4:17, ter fev 18

Acesso Aberto/TP

vol. 40, No. 2, 2017

Artigo de Capa
Quim. Nova 2017, 40(2), 166-170

Síntese de BaTIO3 e SrTIO3 pelo método hidrotermal assistido por micro-ondas utilizando anatase como precursor de titânio

Renata S. Magalhaes1,*; Wagner D. M. Junior1; Agda E. Souza1; Silvio R. Teixeira1; Máximo S. Li2; Elson Longo3

BT tetragonal and cubic ST were synthesized using MAH method. BA / Sr chlorides and Anatase-H2O2 were used as metal precursors in an alkaline medium. The photoluminescent behaviors of BT and ST were evaluated according to the KOH concentration.


Publicado online: outubro 20, 2016

Total access: 3635

Artigo Quim. Nova 2017, 40(2), 125-130


Simplified recovery process of Ralstonia solanacearum-synthesized polyhydroxyalkanoates via chemical extraction complemented by liquid-liquid phase separation

Karine L. Macagnan1; Amanda A. Rodrigues1; Mariane I. Alves2; Lígia Furlan2; Sônia M. Kesserlingh3; Andréa B. Moura4; Patrícia D. de Oliveira1; Alan J. A. McBride1; Angelita da S. Moreira1,2,*; Claire T. Vendruscolo1,2

The following parameters were improved in the P(3HB) recovery method: cell concentration, heating time, solvent ratio and separation of cell residue (filtration - conventional method or liquid-liquid separation by polarity difference - new method).


Publicado online: agosto 30, 2016
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Total access: 2612

Quim. Nova 2017, 40(2), 131-137


Actividad antibacteriana, degradación hidrolítica y microbiana y citotoxicidad in vitro de poliuretanos sintetizados con polioles derivados del aceite de higuerilla

Yomaira L. Uscategui; Luis E. Díaz; Manuel F. Valero*

An evaluation of microbiological degradation, in vitro cytotoxicity and antimicrobial activity was performed on Polyurethanes synthesized from castor oil (with and without chemical modification) and isophorone diisocyanate (IPDI).


Publicado online: setembro 29, 2016
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Total access: 1781

Quim. Nova 2017, 40(2), 138-142


Cyclo-(trp-phe) diketopiperazines from the endophytic fungus Aspergillus versicolor isolated from Piper aduncum#

Juliana R. Gubiani1; Helder L. Teles2; Geraldo H. Silva3; Maria Cláudia M. Young4; José O. Pereira5; Vanderlan S. Bolzani1; Angela R. Araujo1,*

An endophytic fungus A. versicolor isolated from the leaves of P. aduncum was used to produce six known compounds: three peptide derivatives, one adenine derivative, one phtalide derivative and one benzoic acid derivative.


Publicado online: setembro 2, 2016
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Total access: 2290

Quim. Nova 2017, 40(2), 143-145


Molecular descriptors of benzenoid systems

Nazeran Idrees1,*; Muhammad Nawaz Naeem1; Fida Hussain1; Afshan Sadiq2; Muhammad Kamran Siddiqui3

The figure shows zigzag benzenoid system all of whose vertices have degree either two or three, different variants of Zagreb indices of the benzenoid system are computed which mainly depend on the degrees of vertices of the system.


Publicado online: setembro 29, 2016
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Total access: 1808

Quim. Nova 2017, 40(2), 146-153


Revestimentos de alta camada obtidos com a modificação de resinas epóxi novolaca pela reação com organo-siloxano e catálise ácida

Roberta Jachura Rocha*; José Atílio Fritz Fidel Rocco; Maria Auxiliadora Silva de Oliveira; Koshun Iha

Equipment coated with the high layer coating obtained in the reaction of modified novolac epoxy.


Publicado online: outubro 13, 2016
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Total access: 2528

Quim. Nova 2017, 40(2), 154-157


Iontophoresis on minoxidil sulphate-loaded chitosan nanoparticles accelerates drug release, decreasing their targeting effect to hair follicles

Breno N. Matos; Larissa M. A. Melo; Maíra N. Pereira; Thaiene A. Reis; Marcílio Cunha-Filho; Taís Gratieri; Guilherme M. Gelfuso*

Iontophoresis presents MXS targeting potential to hair follicles; however, it is incapable of preventing dermal exposure. The passive application of MXS-loaded chitosan nanoparticles remains the best way to target MXS to the hair follicles while avoiding possible side effects.


Publicado online: agosto 25, 2016
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Total access: 1712

Quim. Nova 2017, 40(2), 158-165


Determinação de agrotóxicos na água e sedimentos por HPLC-HRMS e sua relação com o uso e ocupação do solo

Marilda Chiarello1; Roberta Neimaier Graeff2; Luciane Minetto1; Gisele Cemin2; Vania E. Schneider2; Sidnei Moura1,*

Determination of pesticides in surface water and sediment, based on solid phase extraction and QuEChERS, analyzed by liquid chromatography and high resolution mass spectrometry.


