0:48, seg fev 17

Acesso Aberto/TP

vol. 41, No. 2, 2018

Artigo de Capa
Quim. Nova 2018, 41(2), 176-183

Processing of spent zinc-MnO2 dry cells in various acidic media

Vinício Francisco IbiapinaI; Ulysses dos Santos FlorentinoI; Júlio Carlos AfonsoI,*; Valdir GanteII; Cláudio Augusto ViannaII; José Luiz MantovanoII

Efficient leaching of spent zinc-MnO2 dry cells under mild experimental conditions using weak acids. Zn(II) was best extracted by D2EHPA at pH 2. Sodium salts of the anions of the leachants were recovered.


Publicado online: dezembro 4, 2017
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Total access: 2903

Artigo Quim. Nova 2018, 41(2), 121-128


Adsorção de contaminantes do biodiesel por fibras de bagaço modificadas na superfície

Renata de Souza OliveiraI; Mariana Fornazier BorgesI; Andressa Tironi VieiraII; Mariana Alves HenriqueI; Elaine A. Mundim RibeiroI; Franciel Aureliano BezerraIII; Flaysner Magayver PortelaI; Nilson Roberto PereiraII; Rosana Maria Nascimento de AssunçaoII; Reinaldo RuggieroI,*

Sugarcane bagasse fibers modified superficially through the carboxymethylation process - in natura and MEV image - that were used to adsorb contaminants in biodiesel from soybean oil.


Publicado online: dezembro 4, 2017
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Total access: 2173

Quim. Nova 2018, 41(2), 129-133


Optoelectronic properties of triphenylamine based dyes for solar cell applications. A DFT study

Zakaria Mohyi Eddine FahimI; Si Mohamed BouzzineI,II; Mouay Mustapha HamidiIII; Mohammed BouachrineIV; Mohamed HamidiI; Guillermo Salgado-MoránV; Luis H. Mendoza-HuizarVI,*; Giaan A. Alvarez-RomeroVI

General molecular structure of the triphenylamine based dyes analyzed in the present work.


Publicado online: dezembro 11, 2017
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Total access: 2260

Quim. Nova 2018, 41(2), 134-139


Organofilização e silanização de argila bentonita

Amanda F. BaruelI; Rita C. L. DutraI; Maurício R. BaldanI,III; Cristina M. A. LopesI,II; Silvana N. CassuI,II,*

A bentonite clay was modifed with methoxymethyltriphenylphosphonium chloride (CTFF), this organoclay was silanized with (3-glycidyloxypropyl)trimethoxysilane (GPTMS).


Publicado online: dezembro 4, 2017
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Total access: 1604

Quim. Nova 2018, 41(2), 140-150


The use of polysaccharides extracted from seed of Persea americana var. hass on the synthesis of acrylic hydrogels

Vicente Arturo Lara-ValenciaI,II; Haydeé Dávila-SotoIII; Francisco Javier Moscoso-SanchezIV; Edgar Benjamin Figueroa-OchoaIV; Francisco Carvajal-RamosV; Victor Vladimir Amilcar Fernández-EscamillaVI; Alejandro González-AlvarezVII; J. Félix Armando Soltero-MartínezVII; Emma Rebeca Macías-BallezaVII,*; Salvador García- EnríquezVIII

The kinetic swelling and the compression modulus of acrylic hydrogels are affected by the presence of polysaccharides extracted from seed of Persea americana var. Hass and for the type of initiation on the polymeric network.


Publicado online: novembro 28, 2017
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Total access: 1917

Quim. Nova 2018, 41(2), 151-156


More active and sulfur resistant bimetallic Pd-Ni catalysts

Carolina BettiI; Nicolás CarraraI; Juan BadanoI; Cecilia LederhosI; Carlos VeraI,II; Mónica QuirogaI,II,*

In the absence of sulfur, PdNiN and NiNPd catalysts had the highest initial rate of hydrogenation (r°sf). In the presence of poison, all the catalysts had similar initial rate of hydrogenation (r°sp). NiClPd presented the lowest fraction of poisoned sites (α), resulting the most sulfur resistant.


Publicado online: novembro 13, 2017
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Total access: 2051

Quim. Nova 2018, 41(2), 157-162


Avaliação de asfaltenos precipitados em diferentes condições de composição, temperatura e pressão

Lyzette Gonçalves Moraes de Moura*,#; Paulo de Tarso Vieira e Rosa

Asphaltenes are the heaviest and most polar fraction of crude oils and have the property of self-associate, precipitating in the reservoir or during the production and processing, which can cause serious damage and economic lost to the oil industry.


