Nelson DuránI,*; Wagner J. FavaroII,#
Bacteria, fungi, yeast and Trypanosome biomineralizations play a critical role in biogeochemical cycles. These processes have important technological and environmental applications. This review shows the recent progress in biogenic magnesium phosphate compound.
Sérgio P. Machado; Roberto B. Faria*
Qualitative energy-level molecular diagrams for different geometry allow to explain the preferred geometry of simple molecules on basis of the number of nonbonding electrons.
Edineide Cristina A. de SouzaI; Etyene Janyne G. da SilvaI; Hayron Kalil C. CordeiroII; Nauara M. Lage FilhoII; Felipe M. A. da SilvaIII; Diany Lucy S. dos ReisIV; Carla PortoIV; Eduardo J. PilauIV; Luiz Antonio M. A. da CostaI; Afonso D. L. de SouzaIII; Cristiano MenezesV; Adriana FlachI,*,
Chemical compositions of the propolis of Apis mellifera and Frieseomelitta longipes and determination of their biological activities.
Luis Díaz-BalloteI,*; Karen Gómez-HernándezI; Elsy T. Vega-LizamaI; Miguel A. Ruiz-GómezI; Luis MaldonadoI; Emanuel HernándezII
Samples of biodiesel were first exposed to an accelerated oxidation process and then thermally decomposed. The final mass measured on the weight loss curve was used for assessing its oxidative level.
Poliana Aparecida Rodrigues GazollaI; Róbson Ricardo TeixeiraI,*; Adalberto Manoel da SilvaII; Boniek Gontijo VazIII; Géssica Adriana VasconcelosIII; Raoni Pais SiqueiraIV; Victor Hugo Sousa GonçalvesIV; Higor Sette PereiraIV; Gustavo Costa BressanIV
Triazolic derivatives of eugenol were prepared and had their cytotoxicity evaluated.
Rene F. B. Gonçalves; Koshun Iha; José A. F. F. Rocco*
Potential energy variation for triethylaluminum combustion under different temperatures in NVE-MD simulations.
Gidea T. Tractz; Guilherme A. R. Maia; Bianca V. Dias; Franciely Ignachewski; Paulo R. P. Rodrigues*
Dye sensitized solar cell (DSSC) can be prepared with natural dyes, such as Hibiscus. Photovoltaic parameters and a model capable of predicting the adsorption mechanism of the dye on the TiO2 surface are investigated in this paper.
Michel L. de SouzaI; Susane B. MoscardiniI; Emerson H. de FariaI; Katia J. CiuffiI; Lucas A. RochaI; Eduardo J. NassarI,*; Jorge V. L. SilvaII; Marcelo F. OliveiraII; Izaque A. MaiaII
The article describes the incorporation of the yttrium aluminum oxide doped with Yb3+ and Er3+ incorporated into polyamide membrane obtained by Additive Manufacture. This work presents potential applications to transform infrared radiation into visible, upconversion.
Xiao-Huan Fu, Wen-Yuan Wu *; Peng Jiang; Zhen-Yu Han; Rong Wan#
A novel helicate [Fe2L3]4+ resulted from the subcomponent self-assembly of a C3-symmetric triamine, iron(II) and 2-formylpyridine. The supramolecular studies showed that the size, functional group and symmetry of guest molecules remarkably influenced the host-guest interaction patterns.
Mariana F. Coura; Guilherme Arroyos; Lilian Cherubin Correia; Regina C. G. Frem*
This work shows the use of lemon varieties as natural reducing agents for the preparation of gold nanoparticles from two different metallic precursors. UV-Vis spectra of the red colloidal solutions show bands at ~ 520 nm corresponding to particle sizes of 5-25 nm.
Larissa C. de RezendeI,III; Patricia de A. SantosI; Valéria B. RiattoI; Jorge M. DavidI,*; Juceni P. DavidII
Waste seed oils of Spondias mombin presents mostly unsaturated fatty acid, phytosteroids and two new alkenyl phenols.
Hilana B. M. FrotaI; Jane Eire S. A. MenezesI; Sônia Maria C. SiqueiraI; Nágila Maria P. RicardoII; Tamara G. AraújoIII; Carlos Alberto G. SouzaIV; Paulo N. BandeiraV; Hélcio S. dos SantosV,*
Allantoin was encapsulated with galactomannan extruded from Delonyx regia.
Aldiceia Luiz de Moura; Lidiane Macedo Alves de Lima; Giselle Barbosa Bezerra; Jucleiton J. R. de Freitas; Mônica Freire Belian; Clécio Souza Ramos; Rodrigo André Avelino; Joao R. de Freitas Filho*
This review summarizes recent developments, in the last twenty years, about the Ferrier rearrangement reaction involving synthesis, mechanistic proposal and application of 2,3-unsaturated O-glycosides.
Ingrid T. L. Ramos; Telma M. G. da Silva; Tania M. S. da Silva; Celso A. Camara*
Environmental friendly methods for regioselective iodination of the 3,7,3',4'-tetramethoxy-quercetin. Neat reation and aprotic polar solvent selective C-6, protic polar solvent selective C-8 and excess iodine reagent selective di-iodination.
Rafael Gundim SilvaI; Júlio Carlos AfonsoII,*; Claudio Fernando MahlerI
Leaching of spent lithium-ion batteries under mild experimental conditions using weak and strong acids. Co(II) was extracted by D2EHPA at pH ~5. Lithium salts can be directly precipitated from the raffinate.
Mariana Cristina de Oliveira; Alexandre Pereira de Lima; Rodrigo Monzon Figueredo; Heloisa Andréa Acciari*; Eduardo Norberto Codaro
Schematic representation of possible reaction pathways in the corrosion of carbon steel by hydrogen sulfide.
On-line version ISSN 1678-7064 Printed version ISSN 0100-4042
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