Ana Beatriz Ferreira Vitoreti1; Letícia Bernardes Corrêa1; Ellen Raphael1; Antonio Otavio T. Patrocinio2; Ana Flávia Nogueira3; Marco Antônio Schiavon1,*
Quantum dot-sensitized solar cells are attractive energy devices because they are ease to fabricate, has potentially low cost with different possibilities of combinations, and ability to generate multiple excitons.
Rafael Turra Alarcon1; Bruno Barreto da Cunha Holanda1; Daniel Rinaldo1; Flávio Junior Caires1; Marcos Vinícius de Almeida2; Gilbert Bannach*,1
This work shown synthesis, thermal behavior and conversion degree of some dimethacrylates polymers using different non-toxic coinitiators, the monomer conversions were analyzed by MIR.
Jorge Sepúlveda1; Debora Manuale1; Lucia Santiago1; Nicolás Carrara1; Gerardo Torres1; Carlos Vera1; Maraisa Goncalves2,3; Wagner Carvalho2; Dalmo Mandelli2,*
Utilization of chromite or Cu/Al2O3 as catalyst for transformation of glycerol into value added materials: Higher selectivity for propylene glycol and acetol products.
Cleysson C. Corrêa1; Georgiana F. da Cruz1,*; Alexandre S. L. Vaz Jr1; Bianca de S. A. Araújo1; Alexsandro A. da Silva2; Rafael A. Rodrigues2; Rosana F. T. Lomba3; Alex T. de A. Waldmann3
We propose to use the unique properties of the glycerin as an environmentally friendly alternative to the diesel or synthetic-based drilling fluids to formulation of drilling fluid for oil wells and gas.
Karina Nesprias1,2,*; Gladys Eyler2; Adriana Cañizo+,2; Gastón Barreto2
Acetone and deuterated acetone diperoxides.
Ashraf M. Abdel-Gaber1,2,*,#; Khadija M. Hijazi1; Ghassan O. Younes1; Bilal Nsouli3
The 3D images obtained from atomic force microscope (AFM) indicate that the reduction in the surface roughness of mild steel in the presence and absence of CA leaf extract and Linalool are in agreement with the results obtained from electrochemical impedance spectroscopy.
Juan Frau1; Francisco Muñoz1; Daniel Glossman-Mitnik1,2,*
The Minnesota family of density functionals has been assessed for the calculation of the Conceptual DFT descriptors of Magnesium Octaethylporphyrin (MgOEP).
Gabriel Ribeiro Castellano1,*; Leandro Xavier Moreno2; Amauri Antônio Menegário1; José Silvio Govone1; Didier Gastmans1
CO2 soil emissions measurements in reforested areas.
Juan Enrique Torres; Juan Pablo Toro; Javier Vergara; Rosa Baldiris; Ricardo Vivas Reyes*
Correlation between biological activity and theoretical coupling of indene pyrazol ligands in CDK2 target.
Liz F. Soares1,2; Diego C. da Silva1,2; Maria C. J. Bergo1,2; Vera T. R. Coradin1; Jez W. B. Braga2,*; Tereza C. M. Pastore1
Handheld Near Infrared spectrometer and PLS-DA has been successfully applied to discriminate between similar Amazonian wood species. The method can be applied for supervision of wood exploitation, contributing to the woody species preservation.
Braz S. Marotti1; Daniela V. Cortez1; Daniel B. Gonçalves2; Heizir F. de Castro1,*
Penicillium is a genus of Ascomycetes that occurs in a wide range of habitats and is considered a potential producer of both mycelium bound and extracellular lipases. Mycelium bound lipases were obtained from selected Penicillium sp and successfully applied to the hydrolysis of vegetable oils having different fatty acids composition.
Maria Paulina Mendoza Combatt1,*; Regina Célia Santos Mendonça1; Gerson de Freitas Silva Valente2; Cláudio Mudadu Silva3
Schematic diagram of electrocoagulation reactor proposed in this research and the electrodes used for testing the poultry slaughterhouse wastewater treatment.
Marcy H. Towns
Students hold entirely different goals that may pose obstacles for faculty achieving the goals they have set out. Herein we describe our research and propose methods of bringing these goals into better alignment.
Brock L. Casselman; Braden R. Ohlsen; Charles H. Atwood*
Between 2015 and 2016, two major changes were introduced to the general chemistry courses: metacognitive training through practice tests and implementation of the flipped classroom. The result was a 6.1 average percentile improvement on the American Chemical Society nationally normed final exam.
Thanuci Silva; Eduardo Galembeck*
Students exposed to an inquiry-based laboratory environment improves long-lasting autonomy skills.
Norbert J. Pienta*
Technology is being used extensively in instruction and is now part of research studies, including the use of eye-tracking hardware. The latter can be used to examine user's gaze location, duration and pattern (i.e., steps). The latter process is represented.
Resa M. Kelly1,*; Sarah J. R. Hansen2
Eye-tracking research supports the development of effective strategies for designing and presenting videos and animations created to assist students with making connections between macroscopic and molecular level behaviors of chemical reactions.
On-line version ISSN 1678-7064 Printed version ISSN 0100-4042
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