Publicado online: outubro 20, 2016
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Total access: 3107

Quim. Nova 2017, 40(2), 171-175


Composição química, atividade citotóxica e antioxidante de um tipo de própolis da Bahia#

Darlan C. dos Santos1,2; Jorge Mauricio David2,*; Juceni Pereira David3

Saturated hydrocarbons, methyl cinnamate, sitosterol cinnamate and ananixanthone were isolated from the brown propolis (classified as Propolis Type 6). The extracts showed toxicity in the brine shrimp test.


Publicado online: setembro 29, 2016
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Total access: 2861

Quim. Nova 2017, 40(2), 176-181


Anti-hyperglycemic, antioxidant, and anti-inflammatory activities of extracts and metabolites from Sida acuta and Sida rhombifolia

Amira Arciniegas; Ana L. Pérez-Castorena*; Antonio Nieto-Camacho; Yuko Kita; Alfonso Romo de Vivar

The acetone extracts of S. acuta and S. rhombifolia inhibited yeast α-glucosidase (IC50 8.49 ± 0.66 and 8.10 ± 0.34 µg mL-1, respectively) and showed mild activity on DPPH and TPA tests. Among the isolated compounds 5 was active in all evaluations.


Publicado online: outubro 26, 2016
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Total access: 2626

Quim. Nova 2017, 40(2), 182-191


Modificación de las propiedades estructurales, eléctricas y magnéticas del BiFeO3 por la incorporación de Ba y Nb

Cristian Andres Narváez1; Claudia Fernanda Villaquirán Raigoza1,*; Aida Patricia González Nieva2

BiFeO3 exhibits anti-ferromagnetic order within distorted rhombohedrally perovskite structure.Among the possible strategies, substitution of the A and/or B site by rare earth or transition metal elements has been proposed in order to suppress formation of secondary phases and to induce ferromagnetism.


Publicado online: novembro 2, 2016
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Total access: 1900

Revisão Quim. Nova 2017, 40(2), 192-199


Problemas en el análisis de metilsiloxanos volátiles (VMS): origen y soluciones

E.Y. Companioni-Damas

The graphical abstract shows the main problems related with the analysis of volatyle methylsiloxanes (VMS): background contamination and vaporization losses, and the techniques commonly used for their analysis. The chemical structures of some VMS are also shown.


Publicado online: setembro 2, 2016
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Total access: 1669

Quim. Nova 2017, 40(2), 200-213


A importância do estado excitado 3MLCT de compostos de Ru(II), Re(I) e Ir(III) no desenvolvimento de fotossensores, oleds e fotorredução de CO2

Andressa V. Müller; Márcia R. Gonçalves; Luiz D. Ramos; André S. Polo#; Karina P. M. Frin*

The progresses and challenges of some coordination compounds based on Ru(II), Re(I) and Ir(III) for biomolecules photosensors, electroluminescent devices or CO2 photoreduction catalysts are reviewed and correlated to their photochemical and photophysical properties.


Publicado online: setembro 22, 2016
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Total access: 2773

Nota Técnica Quim. Nova 2017, 40(2), 214-218


Avaliação dos impactos ambientais dos tratamentos de resíduos de solventes no instituto de química da universidade de São Paulo

Cláudia R. Martins; Patrícia B. Di Vitta; Liliana Marzorati; Cláudio Di Vitta*

Ecosolvent® software was used to estimate the environmental impacts for the recovering of some solvents from waste, by distillation, or for the complete incineration of the mixture. In our case, recovering showed to be less impacting than incineration.


Publicado online: setembro 2, 2016
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Total access: 4896

Educação Quim. Nova 2017, 40(2), 219-227


Analisando o desenvolvimento profissional de um licenciando em química: relações entre concepções epistemológicas e modelos didáticos

Camila G. Passos*; José C. Del Pino

This figure illustrates the interrelationship between the epistemological conceptions and didactic models used by teachers to be able to analyze the professional development process.


Publicado online: setembro 29, 2016
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Total access: 3296

Quim. Nova 2017, 40(2), 228-237


Sinais de fundo em análise instrumental: uma discussão essencial em cursos de graduação

Renata S. Amais1; Fábio R. P. Rocha1,*; Joaquim A. Nóbrega2

Illustration of the measurement of analytical signal with (a) and without (b) an intense background signal. As well as illumination by the candles is more visible in dark, measurement of analytical signals is feasible without intense background, thus yielding lower detection limits.


Publicado online: outubro 26, 2016
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Total access: 2629

Quim. Nova 2017, 40(2), 238-245


Introdução à físico-química orgânica utilizando um colorímetro artesanal - uma prática interdisciplinar

Valmir B. Silva; Elisa S. Orth*

A homemade colorimeter was constructed and used in a physical organic chemical study in order to study the substituent effect in a nucleophilic catalytic acyl transfer reaction.


Publicado online: outubro 13, 2016
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Total access: 3548

On-line version ISSN 1678-7064 Printed version ISSN 0100-4042
Química Nova
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