Cassiana C. MontagnerI,*; Cristiane VidalI; Raphael D. AcayabaII
We know very little about the levels of emerging contaminants in Brazilian aquatic matrices. Our monitoring programs should go beyond the current regulated compounds.
Letícia Pereira PimentaI; Luís Claúdio Kellner FilhoI; Bruna Arruda Soares ParpinelliII; Katia Aparecida de SiqueiraII; Marcos Antônio SoaresII; Márcio Luís Andrade e SilvaI; Wilson Roberto CunhaI; Patrícia Mendonça PaulettiI; Ana Helena JanuárioI,*
Development and validation of an HPLC-DAD analytical method to quantify 5-methoxyflavones in methanolic extracts of V. divergens cultured plants inoculated with endophytic fungi and subjected to water stress.
Cristian J. Guerra*; Adolfo E. Ensuncho; Juana R. Robles
The N···C interaction is responsible for adsorption / absorption of CO2 on amines.
Benedito Batista Farias FilhoI,*; Maria Conceiçao S. Meneses LageII; Rássius Alexandre Medeiros LimaI
Chemical analysis of salt efflorescence of rock art sites aiming at the conservation of cultural heritage.
Jorge Luís O. SantosI; Oldair D. LeiteII,*; Clayton Ricardo JanoniIII; Djane S. de JesusIV; Ana Maria P. dos SantosV
Performance of a palladium film electrode for the determination of thallium and lead in Western Bahia, Brazil.
Giselle B. BezerraI; Janete M. AraújoII; Mônica F. BelianI; Wagner E. da SilvaI; Clécio S. RamosI,*
Synthesis, characterization and antimicrobial potential of amide piplartine and its complex with vanadyl ion.
Maria G. DelagustinI,*; Eduarda GonçalvesI; Sabrina CarraI; Thiago BarcellosI; Valquíria L. BassaniII; Mauricio M. SilveiraI; Eloane MalvessiI
Lactobionic acid and its salts (lactobionates) are substances that have several applications in pharmaceutical area. These products were obtained by enzymatic complex glucose-fructose-oxidoreductase (GFOR)/gluconolactonase (GL) present in the periplasm of Zymomonas mobilis cells.
Emanoelli R. LopesI; Aline L. MedinaI; Anderson S. RibeiroI; Joao N. BrandaliseII; Adriane M. NunesI,*
This paper presents an efficient method of preparation of samples of rice husk and rice husk ash for subsequent determination of metals by MIP OES.
Mayara Regina MunaroI,II; Heloisa Nunes da MottaI; Joseane V. GulmineI; Luciane TulioI; Nuno G. AdonisIII; Marilda MunaroI,II,*; Edemir Luiz KowalskiI,II
Hexagonal boron nitride (h-BN) bulk was dispersed in isopropyl alcohol (IPA) or a mixture of IPA and deionized water and subjected to ultrasonication and centrifugation to obtain mono and a few layers suspension of h-BN nanosheets.
Alberto Antonio Espinosa GuzmánI; Oscar May TzucII; Isaías Balam PantíIII; Javier Reyes TrujequeIV; Ignacio Vicente Pérez QuintanaII; Ali BassamII,*
Multi-layer perceptron mathematical model developed for prediction of PM10 and PM2.5 atmospheric particulate concentrations. The model was validated using experimental variables not included during the training and testing phases.
Laura I. N. CaneloI; Isabel MafucaII; Rosalina S. MataII; Dina I. MendonçaI,*
Chemical composition of Croton gratissimus Burch collected in Quiita, Angola, was evaluated and fourteen compounds were isolated.
Mirelli Bianchin*; Fabio Yamashita; Marta de Toledo Benassi
The saponification reaction to obtain kahweol and cafestol in roasted arabica coffee was performed in a microwave equipment, studying the effect of temperature and reaction time on the extraction of diterpenes.
