2:46, ter fev 18

Acesso Aberto/TP

vol. 40, No. 6, 2017

Editorial Quim. Nova 2017, 40(6), 613


E chegamos aos quarenta

Susana I. C. Torresi, Maria D. Vargas, Aldo J. G. Zarbin



Total access: 2190

Assuntos Gerais Quim. Nova 2017, 40(6), 614-617


A importância da Sociedade Brasileira de Química na Pós-Graduação em Química no Brasil

Aldo J. G. Zarbin*

The importance of the Journals published by the Brazilian Chemical Society (SBQ) for the development of the Graduate Programs in Chemistry in Brazil is highlighted in this manuscript.


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Total access: 3196

Quim. Nova 2017, 40(6), 618-625


Sistema Nacional de Pós-Graduação e a área de Química na CAPES

Adriano L. Monteiro1,*; Maysa Furlan2; Paulo A. Z. Suarez3

Chemistry Graduate Programs in Brazil (2016) & Ms and PhD students/ degrees (1998-2015).


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Total access: 1787

Quim. Nova 2017, 40(6), 626-629


Do boletim informativo às redes sociais: a evolução na comunicação SBQ-associado

Rossimiriam Pereira de Freitas*

The history of the Boletim of Brazilian Chemical Society and its different presentation formats: from paper to electronic media.


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Total access: 2087

Quim. Nova 2017, 40(6), 630-633


Evolução e inovação no setor químico brasileiro: uma visão dos últimos quarenta anos

Fernando Galembeck

The Brazilian chemical sector presents today desirable features of interaction between Academia and Industry that are not matched within this country, except in the agriculture and husbandry areas. This desirable situation was built during the past 40 years.


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Total access: 1957

Quim. Nova 2017, 40(6), 634-642


A Química Ambiental no Brasil nos 40 anos da SBQ

Maria C. Canela1,*; Anne H. Fostier2; Marco T. Grassi3

Environmental chemistry studies the chemical and biochemical processes that take place in the atmosphere, hydrosphere and lithosphere, as well as at the interfaces among them.


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Total access: 2560

Quim. Nova 2017, 40(6), 643-649


Química Analítica no Brasil: atualidades, tendências e desafios

Clésia Cristina Nascentes1,*; Maria das Graças Andrade Korn2; Maria Valnice Boldrin Zanoni3

Brazilian Analytical Chemistry has advanced a lot in the last 40 years, occupying a prominent position in the international scenario. This growth is mainly due to the formation of human resources, the organization of scientific societies and the public investment


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Total access: 3006

Quim. Nova 2017, 40(6), 650-655


Um panorama da Catálise no Brasil nos últimos 40 anos

Katia Bernardo-Gusmao1; Sibele B. C. Pergher2,#; Eduardo N. dos Santos3,*

Catalysis is a field of utmost importance for the chemical industry: over 80% of the chemicals produced worldwide go through at least one catalytic step. Herein, a critical overview of this area in Brazil for the last 40 years is presented.


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Total access: 3258

Quim. Nova 2017, 40(6), 656-662


O Ensino de Química e os 40 anos da SBQ: o desafio do crescimento e os novos horizontes

Márlon Herbert Flora Barbosa Soares1,*; Nyuara Araújo da Silva Mesquita1; Daisy de Brito Rezende2

We have analyzed the growth of the Chemical Education Division (DED) mainly in the last 15 years and its presence during the 40 years of the SBQ, from the national and regional meetings in chemistry teaching, increase in the number of journals and researchers.


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Total access: 3077

Quim. Nova 2017, 40(6), 663-669


Panorama da eletroquímica e eletroanalítica no Brasil

Maria Valnice Boldrin Zanoni1,*; Alessandro Santos Borges2; Assis Vicente Benedetti1; Hideko Yamanaka1; Maria del Pilar Taboada Sotomayor1; Guilherme Garcia Bessegato1; Nelson Ramos Stradiotto1,5; Carmem Lúcia de Paiva e Silva Zanta3; Adalgisa Rodrigues de Andrade4

This work presents an overview of the relevance of Electrochemistry and Electroanalytical chemistry in Brazil that has contributed to the enhance of good quality human resources and high relevant production of technical and scientific papers.


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Total access: 2492

Quim. Nova 2017, 40(6), 670-674


A Divisão de Físico Química e os 40 anos da SBQ

Nelson H. Morgon1,*; Gustavo F. S. Andrade2

This manuscript is to celebrate the forty years of the Sociedade Brasileira de Química - SBQ. Through a historical approach was presented several topics covered by The Division of Physical Chemistry of SBQ, as well as researchers have been invited to look to the future and overcome the next scientific challenges.


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Total access: 1860

Quim. Nova 2017, 40(6), 675-679


A fotoquímica básica e aplicada no Brasil durante os últimos 40 anos

Miguel G. Neumann; Carla Cristina Schmitt*

Growth of Photochemistry in Brazil during the Last 40 Years.


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Total access: 2091

Quim. Nova 2017, 40(6), 680-687


Panorama da química inorgânica no Brasil revisitado: período de 2002 a 2016

Shirley Nakagaki1*; Geani Maria Ucoski1; Julio S. Rebouças2; Ana Maria da Costa Ferreira3

The development of the Inorganic Chemistry in Brazil in the last 15 years based on the scientific contributions of the members of the Inorganic Chemistry Division of the Brazilian Chemical Society (SBQ), and Brazilian Meetings on Inorganic Chemistry (BMIC).


Quim. Nova 2017, 40(6), 688-693


Promovendo interconexões: Contribuições da Divisão de Química de Materiais nos 40 anos da SBQ

Célia Machado Ronconi

The trajectory as well as the main challenges of the Division of Materials Chemistry of The Brazilian Chemical Society is reported in this paper.


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Total access: 1603

Quim. Nova 2017, 40(6), 694-700


A evolução da Química Medicinal no Brasil: avanços nos 40 anos da Sociedade Brasileira de Química#

Antonia Tavares do Amaral1; Carolina Horta Andrade2; Arthur E. Kümmerle3; Rafael V. C. Guido4,*

Medicinal Chemistry relies on the integration of several disciplines to design and discover new drugs as well as to identify and understand the molecular mechanism of action of biologically active compounds.


Quim. Nova 2017, 40(6), 701-705


Química Orgânica no Brasil: sua contribuição na síntese total de produtos naturais desde a fundação da SBQ#

Mauricio M. Victor*1,2

This article describes the contribution of Organic Chemistry to the total synthesis of natural products in Brazil in the last 40 years.


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Total access: 1479

Quim. Nova 2017, 40(6), 706-710


A Química de Produtos Naturais do Brasil do Século XXI

Roberto G. S. Berlinck; Warley de S. Borges; Marcus T. Scotti; Paulo C. Vieira

The chemistry of natural products has a long tradition in Brazilian science. Contemporary challenges and perspectives for the science of natural products in Brazil are of seminal importance for the future generations of natural product chemists.


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Total access: 2965

On-line version ISSN 1678-7064 Printed version ISSN 0100-4042
Química Nova
Publicações da Sociedade Brasileira de Química
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