3:22, ter fev 18

Acesso Aberto/TP

vol. 41, No. 6, 2018

Artigo de Capa
Quim. Nova 2018, 41(6), 662-677

Busca virtual de compostos bioativos: conceitos e aplicações

Erika Piccirillo; Antonia Tavares do Amaral*

Representation of a virtual screening procedure using a sequence of different filters (drug-like properties, pharmacophore or shape, similarity and docking) applied to a virtual database of molecules previously prepared.


Publicado online: março 8, 2018
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Total access: 4100

Artigo Quim. Nova 2018, 41(6), 601-606


Condensação aldólica de furfural e acetona catalisada por bases orgânicas nitrogenadas: um estudo preliminar de desempenho catalítico visando a produção de bioquerosene de aviação

Vinícius W. FariaI; Guilherme C. AlmeidaII; Cláudio J. A. MotaI,II,III,*

Aldol condensation of furfural with acetone catalyzed by amines.


Publicado online: abril 4, 2018
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Total access: 1198

Quim. Nova 2018, 41(6), 607-612


Adenanthera pavonina galactomannan for controlled delivery of rutin - a preliminary study

Karine A. NobreI; Carlos E. A. SoaresII; Icaro G. P. VieiraIII; Raimundo R. de AlmeidaI; Renato de A. MoreiraIV; Tamara G. de AraújoV; Maria E. N. P. RibeiroI,*; Nágila M. P. S. RicardoI

A new formulation for controlled drug delivery from water-swellable matrix systems was proposed.


Publicado online: abril 4, 2018
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Total access: 1168

Quim. Nova 2018, 41(6), 613-618


Lewis acid sites of mg2+-modified polystyrene sulfonic acid resin catalysys for synthesis of dibutyl succinate

Cheng JingI; Liang JinhuaII; Ding ZhongxieI; Wang YuehuaI; Liu ZhenI; Jiang MinII; Ren XiaoqianI,*

The protonation of the carbonyl moiety in the succinic acid activates the carbonyl carbon atom for nucleophilic attack of n-butanol followed by the desorption of the succinic acid monobutyl ester. After a new esterification process, the generated dibutyl succinate separated from the surface active sites of the catalyst.


Publicado online: abril 10, 2018
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Total access: 1981

Quim. Nova 2018, 41(6), 619-622


Phytochemistry investigation of casearia arborea (rich.) urb. (salicaceae) and antimicrobial analysis of its diterpene

Maria D. Leite-FerreiraI, Maria S. Rocha-SouzaI, Raphael R. de A. RamirezI, Otemberg S. ChavesI, Yanna C. F. TelesII, Fillipe de O. PereiraIII, Raimundo Braz-FilhoIV, Edeltrudes de O. LimaI, Rosangela do Socorro F. R. SarquisV, Tânia Maria Sarmento da SilvaVI and Maria de Fátima Vanderlei de SouzaI,*

Seven compounds were isolated from Casearia arbórea using chromatographic methods and the antimicrobial activity of kolavelone, a clerodane diterpene, was evaluated.


Publicado online: março 29, 2018
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Total access: 2342

Quim. Nova 2018, 41(6), 623-627


A highly selective fluorescent sensor for detection of trivalent metal ions based on a simple schiff-base

Yongjie DingI,II; Chunxiang ZhaoI,*

A simple fluorescent sensor L showed good selectivity toward trivalent metal ions (such as Al3+, Fe3+, Cr3+, La3+ and Ce3+) over other monovalent or divalent metal ions.


Publicado online: abril 10, 2018
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Total access: 1758

Quim. Nova 2018, 41(6), 628-633


Solvent selection for chemical reactions: automated computational screening of solvents using the smd model

Ellen V. Dalessandro; Josefredo R. Pliego Jr.*

Computational screening of solvents through full SMD calculations can be an useful approach for finding the best solvent of a chemical reaction.


Publicado online: abril 2, 2018
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Total access: 1200

Quim. Nova 2018, 41(6), 634-640


Avaliação dos resíduos gerados durante a destruição de pcbs pelo processo catalisado por base

Cassio P. MeniniI,II; Kassia S. KanieskiI; Martinho J. VichinheskiI; Tarcisio LoddiIII; Marco A. MarinIV; Marilda MunaroI; Joseane V. GulmineI,*

With the reaction the PCBs are partially dechlorinated, forming less chlorinated congeners and aryl glycol compounds by the chemical bonding to the polyethylene glycol.


Publicado online: abril 18, 2018
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Total access: 2154

Quim. Nova 2018, 41(6), 641-647


Extração em fase sólida de resíduos de agrotóxicos de água superficial, empregando um sorvente de menor retenção

Carlos A. S. Aguiar JúniorI; Nadja T. M. SilvaI; Dayane F. SoaresII; Anizio M. FariaI,*

Extraction and pre-concentration of pesticides in surface water samples by SPE-HPLC-UV, using a low-cost lab-made SPE sorbent.


