e biodieseis por cromatografia gasosa

Kelly da S. Bezerra; Nelson R. Antoniosi Filho*

The content from the unsaponifiable fraction of different fats and oils used as feedstock for biodiesel production was determined. The separation and identification of free steroid present in these samples was performed by gas chromatography.


Publicado online: março 23, 2015
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Total access: 1868

Quim. Nova 2015, 38(4), 506-509


Methane dry reforming over Ni supported on pine sawdust activated carbon: effects of support surface properties and metal loading

Rafael GarcíaI,*; Gabriela SotoI; Néstor EscalonaI; Catherine SepúlvedaI; María José OrellanaI; Natalia MoralesI; Ljubisa R. RadovicII,III, Robison Buitrago-SierraIV; Francisco Rodriguez-ReinosoIV; Antonio Sepúlveda-EscribanoIV

The lower diversity and concentration of oxygenated surface functional groups in the PSAC-He support led to higher methane conversion on Ni pine sawdust activated carbon catalyst, due to their high Ni dispersion.


Publicado online: abril 14, 2015
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Total access: 1468

Quim. Nova 2015, 38(4), 510-517


Predicting the boiling point of PCDD/Fs by the QSPR method based on the molecular distance-edge vector index

Long JiaoI,*; Xiaofei WangI; Shan BingI; Zhiwei XueII; Hua LiIII

A QSPR study on the boiling point of PCDD/Fs based on the molecular distanceedge vector index was conducted. The boiling point of each PCDD/F congener was predicted by the established QSPR model.


Publicado online: março 5, 2015
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Total access: 1512

Quim. Nova 2015, 38(4), 518-525


Tungstophosphoric acid heterogenized onto NH4ZSM5 as an efficient and recyclable catalyst for the photocatalytic degradation of dyes

Candelaria Leal MarchenaI,III; Silvina GomezI,III; Clara SauxI,III; Liliana B. PierellaI,III,#; Luis R. PizzioII,III,*

TPA immobilized over NH4ZSM5 zeolites were prepared by wet impregnation. Eg values of NH4ZSM5TPA samples were similar to those reported for TiO2 and irradiated NH4ZSM5TPA samples efficiently degraded methyl orange solutions.


Publicado online: março 5, 2015
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Total access: 1971

Quim. Nova 2015, 38(4), 526-532


Aproveitamento de resíduo de biodiesel para preparação de carvões ácidos com elevada atividade catalítica na reação de eterificação do glicerol

Michelle MantovaniI; Erik Moda AguiarI; Wagner Alves CarvalhoI; Dalmo MandelliI; Maraisa GonçalvesI,II,*

Preparation of acid carbon from glycerin waste and its utilization as a catalyst for the production of oxygenated products from the etherification reaction.


Publicado online: março 5, 2015
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Total access: 1800

Quim. Nova 2015, 38(4), 533-537


Adaptação da metodologia de análise de metemoglobina como biomarcador de efeito da exposição ao agrotóxico diflubenzuron

Cristiane Barata-SilvaI,*; Tatyane P. dos SantosI; Adherlene V. GouvêaII; Ariane L. LarentisI; Josino C. MoreiraI; Paula N. SarcinelliI

This work aimed to adapt the analysis of methemoglobin recommended by Evelyn - Malloy (visible spectrophotometry), in order to facilitate its application in the field, or to analysis in clinical laboratory, of existing sites of diflubenzuron application.


Publicado online: março 23, 2015
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Total access: 1712

Revisão Quim. Nova 2015, 38(4), 553-560


Comunicação científica no ensino superior de química: uma revisão

Jane Raquel Silva de OliveiraI; Salete Linhares QueirozII,*

The importance and value of teaching scientific communication skills in undergraduate chemistry courses.


Publicado online: março 3, 2015
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Total access: 2660

Nota Técnica Quim. Nova 2015, 38(4), 563-569


Determinação do teor de biodiesel em diesel empregando o ensaio colorimétrico do ácido hidroxâmico

Roberta P. M. da CostaI; Thaiane C. KhalilI; Amanda P. F. dos SantosI; Débora F. de AndradeII,*,# e Luiz A. d'AvilaI,III

Color scale sample of biodiesel in diesel (B0 to B6), obtained by colorimetric assay for hydroxamic acid.


Publicado online: março 23, 2015
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Total access: 2960

Quim. Nova 2015, 38(4), 570-574


Extração assistida por ultrassom para determinação colorimétrica de ferro em solo: uma comparação com espectrometria de massa com plasma indutivamente acoplado

Paula Cristiana de FreitasI; Rui Miguel de CarvalhoII; Jessee Severo Azevedo SilvaII; Thiago PradoI; Elis Regina DuarteI; Vera L. A. FrescuraII; Eduardo S. ChavesI,*

Ultrasound-assisted extraction and iron colorimetric determination in soils: A comparison with ICP-MS.


Publicado online: março 3, 2015
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Total access: 2484

Quim. Nova 2015, 38(4), 575-579


Chemostat, um software gratuito para análise exploratória de dados multivariados

Gilson A. HelferI,#,*;Fernanda BockI,#; Luciano MarderI,#; João C. FurtadoII,#; Adilson B. da CostaIII,#; Marco F. FerrãoIV

Chemostat: free exploratory multivariate data analysis software and web tool.


Publicado online: abril 14, 2015
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Total access: 3635

Educação Quim. Nova 2015, 38(4), 580-587


Análise da abordagem histórica para a tabela periódica em livros de química geral para o ensino superior usados no Brasil no século XX

Helena S. A. Leite; Paulo A. Porto*

In the twentieth century, the periodic table was presented in general chemistry textbooks in different ways: from more descriptive approaches to emphasis on attempts to explain the periodic table in terms of atomic orbitals.


Publicado online: abril 14, 2015
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Total access: 3604

Quim. Nova 2015, 38(4), 588-594


Bioorganic concepts involved in the determination of glucose, cholesterol and triglycerides in plasma using the enzymatic colorimetric method

Fabrício G. Menezes; Ana C. O. Neves; Djalan F. de Lima; Sheeza D. Lourenço; Lilian C. da Silva; Kássio M. G. de Lima*

A proposal based on biochemical analyses by the enzymatic colorimetric method was found to be highly motivating for undergraduates because of the multidisciplinary theoretical context involved and the possibility of experimental activity.


Publicado online: março 23, 2015
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Total access: 2686

Quim. Nova 2015, 38(4), 595-598


Innovative use of a tablet device to deliver instruction in undergraduate chemistry lectures

Gonzalo A. Jaña; Wilson Cardona; Verónica A. Jiménez*

A tablet device was used to project digitally handwritten annotations to deliver instruction in undergraduate chemistry lectures.


Publicado online: março 23, 2015
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Total access: 1511

Assuntos Gerais Quim. Nova 2015, 38(4), 599-603


The role of nanomaterials in cosmetics: national and international legislative aspects

Adriana MeloI; Marcela Seragiotto AmadeuI; Marcelo LancellottiI,II; Luciana Maria de HollandaI; Daisy MachadoI,*


Publicado online: março 23, 2015
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Total access: 2361

On-line version ISSN 1678-7064 Printed version ISSN 0100-4042
Química Nova
Publicações da Sociedade Brasileira de Química
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