Guilherme B. C. Martins; Renata R. Sucupira; Paulo A. Z. Suarez*
We developed a colorimetric indicator paper based on Schiff 's reagent that made possible to successfully detect the presence of formaldehyde in commercial products, such as: detergents, shampoos and conditioners. The developed indicator paper has low cost and can help the supervision of milk products, as a trial test.
Jiaqi Hao; Ting Qu; Qiufeng Wang; Zhenbo Zhao*
Novel Fe3O4/Ni-Al-Ce LDH/Bi2WO6 composites were prepared through a facile method. The composites showed high efficiency and stability in the decolorization of an organic pollutant; the decolorization rate of MO was 87% within 60 min under visible-light irradiation.
Guillermo Salamanca GrossoI,II,*; Mónica Patricia Osorio TangarifeI; Laura María Reyes MéndezI
Weinmannia tomentosa Don, is a tropical tree of Cunoniaceae family that grows at high Andean and humidity forest zones in Colombia, is known as Encenillo is source of monofloral honey that bears that name. Physicochemical and volatile compounds are evaluated in this research.
Humberto Baldessarini PiresI,*; Roberta Jachura RochaI; Koshun IhaI; Ricardo Vieira BindaII; José Atílio Fritz Fidel RoccoI
A H225M Helicopter from Brazilian Air Force deploys conventional flares during a flight.
Sury de M. MonteiroI,*; Fabian SáII; Renato Rodrigues NetoIII
Suspended particulate matter was sampled with a sediment trap (45 µm mesh) installed in estuarine drainage channels. The traps collected enough material to perform geochemical analyses (metals, mineralogy, granulometry) during each season.
Femila Mercy Rani JosephI,#; Iswarya ThinakaranII; Rajendran LakshmananIII,*
Schematic diagram of modified electrodes. Theoretical model of catalytic processes at modified electrodes are discussed. Mathematical solution of nonlinear reaction diffusion equations were obtained.
Araceli LoredoI,*; Andres ArgüelloII; Raul Rodríguez-HerreraII; Gerardo Gutiérrez-SánchezIII; Alondra EscamillaIV; Cristóbal AguilarII
Three fungal strains were tested as possible polyurethane biodegradation agents. Cultures were carried out in liquid state with minimal mineral medium and polyurethane biodegradation was assed by infrarred and thermogravimetric analyses.
Francisco C. OliveiraI; Francisco G. BarbosaI,*; Jair MafezoliI; Maria da C. F. de OliveiraI; Francisco J. T. GonçalvesII; Francisco C. O. FreireII
VOCs from Albonectria rigidiuscula fungus produced in different culture media were extracted by HS-SPME and analyzed by GC-MS.
Daniela M. de LaraI,II; Laís BrescianiII; Isa Carla OsterkampIII; Maurício HilgemannII; Eduardo EthurII; André JasperIII,V; Marco Flôres FerraoIV; Dieter UhlV; Simone StülpII,*
Muffle carbonization method for in natura Araucariaceae wood logs using Thermogravimetry, Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy and Multivariate Analysis.
Haroon ur RashidI; Adnan ShahzadII,IV; Zarif GulIII; Ezzat KhanIII,*; Muhammad Naveed UmarIII,#; Muhammad Raza ShahIV; Awal NoorV; Sher Wali KhanVI
Reaction of 2-acetylpyridine with alkyl/aryl halides: An effective approach towards syntheses of 2-acetylpyridine derivatives.
Ana Carla Penteado Feltrin; Milena Ramos Vaz Fontes; Henrique Delgado Kikumoto Gracia; Eliana Badiale-Furlong; Jaqueline Garda-Buffon*
Considering the evolution of environmental processes in the management of agroindustrial residues to reuse them, this application in Deoxynivalenol degradation, develop clean technologies which do not use products that harm the environment.
Ana Maria Queijeiro López*; Amanda Lys dos Santos Silva; Elane Cristina Lourenço dos Santos
A number of fungi can degrade lignocellulosic substrates through a rich enzymatic arsenal and demonstrate potential to mycoremediation.
Luiz F. T. Novaes; Julio C. Pastre*
This review highlights recent examples of hydroamination developments, employing unsaturated compounds (alkenes, alkynes and allenes) and amines, selected applications on total synthesis are also presented.
Enock José A. G. Junior; Jakson S. Roeder; Jonatas G. da Silva*
An alternative simple, precise, rapid and low-cost method for determination of hydrochloride tetracycline in pharmaceutical formulations, based on conductometric titration using silver nitrate as titrant.
Crissiê Dossin Zanrosso*; Dirléia dos Santos Lima; Tiele Caprioli Machado; Vanessa Moura de Souza; Luciano Andreatta da Costa
Using the concepts of constructive learning, student interaction and daily experience on the teaching side and introduction to chemical engineering, mass transfer and unit operations on the engineering side we can reach the activity proposed, named "coffee operation".
Thiago H. B. Corrêa*; Joana D'arc da Silva Reis
Exploring the relationship of the geometric properties of fullerenes and establishing a dialogue between the teaching of mathematical concepts and chemical.
On-line version ISSN 1678-7064 Printed version ISSN 0100-4042
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