Tatiane Balbo Batista-GallepI; Tatiane Pasquoto-StiglianiII; Mariana GuilgerII; Diogo Torres RhederI; Tais Germano-CostaII; Natalia Bilesky-JoséII; Leonardo Fernandes FracetoIII; Cleoni dos Santos CarvalhoI; Renata de LimaI,II,*
This study shows toxicity results of commercial iron oxide nanoparticles.
Luanna M. CarneiroI; Danilo J. G. da SilvaII; Luan C. G. dos ReisI; Daiane A. F. de OliveiraI; Laís da C. MacielII; Karina S. GarciaI; Sarah A. R. SoaresI,*; Antônio F. de S. QueirozI
The presence of selected metals in tissues of G. cruentata can represent a potential human health risk to the consumer.
Luis Díaz-BalloteI,*; Norberto U. García-CruzII; Emanuel Hernández-NuñezII; Andrea Castillo-AtocheIII; Gerardo González-GarcíaIV; Geonel Rodriguez-GattornoI
Differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) was demonstrated to be a helpful tool to determine the light crude oil (LCO) fraction in biodiesel/LCO blends. DSC results were validated with nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR).
Aline do Nascimento SilvaI,*; Horácio Freitas BomfimII; Acsa Oliveira MagalhaesI; Marilene Lopes da RochaI; Angélica Maria LuccheseII
Antinociceptive potential of the essential oil obtained from fresh Myrcia rostrata DC. leaves evidenced by the reduction in the number of abdominal writhes induced by acetic acid in mice.
Ellen Conceiçao T. de MatosI; Luciana A. RodriguesII; Pamella de A. SouzaI; Renato V. da SilvaII; Roberto T. Faria Jr.I,*
Soil substrates must exhibit physical and chemical properties in such way that a high capacity to supply the nutritional demand can be guaranteed, taking into account environmental standards.
Cristiane Lázara de BarrosI; Newton Martins Barbosa NetoII; Antonio Otavio T. PatrocinioI,*
Spectral changes due to the isomerization of mercury dithizonate(II) in PMMA at 298 K.
Juliana C. Nunes; Pamela Thais S. Melo; Fauze A. Aouada*; Marcia R. de Moura
Filmogenic solution was obtained by stirring the lemon essential oil on the Turrax stirrer and adding gelatin powder in the nanoemulsion to form the films.
Danilo de C. SilvaI; Carlos R. BellatoI,*; José de O. Marques NetoI; Maurício P. F. FontesII
The Velhas River contains high amounts of arsenic and metals in water and sediment samples. BCR method was used to investigate its bioavailability in the sediment. All sediments samples presented As and metals associated with easily mobilized fractions.
Monna Lisa B. QueirozI,II; Kennedy C. da ConceiçaoI,II; Micael Nunes MeloI,II; Osmar Calderón SánchezIII; Heiddy M. AlvarezIV; Cleide M. F. SoaresI,II; Alini T. FricksI,II,*
Immobilization of HRP on sugarcane bagasse by physical adsorption (ADS) and covalent bond (LC) on activated support by 2.5% (v/v) glutaraldehyde (GA).
Walner Costa SilvaI; Roger de Souza CorrêaI; Pedro Rosário GismontiI; Júlio Carlos AfonsoI,*; Rubens Souza da SilvaII; Cláudio Augusto ViannaII; José Luiz MantovanoII
Hydrometallurgical process for printed circuit boards from cell phones using HF + oxidant mixtures under mild experimental conditions. Lead and noble metals were recovered from the insoluble matter.
Danielle L. J. Pinheiro; Giovanni W. Amarante*
This review covers some recent work by using Nickel catalysis. In this context, challenged organic transformations, synthetic applications and mechanism investigations are described.
Leidiane C. LauthartteI,*; Diego F. GomesI; Marília H. MussyI; Igor B. B. de HolandaI; Ronaldo AlmeidaII; Wanderley R. BastosI
Alluvial gold mining dredge on the Madeira river. The gold extracted by the dredges is taken to the city of Porto Velho for commercialization, where the its smelting and Hg exposure occurs in the atmosphere of specialized stores.
Fabíola Manhas Verbi PereiraI; Edenir Rodrigues Pereira-FilhoII,*
Factorial design: use of free software and videos for better data interpretation.
Ana C. da S. Steola*; Ana C. Kasseboehmer
In this article we discuss the space of Chemistry in Brazilian science centers and museums through a documental survey conducted by telephone, mail and analyzing the websites of those places.
Francis Pereira Nascimento; Baraquízio Braga do Nascimento Junior; Luiz Augusto Martins Cardoso; Rodrigo Veiga Tenório de Albuquerque; Nemesio Matos Oliveira-Neto*
Top Figure: Potential energy for A ⇆ B reaction. Bottom Left Figure: Transitions between states A and B. (i) Ehrenfest urn model (Urns A and B) randomly defines the collision between molecules; (ii) Monte Carlo method (PAB and PPBA: Metropolis Update) defines the transition probabilities. Bottom Right Figure: A tipical results for 102 samples.
Angélica Priscila Parussolo ToninI; Gabrielly Ribeiro CarneiroII; Marcos Alessandro dos Santos RibeiroI; Jaime da Costa CedranIII; Valquíria de Moraes SilvaII; Eduardo Cesar MeurerII,*
Students using mass spectrometry to check if the oils were adulterated with soybean oil. An investigative approach to learning mass spectrometry and other fundamental concepts of chemistry.
On-line version ISSN 1678-7064 Printed version ISSN 0100-4042
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