Lucilene F. O. CândidoI,*; Natacha C. F. SantosI,II; Joao B. T da RochaIII
Chemistry, its specialties and specificities in research productivity.
Luis H. da S. Lacerda; Sergio R. de Lazaro*
The ferroeletric, optical and structural properties of Ba-doped ZnO materials were evaluated through DFT/B3LYP simulations. Results indicate that the Ba doping improves the ferroelectric properties and causes the band gap reduction of ZnO materials.
Carla F. C. RuschelI,*; Marco F. FerrãoI,II; Francisco P. Dos SantosI; Dimitrios SamiosI
Biodiesel was produced by TDSP methodology employing Doehlert experimental design. The results were evaluated by surface response and by RMN 1H was obtained conversion values that were interpreted to define what the best parameters of otimization of transesterification reaction.
Saulo Rodrigues e SilvaI,*; Fernando SchimidtI,II
The original data is reduced by 20%, after processed in PCA, being then represented by 8 Principal Components. The Dissolved Oxigen modeled as from this data results in a better model, if compared to the original.
Ana Flavia P. de Campos; Aurélia Retiella O. Ferreira; Dilson Cardoso*
The graphical abstract represents the hybrid mesoporous silicas containing cetyltrialkylammonium surfactants.
Mônica Bagnara*; Jéssica Farias; Marla Azário Lansarin
The synthesis of zinc oxide nanorods on three different substrates was studied. A design of experiments was used to investigate the effect of synthesis variables on morphology and photocatalytic activity of samples.
Vinícius P. S. CaldeiraI,*; Anne G. D. SantosI; Sibele B. C. PergherII; Maria J. F. CostaII; Antonio S. AraujoII
On Graphical Abstract demonstrated in the micrographs of both zeolites and the distribution by carbon atom number obtained during the pyrolysis of ATR over ZSM-5 samples.
Victor H. S. C. BatistaI; Ana C. GranatoII; Wagner F. D. AngelottiI,*
Multivariate Principal Component Analysis was used to study the artemisinin and two derivatives that were computational analyzed by density functions contained in GAMESS.
Pablo GonzálezI; Nicolás PérezII; Moisés KnochenI,*
Use of a pulsed-flow system under control of open-source microcontroller board allows determination of soluble phosphorus levels in levels in industrial samples and effluents.
Roberta L. da Costa; Douglas A. F. da Silva; Nanci C. de Lucas; Simon J. Garden*
Examples of phenanthridinones were prepared by palladium catalyzed direct arylation and the absorption and emission spectra of selected examples were characterized.
Boaz G. Oliveira*
Different proton receptors and the possibility to form the π∙∙∙H, F∙∙∙H e C∙∙∙H hydrogen bonds on the C2H2∙∙∙(HF), C2H2∙∙∙2(HF) and C2H2∙∙∙3(HF) complexes.
Marcelo NalinI,*; Sidney J. L. RibeiroI; Danilo ManzaniI; Rogéria Rocha GonçalvesII; Gael PoirierIII; Fabia Castro CassangesIII; Christiano J. S. de MatosIV; Cleber R. MendonçaV; Leonardo de BoniV; Lino MisogutiV; Oscar MaltaVI; Yannick LedemiVII; Sandra MessaddeqVII; Younes MessaddeqVII
Different kinds of structures produced by interaction of fs-laser with chalcogenide glasses having different bandgaps (a) Ge20S80, (b) Ge20Se80 e (c) Ge20Te80.
Marcelo NalinI,*; Sidney J. L. RibeiroI; Danilo ManzaniI; Rogéria Rocha GonçalvesII; Gael PoirierIII; Fabia Castro CassangesIII; Christiano J. S. de MatosIV; Cleber R. MendonçaV; Leonardo de BoniV; Lino MisogutiV; Oscar MaltaVI; Yannick LedemiVII; Sandra MessaddeqVII; Younes MessaddeqVII
a) Optical microscopy of a waveguide obtained in a glass using fs-laser. b) Light profile from the output signal of the waveguide at 632.8 nm.
Renata Takabayashi Sato; Pedro Henrique Fazza Stroppa; Adilson David da Silva; Marcone Augusto Leal de Oliveira*
An alternative method, by fast GC-FID, was proposed to analyze fatty acid methyl esters in different biodiesel samples, obtained by acid or basic catalysis transesterification reactions.
Sidineia Barrozo; Assis Vicente Benedetti*
Diffusion equations in electrochemistry without mysteries: understanding their deductions and resolutions in all the mathematical details in a charge transfer process.
Gabriela B. Denari#; Thalita R. Saciloto; Éder T. G. Cavalheiro*
Typical result from the use of the spreadsheet software by the students, representing the fraction of phosphoric acid species as a function of pH.
Cátia S. F. PrimonI,*; Agnaldo ArroioII
Knowledge of teaching chemistry of higher education teachers.
Welington FranciscoI,*; Anna M. Canavarro BeniteII
The trajectories for the resolution of the case and the chemistry learning are influenced by different relationships with knowledge that they can be relationship with the world, relationship with others and relationship with yourself.
On-line version ISSN 1678-7064 Printed version ISSN 0100-4042
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