4:18, ter fev 18

Acesso Aberto/TP

vol. 40, No. 1, 2017

Artigo Quim. Nova 2017, 40(1), 1-5


Preparação de novos filmes poliméricos contendo nanoemulsões do óleo de melaleuca, copaíba e limão para aplicação como biomaterial

Viviane G. A. Pires; Márcia R. de Moura*

Nanoemulsions of melaleuca, lemon and copaiba were incorporated into sodium alginate films to investigate the water vapor permeability of the same.


Publicado online: julho 20, 2016
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Total access: 3634

Quim. Nova 2017, 40(1), 6-16


Competition between the reaction medium and nanostructured ZnO in the photocatalytic degradation of anthracene. toward an optimal process for polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons remediation

Blanca L. Martínez-VargasI; Jesús A. Díaz-RealI; Yolanda Reyes-VidalI; J. L. Rodríguez-LópezII; Raúl Ortega-BorgesI; Luis Ortiz-FradeI,*

The photocatalytic process in the degradation of anthracene vs photolysis was explored, the 9,10-anthraquinone is a main product the photolysis of anthracene in ethanol:water and acetone:water. Meanwhile ZnO transformed anthracene to benzoic acid in ethanol:water pH 12.


Publicado online: setembro 2, 2016
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Total access: 2349

Quim. Nova 2017, 40(1), 17-24


Utilização de hemiceluloses catiônicas, obtidas a partir do aproveitamento da palha de milho, associadas com tanino para o tratamento de efluentes de lavanderia industrial

Elaine Angélica Mundim RibeiroI; Fúlvio Rafael Bento de SouzaI; Fábio Augusto do AmaralI; Guimes Rodrigues FilhoI,*,#; Raquel Maria Ferreira de SousaI; Júlia Graciele VieiraI; Talita Ferreira de Rezende CostaI; José Pedro Thompson JuniorI; Rosana Maria Nascimento de AssunçaoII; Sheila Cristina CanobreI

The use of cationic hemicelluloses, from corn husk, in association with tannin as auxiliary coagulation in wastewater treatment for industrial laundries produced turbidity removal was greater than 95% independent of the pH.


Publicado online: agosto 19, 2016
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Total access: 2572

Quim. Nova 2017, 40(1), 25-29


On-line solid phase extraction coupled with liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry for the determination of codeine in human plasma

Alessandro de C. CruzI,*; Eunice M. SuenagaII; Eduardo AbibIII; José PedrazzoliI

On-line solid phase extraction steps programming synchronized with chromatographic run time (total analysis time 3 min per sample), allowing 480 samples to be analyzed per day and high-throughput in bioanalysis.


Publicado online: agosto 25, 2016
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Total access: 1537

Quim. Nova 2017, 40(1), 30-35


Otimização multivariada de metodologia para digestão de micropartículas poliméricas carreadoras de cátions metálicos

Júnior O. Chagas; Hércules G. L. de Sousa; Isabela C. M. Cunha; Roberta E. S. Froes-Silva; Gilmare A. da Silva*; Fabiana A. Lobo

Multivariate optimization for polymeric microparticle digestion.


Publicado online: agosto 16, 2016
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Total access: 2045

Quim. Nova 2017, 40(1), 36-41


Degradação fotocatalítica de atrazina na presença de catalisadores nanoparticulados

Flávio Arantes CamposI,*; Ana Carolina Ribeiro AguiarI; Victor Souza MedeirosI; Adriene de Cássia BranquinhoI; Franco Cesar Belchior da SilvaI; Rômulo Davi Albuquerque AndradeII; Andréa Rodrigues ChavesIII

Atrazine is an agrochemical widely used in the country and has high persistence in water courses. Thereby, becomes of great interest discuss methods that may leads to its degradation.


Publicado online: agosto 19, 2016
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Total access: 3498

Quim. Nova 2017, 40(1), 42-46


HS-SPME as an efficient tool for discriminating chemotypes of Lippia alba (Mill.) N. E. Brown#

Aiêrta C. C. da SilvaI; Francisco G. BarbosaI,*; Jair MafezoliI; Maria da C. F. de OliveiraI; Terezinha F. de OliveiraII

HS-SPME was used to distinguish three chemotypes of Lippia alba and compared with the traditional hydrodistillation method.


Publicado online: agosto 25, 2016
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Total access: 2621

Quim. Nova 2017, 40(1), 47-53


Fe3O4@SIO2-OSO3H nanocomposite as an efficient catalyst for the preparation of tricarboxamides

Mohammad Ali Ghasemzadeh*

Nano-Fe3O4 encapsulated-silica particles bearing sulfonic acid as an efficient, worthwhile and recyclable catalyst has been used for the one-pot synthesis of tricarboxamides under solvent-free conditions.


