Alexsandra Conceiçao Apolinário; Juliana de Almeida Pachioni-Vasconcelos; Adalberto Pessoa Jr.; Carlota de Oliveira Rangel-Yagui*
Amphiphilic block copolymers can self-aggregate in solution leading to a variety of nanostructures, including vesicles known as polymersomes.
Leila M. N. Diniz; Thaiane S. Carrasco; Aline L. Medina; Anderson S. Ribeiro; Adriane M. Nunes*
Development of two methods of sample preparation of Brazilian cream cheese ("requeijao") samples for elemental determination.
Leonardo F. Santos*; André L. A. Santos; Sônia D. F. Rocha#
CO2 reaction in brines: a possible way of having carbon dioxide transformed into carbonates forms.
George Augusto V. de Oliveira*; José Maurício Schneedorf Ferreira da Silva
Structure of alpha-amylase showing the inhibitory interaction of chlorogenic acid with the catalytic subsite in the enzyme.
Wenqi Du; Yu Cheng; Weixin Shu; Zhengjian Qi*
Rhodamine-based fluorescence chemosensor containing polyether for mercury (II) ions.
Jhonys Machado Freitas; Thiago da Costa Oliveira; Rodrigo Alejandro Abarza Munoz; Eduardo Mathias Richter*
A simple method for simultaneous determination of 8-chlorotheophylline (CTP), caffeine (CAF), and diphenhydramine (DIP) using batch injection analysis with multiple pulse amperometric detection (BIA-MPA).
Frederico Jehár Oliveira Quintao#; Mariana Pierotti de Souza#; Silvana de Queiroz Silva#; Sérgio Francisco Aquino#; Robson José de Cássia Franco Afonso*,#
This article reports the characterization of enalapril and ranitidine chlorination by-products by liquid chromatography/high-resolution mass spectrometry and evaluation of the cytotoxicities by MTT assay.
Rafael S. Backes1; Tiago J. Guedes2; Wallans T. P. dos Santos*,2,3; Rodrigo A. B. da Silva*,4
This work presents two hydrodynamic amperometric methods for simple and fast determination of sildenafil citrate in pharmaceutical formulations by Batch Injection Analysis (BIA) and Flow Injection Analysis (FIA) with an electrochemical cell adapted for screen printed electrodes.
Adna Dornelles Nicácio de Souza1; Cátia Guaraciara Fernandes Teixeira Rossi1; Tereza Neuma de Castro Dantas1; Miguel Angelo Fonseca de Souza1; Djalan França de Lima1; Fabrício Gava Menezes1; Maria Aparecida Medeiros Maciel1,2,*,#
Isatin as corrosion inhibitor loaded into microemulsion o/w type systems.
Leidi C. Friedrich1,2,*; Carmem Lúcia P. S. Zanta3; Amilcar Machulek Jr.4; Frank H. Quina2
The addition of Cu(II) ions to classical Fenton reaction conditions is shown to accelerate the degradation of organic compounds. Voltammetric studies confirm the catalytic effect of catechol in the presence of Fe(III)/Fe(II) and Cu(II)/Cu(I).
Mário S. Piantavini1; Alan G. Gonçalves1; Angela C. L. B. Trindade1; Miguel D. Noseda2; Ana L. R. Mercê3; Antonio E. H. Machado4; Roberto Pontarolo1,*
KA-Al3+ complex structures were studied and characterized by potentiometric and spectrophotometric titrations. Structures have the binding site composed mainly of oxygen atoms of C4 and C5.
Marco A. Stanojev Pereira1; Reynaldo Pugliesi1,*; Marcos L. G. Andrade1; Maria I. Prudêncio2
3D images of the Paraloidr B-72 distribution into the vessel maintained at air humidity of 35%.
Natalia J. Bielemann; Diogo L. R. Novo; Rodrigo M. Pereira; Julia E. Mello; Vanize C. Costa; Marcia F. Mesko*
Determination of sulfur in shampoo by UV-Vis spectrophotometry after microwaveassisted wet digestion using diluted nitric acid.
Liviane D. de Azevedo1,2,#; Mônica M. Bastos1,2,#; Andressa Paula de Oliveira1,3,‡; Núbia Boechat1,2,*,#
The five approved BCR-ABL Tyrosine Kinase inhibitors (TKI) used in Chronic Myeloid Leukemia (CML) are reviewed aiming the main synthetic routes, highlighting the advantages and disadvantages associated with them.
Maria S. M. Quintino1,*; Waldemar P. Oliveira Filho1; Fábio S. Vinhado1; Warley G. Santos1; Rodrigo B. C. Dutra2; Patrícia A. Oliveira2; Patrícia K. G. Costa2; Itânia P. Soares2
Spectra obtained for different mixtures of palm biodiesel/diesel fuel containing red dye show that qualitative distinction is possible.
Luciana Almeida Silva; Luiz Souza Carvalho; Wilson Araújo Lopes; Pedro Afonso de Paula Pereira; Jailson B. de Andrade*
The solubility of gases in a liquid solvent depends on the partial pressure of the gas on the liquid and on the possible liquid-gas reactions. One case that well illustrates this phenomenon is the CO2 dissolution in water in carbonated beverages.
Heloisa Colzani1; Quethelen Elizabeth Araujo Garcez Rodrigues1; Claudia Fogaça2; Jane Mary Lafayette Neves Gelinski2; Edenir R. Pereira-Filho3; Endler Marcel Borges1,2,*
Phosphate determination using digital images.
Francine C. S. César1; Fausto Carnevale Neto2; Geciane S. Porto3; Patrícia M. B. G. Maia Campos1,*
The use of plants have become a trend in cosmetic market. Patent analysis can act as complementary tool to scientific knowledge guiding innovative research in cosmetic sciences.
On-line version ISSN 1678-7064 Printed version ISSN 0100-4042
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