Gabriel F. dos SantosI; Rondinelle G. PereiraI; Maria A. D. BoaventuraI; Francisco A. MaciasII; Gesiane da S. LimaI; Amanda C. S. CoelhoI; Jose M. G. MolinilloII; Antonio CalaII; Jacqueline A. TakahashiI,*
Natural kaurane diterpenes and semi-synthetic derivatives were highly active for acetylcholinesterase inhibition. Above are represented some of the most active compounds.
Karol Patel FioriI; Maycon de Paula Ribeiro TorresI; Jessica Iara SchonsI; Elton Brito RibeiroI; Roberta Martins NogueiraII; Leonardo G. VasconcelosIII; Carla R. AndrighettiI; Marcos José JacintoIII; Denia M. de S. ValladaoI,*
Development and characterization of microemulsion systems of Brazil nut oil and determination of the effect of this microemulsion on the release of superoxide in human phagocytes.
Suelen Pereira RuizI; Juliana Harumi MiyoshiI; Gabriela Gregolin GimenezI; Camila Ortiz MartinezI; Benício Alves de Abreu FilhoII; Graciette MatioliI,*
The biosynthesis of amylase and collagenase by Alicyclobacillus acidocaldarius and A. sendaiensis respectively, were studied, and different matrices evaluated for the immobilization of the microorganisms followed by concentration by ultrafiltration.
Carmindo R. BorelI; Luiz C. A. BarbosaI,II,*; Célia R. A. MalthaI; Sergio A. FernandesI; Larissa B. SantosII; Jacqueline A. TakahashiII
2-(2-Pyridyl)quinolines were obtained via a Povarov reaction under microwaves heating conditions and tested against Candida sp and Cryptococcus neoformans. Some compounds possessed a broad spectrum of action (IC50 < 1.95 µg mL-1).
Monique SouzaI,*; Shirley KuhnenII; Daniele Cristina da Silva KazamaII; Claudinei KurtzIII; Talita TrappI; Vilmar Müller JúniorI; Jucinei José CominI
Through the near infrared spectroscopy, from the spectrum reading, combinations of statistical methods and chemical data obtained in the laboratory, it is possible to construct calibration and validation models to quantify phenolic compounds in plants.
Camila FlorencioI; Alberto Colli BadinoII; Cristiane Sanchez FarinasI,II,*
Schematic illustration of the potential strategies to address the current limitations of the enzymatic hydrolysis of lignocellulosic biomass: the production of enzymes on-site, the use of secretome analysis for enzymatic characterization and some approaches to reduce unproductive adsorption of enzymes onto lignin.
Joao V. BraunI,II; Vinícius O. B. dos SantosI,II; Luiz A. M. FontouraI,II,*; Evandro PereiraIII; Amanda NappIII; Marcus SeferinIV; Jeane LimaIV; Rosane LigabueIV; Marilene H. VainsteinIII
Canola biodiesel chromatograms: (a) ethyl, (b) methyl, (c) methyl spiked with C19:0, (d) methyl spiked with C17:0, (e) methyl spiked with HDA. Hexadecyl acetate is proposed as internal standard to the fatty ester content determination in biodiesel samples by GC-FID.
Marcos Henrique Mamoru Otsuka HamanakaI,*; Michele Odnicki da SilvaI; Viviane Nogueira HamanakaII; Thebano Emílio de Almeida SantosI
The phosphor screen integrated in the field emission microscope system allows: to evaluate if nanotubes have cap; estimate the area of emission; estimate the amount of nanotubes that are emitting; compare different emitters and study the emission behavior.
Patrícia Fernanda de Oliveira Cabral; Nilcimar dos Santos Souza#; Salete Linhares Queiroz*
Undergraduate chemistry students' collaborative processes in a CSCL environment named
Bárbara Helena S. VieiraI; Roberta Barra P. LaII; José G. Rocha Jr.I; Otavio R. LaI; Cristina M. BarraI,*
End points of the titrations performed for the determination of chloride by the Volhard method aided with nitrobenzene and soybean oil.
On-line version ISSN 1678-7064 Printed version ISSN 0100-4042
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