Jacqueline Ferreira Leite Santos*; Marcos José Leite Santos#; Anderson Thesing; Fabiele Tavares; Jordana Griep; Marcos Renan Flores Rodrigues
Application of Localized Surface Plasmon Resonance to improve sensitivity and detection limit of biosensors and to enhance the efficiency of solar cells.
Lilian R. M. FerreiraI,*,#; Simone M. KlokII; Haroldo de A. PonteII; Fernando FarelasIII
The formation of solid iron carbonate, FeCO3, as a corrosion product upon of the steel, under turbulent flow conditions in a laboratory experiments.
Diego Faria ColaI; Tatiane PasquotoII; Mariana GuilgerII; Renata de LimaII; Camila Morais Gonçalves da SilvaIII; Leonardo Fernandes FracetoI,III,*
Encapsulation of Ivermectin and Methoprene in lipid nanocarriers open perspectives for use in veterinary.
Érica A. de SouzaI; Beatriz M. de CamposI; Lucas A. RochaI; Emerson H. de FariaI; Katia J. CiuffiI; Eduardo J. NassarI,*; Jorge V. L. SilvaII; Marcelo F. OliveiraII; Izaque A. MaiaII
The sol-gel methodology has been applied to incorporate several molecules and/or systems into solid substrates. Lanthanide compounds present special properties for use in emission devices, and their incorporation into systems obtained by additive manufacturing opens the opportunity for application in cancer treatment by photodynamic therapy.
Vanessa M. VasconcelosI; Fernanda de L. SouzaI; Thais T. GuaraldoI; Fernanda L. MiglioriniII; Maurício R. BaldanII; Neidenêi G. FerreiraII; Marcos R. de V. LanzaI,*
Reactive Blue (RA19) and Black (RP5) dyes were satisfactorily removed using a non commercial highly Boron Doped Diamond electrode supported on titanium.
Ana Claudia SueiroI; Paula C. S. Faria-TischerII; Audrey A. S. G. LonniIII; Suzana MaliI,*
Cassava starch films were produced with addition of two microbial biopolymers, pullulan and bacterial cellulose, resulting in films with lower solubility and water vapor permeability, and higher thermal stability when compared to pure starch films.
Gabriel T. DruzianI; Cristiano K. GiesbrechtI; Francisco C. RosaI; Regina C. L. GuimaraesII; Ricardo A. GuarnieriII; Paola A. MelloI; Érico M. M. Flores I,*
Digestion of crude oil distillation residues is proposed for further simultaneous determination of metals and sulfur by inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometry. High digestion efficiency, low detection limits and the possibility of using diluted acids are the main advantages of the proposed method.
Eduardo P. AzevedoI,*,# and Vijay KumarII
Tubular scaffolds have been developed for vascular tissue engineering applications. Such constructs should be prepared in a way that originates a porous structure with interconnected pores, which are essential for the growth and differentiation of vascular cells.
Klaiani B. Fontana; Eduardo S. Chaves*; Jefferson D. S. Sanchez; Erica R. L. R. Watanabe; Juliana M. T. A. Pietrobelli; Giane G. Lenzi
Shell of Bixa orellana as low cost biosorbent for Pb(II) removal from aqueous solutions. Analternative biomass as a potential biosorbent.
Denize S. SilvaI; Boaz G. Oliveirab,*
The structure of HF trimer is modified upon the complexation with acetylene
Rafaela O. FerreiraI,*; Almir R. de Carvalho JuniorI; Cristiano J. RigerI; Rosane N. CastroI; Tania M. S. da SilvaII; Mário G. de CarvalhoI
Flavonoid C-glycosides and phaeophytins from Clusia lanceolata. Vitexin derivatives with in vivo antioxidant activity.
Alanny B. O. RochaI; Gislaine KuminekI; Tatiane C. MachadoI; Juliana RosaI; Gabriela S. RauberIV,V; Paola A. A. BorbaI; Sana SiedlerI; Hellen K. StulzerI; Silvia Lucia CuffiniII; Naír Rodríguez-HornedoIII,V; Simone G. CardosoI,*
Cocrystal solubility can be modulated due to the molecular interactions of its components in solution by complexation, ionization or micellar solubilization.
Douglas de BrittoI,*; Flávia G. PinolaII; Luiz H. C. MattosoII; Odilio B. G. AssisII
Nanoencapsulated vitamin C shows greater stability in aqueous suspension in comparison with non-encapsulated vitamins C in deionized water or 1% acetic acid solution.
Priscila A. Yamamoto; Natália V. de Moraes*; Vinicius P. Silva; José S. Lepera
This work presents a HPLC-UV method able to analyze the occupational exposure to ethylbenzene, styrene, toluene and xylene through the quantification of their metabolites (PGA, MA, HA, o-MHA, m-MHA and p-MHA) in urine.
Maria Fernanda N. N. Carvalho*; José Armando L. da Silva; Hermínio P. Diogo
Experiments based on phase change of the main components of air promoted by temperature variation. Insight into the relationship between volume, pressure, temperature and intermolecular forces.
Jens SoentgenI; Klaus HilbertII,*,#
The purpose of this essay is to show that mainly in the area of chemical practices the indigenous people competence was considerable and has led to inventions profitable nowadays to millions of people.
On-line version ISSN 1678-7064 Printed version ISSN 0100-4042
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