Publicado online: agosto 31, 2016
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Total access: 2120

Quim. Nova 2017, 40(1), 54-59


Um novo conceito de branqueamento de polpa kraft de eucalipto com ozônio em média consistência

Valéria J. GomesI,*; Jorge L. ColodetteII

The highest values for kappa removal were found using low pH and low temperatures, indicating maximum efficiency due to the small ozone decomposition on these conditions.


Publicado online: agosto 16, 2016
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Total access: 1857

Quim. Nova 2017, 40(1), 60-67


Otimização da síntese de hidrogéis nanocompósitos intercalados para possível aplicação na área médica

Renan S. Fernandes; Marcia R. de Moura; Fauze A. Aouada*

This image shows the methodology used in the preparation and synthesis of the nanocomposite hydrogels formed from sodium alginate polysaccharide and different nanofillers crosslinked with Ca2+ or Al3+ ions.


Publicado online: agosto 16, 2016
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Total access: 3329

Quim. Nova 2017, 40(1), 68-73


Development of a second type electrode based on the silver/silver ibuprofenate pair for ibuprofen quantification in pharmaceutical samples

Selene I. Rivera-HernándezI; Giaan A. Alvarez-RomeroI,*; Silvia Corona-AvendañoII; M. Elena Páez-HernándezI; Carlos A. Galán-VidalI; Mario Romero-RomoII; María Teresa Ramírez-SilvaIII

A simple second type Ag/AgIbuprofenate electrode for the potentiometric quantification of ibuprofen in commercial samples is proposed. Easy construction, low cost involved, and rapid electrochemical response are some of the advantages of this analytical strategy.


Publicado online: setembro 2, 2016
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Total access: 2016

Revisão Quim. Nova 2017, 40(1), 74-84


Biomateriais para formulações de base nanotecnológica visando terapia genética ocular

Giovanni K. ZorziI,#, Roselena S. SchuhI,#, Angela M. de CamposII; Edison L. S. CarvalhoIII; Marilise B. RottIV; Helder F. TeixeiraI,*,#

This manuscript reviews some of the most important biomaterials employed in the manufacture of nanometric carriers for ocular gene therapy.


Publicado online: agosto 19, 2016
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Total access: 3089

Quim. Nova 2017, 40(1), 85-96


Potencial catalítico de lipases ligadas ao micélio de fungos filamentosos em processos de biotransformação

Daniela V. CortezI; Heizir F. de CastroI; Grazielle S. S. AndradeII,*

Mycelium-bound lipase can be used directly as suspended free cells or immobilized within biomass support particles as whole cells biocatalyst. In the latter, cells can be immobilized in situ or extra situ using different support materials avoiding the purification step.


Publicado online: agosto 30, 2016
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Total access: 3070

Nota Técnica Quim. Nova 2017, 40(1), 97-104


Extract of Punica granatum L.: an alternative to BHT as an antioxidant in semissolid emulsified systems

Jéssica Tiago TozettoI; Andressa Tiago TozettoI; Bernardo Teixeira HoshinoI; Carla Regina AndrighettiI; Elton Brito RibeiroI; Larissa CavalheiroII; Stela Regina FerrariniI,*

Pomegranate (Punica granatum L.) peel extract was developed by maceration method. The extract was identified and characterized and incorporated into semisolid emulsion. Finally the stability and antioxidant activity of the emulsions were evaluated.


Publicado online: agosto 25, 2016
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Total access: 2014

Educação Quim. Nova 2017, 40(1), 105-112


Desenvolvimento profissional e cooperação internacional para professores de química: avaliação da intenção de mudança pedagógica após formação continuada no Porto, Portugal

Joao C. PaivaI; Carla MoraisI; Marcelo P. A. RosaII; Luciano MoreiraIII; Marcelo L. EichlerIV,*

A study on the Theory of Planned Behavior about the intention of chemistry teachers to integrate digital media in their classes


Publicado online: outubro 18, 2016
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Total access: 2267

Assuntos Gerais Quim. Nova 2017, 40(1), 113-123


O prêmio nobel de química em 2016: máquinas moleculares#

Karla S. FeuI,*; Francisco F. de AssisI; Siddavatam NagendraI,II; Ronaldo A. PilliI

The figure shows the laureated scientists awarded with the Nobel Prize in Chemistry 2016. Copyright: c Nobel Media AB 2016.


Publicado online: janeiro 31, 2017
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Total access: 2487

On-line version ISSN 1678-7064 Printed version ISSN 0100-4042
Química Nova
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