Publicado online: dezembro 4, 2017
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Total access: 1609

Quim. Nova 2018, 41(2), 163-168


Processo de eletrocoagulação-flotação: investigação dos parâmetros operacionais para o tratamento de águas residuais da indústria de pescados

Jair J. JoaoI,*; Tuane EmerickI; Urias de S. FilhoI; Rafael K. NishihoraII

Schematic representation of the electrochemical system forming a parallel circuit used in wastewater treatment.


Publicado online: dezembro 4, 2017
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Total access: 2163

Quim. Nova 2018, 41(2), 169-175


Bioconversion of cellulose into hydrogen, biogas and organic acids using microbial consortium from a pulp and paper mill wastewater treatment plant

Camila Abreu B. Silva Rabelo; Laís Américo Soares; Isabel Kimiko Sakamoto; Maria Bernadete Amâncio Varesche*

The hydrolysis and fermentation of cellulose into hydrogen, biogas and organic acids was performed successfully by biological sludge without pre-workout and without addition of cellulase.


Publicado online: novembro 28, 2017
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Total access: 2240

Quim. Nova 2018, 41(2), 184-188


New degraded quinone diterpenoid from the stems of Byrsonima coccolobifolia Kunth. (Malpighiaceae)

Lorena R. F. de SousaI,II; Marcos H. F. SantosII; Vanessa G. P. SeverinoII,III; Richele P. SeverinoII; Paulo C. VieiraI,IV,*

New degraded diterpenoid, byrsonimaquinone, isolated from the stems of Byrsonima coccolobifolia.


Publicado online: dezembro 12, 2017
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Total access: 2565

Revisão Quim. Nova 2018, 41(2), 189-201


A versatilidade do eletrodo de gota pendente de mercúrio em química analítica - uma revisão sobre recentes aplicações

Chalder Nogueira NunesI; Vanessa Egéa dos AnjosII; Sueli Pércio QuináiaI,*

Good sensitivity, versatility and low cost make the use of Hanging Mercury Drop Electrode still significant in many countries. Organic and inorganic analytes remain to be studied in different matrices.


Publicado online: novembro 13, 2017
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Total access: 1802

Quim. Nova 2018, 41(2), 202-212


Quimioinformática: uma introdução

Vinicius M. AlvesI; Rodolpho C. BragaI; Eugene N. MuratovI,II,III; Carolina Horta AndradeI,*

Application of cheminformatics to evaluation, selection, and design of new chemicals with optimized properties.


Publicado online: novembro 8, 2017
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Total access: 3591

Nota Técnica Quim. Nova 2018, 41(2), 213-218


Otimização da extração sólido-líquido com partição em baixa temperatura para determinação de carbofurano em Cucurbita pepo L (“abobrinha”) por cromatografia líquida de alta eficiência

Rogério P. RodriguesI; Waldiclécio R. FariasI; Simone M. GoulartI,*; Adilson C. GoulartII; Joao Paulo V. SantosI; Maria Eliana L. R. de QueirozIII

The SLE/LTP-HPLC/UV method was optimized for the determination of carbofuran residues in zucchini. After partitioning at low temperature, the extracts are directly analyzed by chromatography.


Publicado online: outubro 27, 2017
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Total access: 2297

Educação Quim. Nova 2018, 41(2), 219-226


Una defensa de la perspectiva formativa del desarrollo profesional docente en la práctica educativa de los profesores de química

Ricardo Aponte-Buitrago*

Teachers' Professional Development (TPD) is a set of learning opportunities, insights and discussions that improves the classroom practices of teachers. However, the relationship between TPD and educational practice in chemistry educators has not been widely discussed. A theoretical approach around its close link is analyzed.


Publicado online: outubro 27, 2017
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Total access: 1587

Quim. Nova 2018, 41(2), 227-235


Relações pedagógicas em aulas de ciências da educação superior

Ana Luiza de QuadrosI; Ariane Suelen Freitas SilvaII; Eduardo Fleury MortimerII,*

This figure illustrates a pedagogical link-making in the context of teaching and learning scientific conceptual knowledge.


Publicado online: dezembro 19, 2017
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Total access: 4400

Quim. Nova 2018, 41(2), 236-242


Phenomenological approaches to study learning in the tertiary level chemistry laboratory

Santiago Sandi-Urena*

Phenomenological studies allow a thorough description of laboratory learning environments. Through its analysis researchers gather a better understanding of how learning in the lab occurs. This knowledge informs pedagogical decisions and the design of curricular reforms.


Publicado online: dezembro 19, 2017
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Total access: 3084

On-line version ISSN 1678-7064 Printed version ISSN 0100-4042
Química Nova
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