2:44, ter fev 18

Acesso Aberto/TP

vol. 41, No. 1, 2018

Artigo de Capa
Quim. Nova 2018, 41(1), 75-91

Metabolômica: definições, estado-da-arte e aplicações representativas

Gisele A. B. CanutoI,#; José Luiz da CostaII; Pedro L. R. da CruzI; Ana Rosa L. de SouzaI; Andréa T. FaccioI; Aline KlassenIII; Karina T. RodriguesI; Marina F. M. TavaresI,*

A metabolomic study follows a workflow that involves steps from the experimental design to the biological interpretation of the system under evaluation.


Publicado online: outubro 16, 2017

Total access: 7004

Artigo Quim. Nova 2018, 41(1), 1-4


Fatty acid ethyl esters from microalgae of Scenedesmus ecornis by enzymatic and acid catalysis

Gabryelle F. de AlmeidaI; Pedro H. F. de AraújoII; Alexandro C. FlorentinoII; Roberto M. BezerraII; José C. T. CarvalhoI; Silvia M. M. FaustinoI; Irlon M. FerreiraII,*

We identified palmitic, linoleic, oleic and stearic acids as the main constituents in the lipid extract from microalgae biomass present in the Amazonian ecosystem (Macapá-AP).


Publicado online: novembro 8, 2017
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Total access: 2439

Quim. Nova 2018, 41(1), 5-9


Oxidation of cyclohexanol on phosphotungstic acid anion intercalated layered double hydroxides with aqueous H2O2 as oxidant

Xueli BaiI; Zhaoyang BaiII; Dandan XueI; Huiyan SunI; Xin HuangI; Yongxiang ZhaoI,#; Yue ZhangI,*

The POM anion was successfully inserted by intercalated and nickel supported LDH laminate by Mg2AlNi and Mg3Al layered double hydroxide. The synergistic effect exists between the POMs and the nickel supported LDH laminate. Which lead to have a good catalytic performance in the oxidation of cyclohexanol.


Publicado online: outubro 27, 2017
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Total access: 1908

Quim. Nova 2018, 41(1), 10-16


Esterificação e transesterificação homogênea de óleos vegetais contendo alto teor de ácidos graxos livres

José Sebastião C. VieiraI,II,*; Taís L. SousaII; Luzilene S. RosasII; Ana L. LimaIII; Célia M. RonconiIV; Cláudio J. A. MotaI,III,V

Schematic diagram showing the homogeneous esterification and transesterification steps of Brazilian nut oil (Bertholletia excelsa).


Publicado online: novembro 8, 2017
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Total access: 3086

Quim. Nova 2018, 41(1), 17-22


Tratamento eletroquímico de efluente da produção de biodiesel usando um eletrodo do tipo ade: Ti/IrO2-Nb2O5

Carlos H. M. FernandesI; Marcelo M. YamasakiI; Fernando L. SilvaII; Vanessa M. VasconcelosII; Robson S. RochaII; Marcos R. V. LanzaII,*; Marilza CastilhoI; Evandro L. Dall'ÓglioI; Ailton J. TerezoI,*

Reduction of the total organic carbon (%TOC) of the Biodiesel wastewater by the electrochemical treatments.


Publicado online: dezembro 4, 2017
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Total access: 2461

Quim. Nova 2018, 41(1), 23-29


Fermentação alcoólica de hidrolisado hemicelulósico de torta de girassol por Galactomyces geotrichum UFVJM-R10 e Candida akabanensis UFVJM-R131

Jéssica Pereira de MatosI,*; Kelton Rodrigues de SouzaI; Alexandre Soares dos SantosII; Lílian de Araújo PantojaI

The process represented above show the chemical hydrolysis of the hemicellulose fraction from sunflower seed cake and its conversion into ethanol through the use of unconventional xylose fermenting yeasts.


Publicado online: novembro 8, 2017
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Total access: 1944

Quim. Nova 2018, 41(1), 30-35


Calculation of catalytic reactivity for preparing dichlorodimethylsilane utilizing pre- and post-modified 24T AlCl3/ZSM-5

Wenyuan XuI,*; Mei YangI; Xiaoyan LiI; Shaoming YangI; Xi ChenI; Zhili FangI; Xiaoxin WuI; Sanguo HongII

The reaction mechanism of disproportionating methyltrichlorosilane and trimethylchlorosilane are catalyzed by 24T cluster AlCl3/X-ZSM-5(X stands for pre- and post-modified by (AlCl2)+, (BCl2)+).


Publicado online: novembro 8, 2017
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Total access: 1944

Quim. Nova 2018, 41(1), 36-42


Development and optimization of a microwave-assisted extraction of plumieride from Allamanda cathartica L. flowers

Tiago J. Bonomini; Jaqueline A. Góes; Marina da S. Machado; Ruth M. L. da Silva; Angela Malheiros*

Plumieride was isolated from A. cathartica flowers with higher yields with MAE. A simple and accurate HPLC method has been validated to quantify plumieride. Yields of plumieride obtained by MAE and conventional extraction were compared.


