20:13, seg fev 17

Acesso Aberto/TP

vol. 40, No. 9, 2017

Artigo de Capa
Quim. Nova 2017, 40(9), 1094-1110

Contaminantes emergentes em matrizes aquáticas do brasil: cenário atual e aspectos analíticos, ecotoxicológicos e regulatórios

Cassiana C. MontagnerI,*; Cristiane VidalI; Raphael D. AcayabaII

We know very little about the levels of emerging contaminants in Brazilian aquatic matrices. Our monitoring programs should go beyond the current regulated compounds.


Publicado online: julho 11, 2017
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Total access: 7770

Artigo Quim. Nova 2017, 40(9), 971-975


Development and validation of an HPLC-DAD analytical method to quantify 5-methoxyflavones in methanolic extracts of Vochysia divergens pohl cultured under stress conditions

Letícia Pereira PimentaI; Luís Claúdio Kellner FilhoI; Bruna Arruda Soares ParpinelliII; Katia Aparecida de SiqueiraII; Marcos Antônio SoaresII; Márcio Luís Andrade e SilvaI; Wilson Roberto CunhaI; Patrícia Mendonça PaulettiI; Ana Helena JanuárioI,*

Development and validation of an HPLC-DAD analytical method to quantify 5-methoxyflavones in methanolic extracts of V. divergens cultured plants inoculated with endophytic fungi and subjected to water stress.


Publicado online: julho 19, 2017
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Total access: 1648

Quim. Nova 2017, 40(9), 976-982


Estudio computacional de la interacción N∙∙∙C en sistemas moleculares (R)nN-CO2 (N=1,2,3)

Cristian J. Guerra*; Adolfo E. Ensuncho; Juana R. Robles

The N···C interaction is responsible for adsorption / absorption of CO2 on amines.


Publicado online: agosto 15, 2017
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Total access: 2325

Quim. Nova 2017, 40(9), 983-988


Estudo químico de eflorescências salinas do sítio arqueológico Toca Exú do Jurubeba do Parque Nacional Serra da Capivara, Piauí, Brasil

Benedito Batista Farias FilhoI,*; Maria Conceiçao S. Meneses LageII; Rássius Alexandre Medeiros LimaI

Chemical analysis of salt efflorescence of rock art sites aiming at the conservation of cultural heritage.


Publicado online: agosto 3, 2017
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Total access: 1781

Quim. Nova 2017, 40(9), 989-997


Desempenho do eletrodo de filme de paládio na determinação de tálio e chumbo em amostras de águas naturais por voltametria de redissolução anódica com pulso diferencial

Jorge Luís O. SantosI; Oldair D. LeiteII,*; Clayton Ricardo JanoniIII; Djane S. de JesusIV; Ana Maria P. dos SantosV

Performance of a palladium film electrode for the determination of thallium and lead in Western Bahia, Brazil.


Publicado online: julho 19, 2017
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Total access: 3249

Quim. Nova 2017, 40(9), 998-1002


Um novo complexo híbrido formado a partir de piplartina e o íon vanadila: síntese, caracterização e estudo da atividade biológica

Giselle B. BezerraI; Janete M. AraújoII; Mônica F. BelianI; Wagner E. da SilvaI; Clécio S. RamosI,*

Synthesis, characterization and antimicrobial potential of amide piplartine and its complex with vanadyl ion.


Publicado online: julho 19, 2017
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Total access: 2245

Quim. Nova 2017, 40(9), 1003-1008


Bioproduction and characterization of sodium, potassium, and calcium lactobionates

Maria G. DelagustinI,*; Eduarda GonçalvesI; Sabrina CarraI; Thiago BarcellosI; Valquíria L. BassaniII; Mauricio M. SilveiraI; Eloane MalvessiI

Lactobionic acid and its salts (lactobionates) are substances that have several applications in pharmaceutical area. These products were obtained by enzymatic complex glucose-fructose-oxidoreductase (GFOR)/gluconolactonase (GL) present in the periplasm of Zymomonas mobilis cells.


Publicado online: agosto 22, 2017
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Total access: 2325

Quim. Nova 2017, 40(9), 1009-1017


Caracterização elementar da casca de arroz e suas cinzas por MIP OES após decomposição ácida com sistema de refluxo

Emanoelli R. LopesI; Aline L. MedinaI; Anderson S. RibeiroI; Joao N. BrandaliseII; Adriane M. NunesI,*

This paper presents an efficient method of preparation of samples of rice husk and rice husk ash for subsequent determination of metals by MIP OES.


