20:50, seg fev 17

Acesso Aberto/TP

vol. 42, No. 4, 2019

Artigo de Capa
Quim. Nova 2019, 42(4), 387-396

Monitoramento da composição em ésteres do biodiesel do óleo de amêndoa da macaúba (Acrocomia aculeata (Jacq.) Lodd. ex Mart.) em contato direto com o aço carbono e o aço carbono galvanizado

Cláudia Eliane Dias BatistaI; José Domingos FabrisI,II,*; Luis Carlos Duarte CavalcanteIII; Vanny P. FerrazII; Benedito C. Andrade JuniorIV; José Domingos ArdissonV; Leandro R. de LemosVI; Sandra M. DamascenoI

Monitoring the composition in esters of the biodiesel prepared from the macaúba (Acrocomia aculeata (Jacq.) Lodd. ex Mart.) kernel oil put in direct contact with carbon steel and galvanized carbon steel.


Publicado online: abril 17, 2019
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Total access: 2553

Artigo Quim. Nova 2019, 42(4), 365-370


Preparation and characterization of a quercetin-tetraethyl ether-based photoprotective nanoemulsion

Marlucy da Cruz GonçalvesI; Viviane Martins R. dos SantosI,*; Jason Guy TaylorI; Fernanda Barçante PerasoliII; Orlando David H. dos SantosII; Ana Carolina S. RabeloIII; Joamyr Victor Rossoni JuniorIII; Daniela Caldeira CostaIII; Thiago CazatiIV

Synthesis of Quercetin derivative, UV analysis, FPS calculation, photo stability and incorporation in a sun protection formulation.


Publicado online: março 13, 2019
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Total access: 2424

Quim. Nova 2019, 42(4), 371-378


Targeted and non-targeted analysis based on Ultra High Performance Liquid Chromatography and Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy for Paris species of different geographical origins

Yuangui Yang; Yanli Zhao; Ji Zhang; Shaobing Yang; Yuanzhong Wang*

A method was developed and validated for evaluation of different species and geographical origins using targeted quantitative analysis and non-targeted FT-IR spectroscopy.


Publicado online: março 18, 2019
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Total access: 1865

Quim. Nova 2019, 42(4), 379-386


Evaluation of cocaine samples seized in the streets of the state of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Luiza D. Sant'AnaI,II,*; Valeria C. de SousaII; Frances R. dos SantosII; Bruno D. SabinoI,III; Amadeu CardosoIII; Marco Edilson F. de LimaII; Rosane N. CastroII

Differences in average composition of freebase cocaine and hydrochloride cocaine, showing that hydrochloride cocaine seized in the state of Rio de Janeiro is majorly composed of non-active compounds (diluents), while freebase cocaine is majorly composed of active compounds.


Publicado online: março 13, 2019
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Total access: 2038

Quim. Nova 2019, 42(4), 397-404


Characterization of several generations of NiMo hydroprocessing catalysts employed in the same hydrotreater

Tatiana Marques Pessanha; Carolina Leao Quintanilha; Cristiano Nunes da Silva; Julio Carlos Afonso*

The amount and variety of foreign elements deposited on NiMo/Al2O3 catalysts increased and coke became more aromatic in the most recent generations as expected from the more drastic HDS conditions and the quality of the crude diesel.


Publicado online: fevereiro 27, 2019
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Total access: 1477

Quim. Nova 2019, 42(4), 405-411


Caracterização química e avaliação da citotoxicidade de um heteropolissacarídeo isolado da biomassa do Colletotrichum gloeosporioides

Samara M. A. AlexandreI; Maria de Lourdes Corradi da SilvaI,*; Ana F. D. VasconcelosI; Dalita G. S. M. CavalcanteII; Aldo E. JobII; Luciana G. FerreiraIII; Miguel D. NosedaIII; Maria E. R. DuarteIII

A heteropolysaccharide with a main chain composed by β-D-galactofuranosidic units (1→5) and (1→6) linked with residues α-D-glupiranosidic as a branch was isolated from C. gloeosporioides biomass. It did not present cytotoxic activity on CHO-K1 cells.


Publicado online: março 13, 2019
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Total access: 2074

Quim. Nova 2019, 42(4), 412-417


1H NMR study of the host-guest chemistry in a supramolecular helicate FeII2L3 solution

Peng Jiang; Wen-Yuan Wu*; Tie-Huan Tang; Zhi-Fan Chen; Yun-Cong Fang; Rong Wan#

A novel supramolecular helicate [FeII2L3]4+ from subcomponent self-assembly is subject to bind electron-rich aromatic pyrene guests via aromatic π–π interactions.


Publicado online: abril 17, 2019
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Total access: 2482

Quim. Nova 2019, 42(4), 418-424


Removal of BPA from landfill leachates using fenton-adsorption process

Liliana San Pedro-CedilloI,*; Roger I. Méndez-NoveloI; Emanuel Hernández-NúñezII; Germán Giácoman-VallejosI; A. BassamI

Effective use of the Fenton-adsorption process to degrade the BPA molecule in landfill leachates.


Publicado online: abril 15, 2019
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Total access: 1848

Revisão Quim. Nova 2019, 42(4), 425-446


Organocatálise enantiosseletiva: evolução e aspectos recentes

Fernanda G. Finelli*; Bruno M. da S. Santos; Lívia C. R. M. da Frota

This tutorial review presents, in a concise way, a general and contemporary view of the rise of Enantioselective Organocatalysis in the Asymmetric Catalysis, following the evolution of the area from its versatile generic modes of catalyst activation.


Publicado online: fevereiro 6, 2019
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Total access: 2541

Nota Técnica Quim. Nova 2019, 42(4), 447-452


Development of an automated method to perform a quantitative study of particle size distribution and the effect of a conductive layer in scanning electron microscopy

Juan C. G. Barreto; Diego L. Tita; Marcelo O. Orlandi*

The figure shows the automatized method to determine the PSD of nanosphere by SEM. The results show that the method was well succeeded. In addition, Au and C deposition produce a thinner layer that affect the morphology, thus influenced the particle size.


Publicado online: abril 8, 2019
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Total access: 2393

Educação Quim. Nova 2019, 42(4), 453-457


Effect of the nature of the electrolyte and the nature of the interface on the hydrogen evolution potential: experiments for chemistry students

Silvia Maria Leite AgostinhoI,*; Ruth Flavia Vera Villamil JaimesII; Lucas VairoletteIII; Isis Valença de SouzaIII

Hydrogen evolution reaction on copper cathode in sulfuric acid solution by electrolysis.


Publicado online: fevereiro 11, 2019
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Total access: 2513

Quim. Nova 2019, 42(4), 458-467


Autoria coletiva em ambiente informatizado no ensino superior de química

Erasmo Moises dos Santos Silva; Mikeas Silva de Lima; Salete Linhares Queiroz*

Authorship in a virtual learning environment with the participation of undergraduate chemistry students.


Publicado online: abril 3, 2019
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Total access: 1228

Assuntos Gerais Quim. Nova 2019, 42(4), 468-472


AITP 2019 - ano internacional da tabela periódica dos elementos químicos

Henrique E. Toma

By showing the real elements in the Periodic Table, one can better envision their identities and characteristics, inviting us to access this wonderful Chemistry Portal.


Publicado online: março 28, 2019
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Total access: 4138

On-line version ISSN 1678-7064 Printed version ISSN 0100-4042
Química Nova
Publicações da Sociedade Brasileira de Química
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