Allan RadaicI; Gustavo Oliveira PuglieseI; Guilherme Capiraço CampeseI; Francisco Benedito Teixeira PessineII; Marcelo Bispo de JesusI,*
Cytotoxic effects of nanoparticles in eukaryotic cells. Amongst the major cytotoxic effects we can highlight the generation of Reactive Oxygen Species (ROS), and the damage to the membrane, proteins, mitochondria and DNA that could lead to cell death.
Wei ShenI,*; Lin WangII; Min ChenI; Hongfei LuII,#
A new Rhodamine B derivative RBMAB exhibits high selectivity toward Fe3+ among many other metal cations with a low detection limit of 0.021µm. Fluorescence microscopy experiments demonstrate that it can be used as a fluorescent probe to detect Fe3+ in living cells (L-02).
Adrian Paz RamosI; Gabriel O. YbarraII; Leonardo M. PazosII; María B. ParodiII; Laura RodríguezII; Mónica López HernándezIII; Jesús E. González RuízIV,*
The biomimetic method allows the formation of bone-like apatite on titanium when using a solution containing calcium and phosphate ions. The titanol groups formed at the titanium surface ensure the chemical bonding and subsequently growth of the bioactive coating.
Ithiara Dalponte*; Alvaro Luiz Mathias; Regina Maria Matos Jorge; Regina Weinschutz
Production and characterization of alginate beads with TiO2 immobilized applied in the photocatalysis of the azo dye tartrazine.
Franciele Bomfiglio SantannaI,*; Edilberto Ojeda de Almeida FilhoI; George Louis VourlitisII; Paulo Henrique Zanella de ArrudaI; Rafael da Silva PaláciosI; José de Souza NogueiraI
Map of Brazil depicting the State of Mato Grosso highlighted in dark grey to the centre of the map, in the southern part of the Legal Amazon Basin. Inset: Map of Mato Grosso with location of sampling site indicated by red dot.
Ana Paula FranciscoI,*; Débora de Souza AlvimII; Luciana Vanni GattiIII; Célia Regina PesqueroI; Joao Vicente de AssunçaoI
Tropospheric ozone and Volatile Organic Compound (VOC) concentrations during and after sugarcane emissions at an urban area.
Pavithra Sivasamy; Jansi Rani Palaniyandi Ganapathy; Iswarya Thinakaran; Rajendran Lakshmanan*
Kinetic scheme of D-AAO, L-PheDH, FDH and Coupled system of D - methionine bioconversion into L-methionine.
Fernanda B. Salgueiro; Rosane N. Castro*
A multivariate analysis of chemical composition of commercial and in natura Brazilian green propolis.
Maria de Lourdes Martins Magalhaes; Verônica Radaelli Machado; Eduardo Miranda Ethur; Simone Stülp*
The dyeing agate employs large quantities of potentially harmful wastewater to the environment, for example, metal ions. This paper showed that electrodialysis is an effective method for treating effluents containing chromium and nitrate, and reuse was investigated.
Luiz C. Cotovicz Jr.I,II,*,#; Bruno G. LibardoniI,II,#; Nilva BrandiniI,#; Bastiaan A. KnoppersI,#; Gwenaël AbrilI,II,#
We present a methodology for direct measurements of pCO2 in surface waters of two tropical Brazilian estuaries. Despite the good agreement between calculated and measured pCO2 in Guanabara Bay (GB), the Sao Francisco River Estuary (RSF) presented calculated overestimations.
Lucas L. MessaI; José Daniel FroesII; Claudinei F. SouzaII; Roselena FaezI,*
Chitosan microspheres were prepared as controlled release fertilizer; chitosanclay hybrid demonstrate to be an efficient system to potassium fertilizer in a desorption process; in situ, the electromagnetic technique was used for determination of the potassium content in soil.
Juliana R. GubianiI; Thomas R. HabeckI; Vanessa M. ChaplaII; Geraldo H. SilvaIII; Vanderlan S. BolzaniI; Angela R. AraujoI,*
Endophytic fungus Camarops sp. isolated from the leaves of Alibertia macrophylla, was used to produce seven phenolic derivatives through the one strain-many compounds (OSMAC) approach and identified by 2D NMR and HRESIMS spectra.
Dmistocles de AndradeI; Joao Rufino de Freitas FilhoI; Juliano Carlo Rufino FreitasI,II,*
We describe the application of an amidoxime as catalyst in the synthesis of homoallylic alcohols from the allylation reaction of aldehydes with different features using potassium allyltrifluoroborate.
Cleyton Martins da SilvaI,II; Elaine Cesar C. A. SouzaII; Luane Lima da SilvaII; Rafael Lopes OliveiraII; Graciela ArbillaII; Sergio Machado CorrêaI,*
Determination of isoprene and anthropogenic volatile organic compounds in the city of Rio de Janeiro.
Cristina M. C. Marques*; Joaquim B. Lopes; Maria Joao Carvalho
Evaluation of teaching and learning determines what features and sequences of tasks are relevant to the promotion of quality learnings.
Carlos A. L. Filgueiras
A distribuição dos elétrons nos vértices de um cubo, do lítio ao flúor, como foi descrita pela primeira vez no artigo de Lewis de 1916, The Atom and the Molecule.
On-line version ISSN 1678-7064 Printed version ISSN 0100-4042
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