Publicado online: setembro 12, 2017
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Total access: 2176

Quim. Nova 2017, 40(9), 1018-1024


Avaliação de diferentes rotas de esfoliação líquida para obtenção de nanolamelas de nitreto de boro hexagonal

Mayara Regina MunaroI,II; Heloisa Nunes da MottaI; Joseane V. GulmineI; Luciane TulioI; Nuno G. AdonisIII; Marilda MunaroI,II,*; Edemir Luiz KowalskiI,II

Hexagonal boron nitride (h-BN) bulk was dispersed in isopropyl alcohol (IPA) or a mixture of IPA and deionized water and subjected to ultrasonication and centrifugation to obtain mono and a few layers suspension of h-BN nanosheets.


Publicado online: setembro 15, 2017
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Total access: 1660

Quim. Nova 2017, 40(9), 1025-1034


Modelado de partículas PM10 y PM2.5 mediante redes neuronales artificiales sobre clima tropical de San Francisco de Campeche, México

Alberto Antonio Espinosa GuzmánI; Oscar May TzucII; Isaías Balam PantíIII; Javier Reyes TrujequeIV; Ignacio Vicente Pérez QuintanaII; Ali BassamII,*

Multi-layer perceptron mathematical model developed for prediction of PM10 and PM2.5 atmospheric particulate concentrations. The model was validated using experimental variables not included during the training and testing phases.


Publicado online: setembro 12, 2017
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Total access: 2281

Quim. Nova 2017, 40(9), 1035-1038


Composição química de uma população de Croton gratissimus burch (Euphorbiaceae)

Laura I. N. CaneloI; Isabel MafucaII; Rosalina S. MataII; Dina I. MendonçaI,*

Chemical composition of Croton gratissimus Burch collected in Quiita, Angola, was evaluated and fourteen compounds were isolated.


Publicado online: agosto 3, 2017
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Total access: 2541

Quim. Nova 2017, 40(9), 1039-1044


Saponificação assistida por micro-ondas na extração de diterpenos em café arábica torrado

Mirelli Bianchin*; Fabio Yamashita; Marta de Toledo Benassi

The saponification reaction to obtain kahweol and cafestol in roasted arabica coffee was performed in a microwave equipment, studying the effect of temperature and reaction time on the extraction of diterpenes.


Publicado online: setembro 12, 2017
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Total access: 2500

Quim. Nova 2017, 40(9), 1045-1050


Structure-activity relationship study of diterpenes for treatment of Alzheimer's disease

Gabriel F. dos SantosI; Rondinelle G. PereiraI; Maria A. D. BoaventuraI; Francisco A. MaciasII; Gesiane da S. LimaI; Amanda C. S. CoelhoI; Jose M. G. MolinilloII; Antonio CalaII; Jacqueline A. TakahashiI,*

Natural kaurane diterpenes and semi-synthetic derivatives were highly active for acetylcholinesterase inhibition. Above are represented some of the most active compounds.


Publicado online: agosto 29, 2017
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Total access: 1965

Quim. Nova 2017, 40(9), 1051-1057


Microemulsion of Brazil nut oil as a natural product to improve superoxide release in human phagocytes

Karol Patel FioriI; Maycon de Paula Ribeiro TorresI; Jessica Iara SchonsI; Elton Brito RibeiroI; Roberta Martins NogueiraII; Leonardo G. VasconcelosIII; Carla R. AndrighettiI; Marcos José JacintoIII; Denia M. de S. ValladaoI,*

Development and characterization of microemulsion systems of Brazil nut oil and determination of the effect of this microemulsion on the release of superoxide in human phagocytes.


Publicado online: agosto 29, 2017
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Total access: 1659

Quim. Nova 2017, 40(9), 1058-1064


Biosynthesis of industrial enzymes by free and immobilized Alicyclobacillus spp in different matrices and the use of ultrafiltration in the enzymes concentration

Suelen Pereira RuizI; Juliana Harumi MiyoshiI; Gabriela Gregolin GimenezI; Camila Ortiz MartinezI; Benício Alves de Abreu FilhoII; Graciette MatioliI,*

The biosynthesis of amylase and collagenase by Alicyclobacillus acidocaldarius and A. sendaiensis respectively, were studied, and different matrices evaluated for the immobilization of the microorganisms followed by concentration by ultrafiltration.