Publicado online: março 29, 2018
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Total access: 2822

Quim. Nova 2018, 41(6), 648-655


Avaliação de características de biodieseis de fontes alternativas submetidos a condições de armazenagem diferenciada

Maria Juliane SuotaI; Edesio Luiz SimionattoI,*; Dilamara Riva ScharfI; Valnice MottaI; Daniela MoserI; Luciano Basto OliveiraII; Luiz Roberto Martins PedrosoII; Alberto Wisniewski JrIII; Vinicyus Rodolfo WiggersIV; Vanderleia BottonIV; Henry França MeierIV

Waste and residual triacylglycerols can be a valuable feedstock source to produce biodiesel. One of the main chemical aspects of quality is the oxidative stability of FAMEs during of storage process. We evaluate some specific conditions that can promote it.


Publicado online: março 29, 2018
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Total access: 1374

Quim. Nova 2018, 41(6), 656-661


Sorção de CO2 utilizando líquido iônico aditivado com extensores de área superficial

André L. A. De SouzaI,#; Michele O. VieiraI,#; Barbara B. PolessoI,#; Fabiana W. CobalchiniI; Franciele L. BernardII; Felipe Dalla VecchiaI,III,#; Sandra EinloftI,*,#

CO2 sorption using ionic liquid ([mbmim][Tf2N] and [bmim][BF4]) with glass microspheres K20 as surface area extenders.


Publicado online: abril 10, 2018
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Total access: 1644

Revisão Quim. Nova 2018, 41(6), 678-690


Os lantanídeos nas redes metalorgânicas: uma nova classe de materiais porosos

Ayla R. B. S. GalaçoI; Juliana F. LimaII; Osvaldo A. SerraI,III,*

Lanthanoid organic frameworks (LOFs)* stand out as an important class of functional materials due the optical, magnetic and redox properties. The main properties of these materials as, sensors, catalysis, luminescence and so on, is described in this review.


Publicado online: março 21, 2018
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Total access: 2347

Educação Quim. Nova 2018, 41(6), 691-698


Experimento com abacate, borra de café, licuri e leite de coco para extração de óleo, produção de biodiesel e análise espectral

Silvio CunhaI,II,*; Marina Costa RodriguesI,II; Rosiene Reis MattosI,III; Leonardo Sena Gomes TeixeiraI,II; Airam Oliveira SantosIII; Elaine V. SantosIII; Rauan S. SouzaIII; Givaldo dos Santos AndradeIV; Rodrigo De PaulaIV; Djane S. de JesusV

Four alternative biomasses were applied in undergraduate organic chemistry experiment for oil extraction and biodiesel production. Infrared and hydrogen nuclear magnetic resonance spectra of oils, oil and biodiesel and biodiesels were compared.


Publicado online: março 8, 2018
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Total access: 2555

Quim. Nova 2018, 41(6), 699-705


Topologia unificada dos orbitais moleculares de fronteira para explicar reações pericíclicas

Silvio Cunha#,*

Pericyclic reactions can be classified according to the connectivity of reactants systems as connected atom reactions (CAR) and as not connected atom reactions (NOCAR). HOMO's topology is adequate to explain all CAR, while the HOMO-LUMO's topology explain all NOCAR.


Publicado online: fevereiro 8, 2018
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Total access: 2473

Quim. Nova 2018, 41(6), 706-712


Atividade fotodinâmica e conceitos: um experimento demonstrativo

Ana Claudia Pedrozo da SilvaI; Camila Fabiano de FreitasI; André Luiz TessaroII; Wilker CaetanoI; Silvana Maria de Oliveira SantinI,*; Noboru HiokaI; Graciana Freitas PaliotoII

Methylene Blue and Erythrosine B showed photodynamic action in the inhibition of microbial growth after LED light exposure in a simple and didactic experiment. It can be applied in Chemistry courses allying advanced researches with basic concepts.


Publicado online: março 19, 2018
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Total access: 2297

Assuntos Gerais Quim. Nova 2018, 41(6), 713-718


Inovação e propriedade intelectual dos 1,2,4-oxadiazóis: uma prospecção tecnológica fundamentada em base de dados de patentes e periódicos

Erick Caique Santos CostaI; Jucleiton José Rufino de FreitasII; Juliano Carlo Rufino FreitasI,II,*

1,2,4-Oxadiazoles are heterocyclic with a broad spectrum of applications. Given this, the present search aimed at analyzing the potential and evolution of the technology involved in oxadizoles application through research papers and publications of patent applications.


Publicado online: março 8, 2018
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Total access: 1466

On-line version ISSN 1678-7064 Printed version ISSN 0100-4042
Química Nova
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