Publicado online: novembro 13, 2017
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Total access: 2229

Quim. Nova 2018, 41(1), 43-48


Análise por injeção sequencial com detecção por voltametria de onda quadrada para determinação de As(III) em amostras de águas usando eletrodo de ouro

Fernando Henrique do Nascimento; Jorge Cesar Masini*

A sequential injection method was developed for determination of As(III) in waters using gold electrodes. The sampling throughput was 20 analyses h-1 with LOQ of 5.2 µg L-1, a value 2-fold lower than that allowed by World Health Organization (10 µg L-1).


Publicado online: novembro 8, 2017
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Total access: 1412

Quim. Nova 2018, 41(1), 49-54


DFT study on the mechanistic, energetic and structural aspects of adsorption of tirapazamine onto pristine and functionalized carbon nanotubes

Sadaf Avarand; Ali Morsali*,#; Mohammad M. Heravi; S. Ali Beyramabadi

The activation parameters show that for the covalent functionalization, the COCl functionalized single wall carbon nanotube (NTCOCl) is kinetically favored with respect to the NTCOOH.


Publicado online: novembro 13, 2017
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Total access: 2971

Quim. Nova 2018, 41(1), 55-60


Alternative source apportionment in the surrounding region of a large steel industry applying Tillandsia usneoides as biomonitor

Laura Benevides dos Santos; Ana Cristina Almeida; Jose Marcus Godoy*

Steel work biomonitoring based on the Tillandsia usneoides: collection at PUC-Rio, relocation to the sampling stations and clustering based on the elemental analysis.


Publicado online: novembro 8, 2017
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Total access: 2500

Revisão Quim. Nova 2018, 41(1), 61-74


Células solares de perovskitas: uma nova tecnologia emergente

Ellen RaphaelI; Mariana Nascimento SilvaI; Rodrigo SzostakII; Marco Antônio SchiavonI,II,*; Ana Flávia NogueiraII

Perovskite solar cells are being one of the most important emerging photovoltaics in this century, with a significant increase in energy conversion efficiency, due to their fantastic properties, diversification of the processing methods and different materials.


Publicado online: outubro 2, 2017
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Total access: 3588

Nota Técnica Quim. Nova 2018, 41(1), 92-99


Reparação de α-acetiloxi-N-cicloexilamidas através da reação de passerini utilizando dimetilcarbonato como solvente ambientalmente amigável

Bárbara R. OliveiraI; Carla C. SilvaI; Juliana C. P. CaladoI; Wagner L. BatistaI; Fernanda A. SiqueiraII; Luiz S. Longo Jr.I,*

A series of α-acetyloxy-N-cyclohexylamides was efficiently obtained via Passerini reaction of cyclohexyl isocyanide, acetic acid, and different aromatic and aliphatic aldehydes using refluxing dimethylcarbonate (DMC) as unconventional solvent.


Publicado online: outubro 27, 2017
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Total access: 3468

Quim. Nova 2018, 41(1), 100-104


Zeólita 4A para purificação do gás de aterro sanitário

José D. V. de Souza FilhoI; Ari C. A. de LimaI; Ronaldo StefanuttiI; Wildson M. B. da SilvaII; Moisés Bastos-NetoIII; Enrique Vilarrasa-GarciaIII; Adonay R. LoiolaII,*; Francisco S. B. MotaI

CO2 adsorption present in landfill biogas using zeolites 4A. The use of zeolites is an alternative to landfill biogas purification targeting the use of methane.


Publicado online: outubro 16, 2017
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Total access: 1999

Quim. Nova 2018, 41(1), 105-109


Assembly of low-cost lab-made photoreactor for preparation of nanomaterials

Vera Katic; Pãmyla L. dos Santos; Joyce G. Gabriel; Acacia Adriana Salomão; Juliano Alves Bonacin*

A low-cost lab-made photoreactor was assembled and used in preparation of nanomaterials.


Publicado online: setembro 19, 2017
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Total access: 2062

Educação Quim. Nova 2018, 41(1), 110-115


Abordagem didática para o desenvolvimento de moléculas bioativas: Regra dos Cinco de Lipinski e preparação de heterociclo 1,3,4-oxadiazol em forno de micro-ondas doméstico

Victória Laysna dos Anjos Santos; Arlan de Assis Gonsalves; Cleônia Roberta Melo Araújo*

Didactic sequence of development of biative molecules approaching the Lipinski's five-rule and synthesis of 1,3,4-oxadiazole heterocycle using domestic microwave oven.


Publicado online: outubro 16, 2017
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Total access: 3569

Quim. Nova 2018, 41(1), 116-119


Cloração mecanoquímica da acetanilida

Silvio CunhaI,II,*; Thiago FontesI,II; Daniel Moreira AraújoI,II; Valéria Belli RiattoI,II,#

A green solvent-free synthesis of 4-chloroacetanilide both under hand grinding and mechanical grinding of stoichiometric amounts of acetanilide with trichloroisocyanuric acid.


Publicado online: outubro 27, 2017
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Total access: 2943

Artigo Quim. Nova 2018, 41(1), 0



Marcela G. Matos; Emerson H. de Faria; Katia J. Ciuffi; Lucas A. Rocha; Eduardo J. Nassar; Marc Verelst

Publicado online: junho 26, 2018
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Total access: 603

On-line version ISSN 1678-7064 Printed version ISSN 0100-4042
Química Nova
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