Publicado online: agosto 22, 2017
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Total access: 1603

Quim. Nova 2017, 40(9), 1065-1073


Síntese de 2-(2-piridil)quinolinas promovida por micro-ondas e suas atividades antifúngicas

Carmindo R. BorelI; Luiz C. A. BarbosaI,II,*; Célia R. A. MalthaI; Sergio A. FernandesI; Larissa B. SantosII; Jacqueline A. TakahashiII

2-(2-Pyridyl)quinolines were obtained via a Povarov reaction under microwaves heating conditions and tested against Candida sp and Cryptococcus neoformans. Some compounds possessed a broad spectrum of action (IC50 < 1.95 µg mL-1).


Publicado online: setembro 12, 2017
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Total access: 2308

Quim. Nova 2017, 40(9), 1074-1081


Predição dos teores de compostos fenólicos e flavonoides na parte aérea das espécies Secale cereale L., Avena strigosa L. e Raphanus sativus L. por meio de espectroscopia no infravermelho próximo (NIR)

Monique SouzaI,*; Shirley KuhnenII; Daniele Cristina da Silva KazamaII; Claudinei KurtzIII; Talita TrappI; Vilmar Müller JúniorI; Jucinei José CominI

Through the near infrared spectroscopy, from the spectrum reading, combinations of statistical methods and chemical data obtained in the laboratory, it is possible to construct calibration and validation models to quantify phenolic compounds in plants.


Publicado online: setembro 12, 2017
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Total access: 1433

Revisão Quim. Nova 2017, 40(9), 1082-1093


Desafios relacionados à produção e aplicação das enzimas celulolíticas na hidrólise da biomassa lignocelulósica

Camila FlorencioI; Alberto Colli BadinoII; Cristiane Sanchez FarinasI,II,*

Schematic illustration of the potential strategies to address the current limitations of the enzymatic hydrolysis of lignocellulosic biomass: the production of enzymes on-site, the use of secretome analysis for enzymatic characterization and some approaches to reduce unproductive adsorption of enzymes onto lignin.


Publicado online: agosto 3, 2017
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Total access: 2642

Nota Técnica Quim. Nova 2017, 40(9), 1111-1116


GC-FID methodology validation for the fatty esters content determination in biodiesel with hexadecyl acetate as the internal standard

Joao V. BraunI,II; Vinícius O. B. dos SantosI,II; Luiz A. M. FontouraI,II,*; Evandro PereiraIII; Amanda NappIII; Marcus SeferinIV; Jeane LimaIV; Rosane LigabueIV; Marilene H. VainsteinIII

Canola biodiesel chromatograms: (a) ethyl, (b) methyl, (c) methyl spiked with C19:0, (d) methyl spiked with C17:0, (e) methyl spiked with HDA. Hexadecyl acetate is proposed as internal standard to the fatty ester content determination in biodiesel samples by GC-FID.


Publicado online: agosto 3, 2017
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Total access: 1526

Quim. Nova 2017, 40(9), 1117-1120


Telas de fósforo para projeção de imagem

Marcos Henrique Mamoru Otsuka HamanakaI,*; Michele Odnicki da SilvaI; Viviane Nogueira HamanakaII; Thebano Emílio de Almeida SantosI

The phosphor screen integrated in the field emission microscope system allows: to evaluate if nanotubes have cap; estimate the area of emission; estimate the amount of nanotubes that are emitting; compare different emitters and study the emission behavior.


Publicado online: junho 13, 2017
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Total access: 1428

Educação Quim. Nova 2017, 40(9), 1121-1129


Casos investigativos para a promoção da cscl no ensino superior de química

Patrícia Fernanda de Oliveira Cabral; Nilcimar dos Santos Souza#; Salete Linhares Queiroz*

Undergraduate chemistry students' collaborative processes in a CSCL environment named eduqui.info.


Publicado online: julho 11, 2017
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Total access: 2151

Quim. Nova 2017, 40(9), 1130-1135


Substituição do nitrobenzeno pelo óleo de soja como uma proposta para o ensino do método de Volhard em análise quantitativa

Bárbara Helena S. VieiraI; Roberta Barra P. LaII; José G. Rocha Jr.I; Otavio R. LaI; Cristina M. BarraI,*

End points of the titrations performed for the determination of chloride by the Volhard method aided with nitrobenzene and soybean oil.


Publicado online: julho 11, 2017
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Total access: 2404

On-line version ISSN 1678-7064 Printed version ISSN 0100-4042
Química Nova
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