15:58, ter fev 11

Acesso Aberto/TP

vol. 42, No. 5, 2019

Artigo de Capa
Quim. Nova 2019, 42(5), 527-545

Laser induced-breakdown spectroscopy (LIBS): histórico, fundamentos, aplicações e potencialidades

Vinicius C. Costa; Amanda S. Augusto; Jeyne P. Castro; Raquel C. Machado; Daniel F. Andrade; Diego V. Babos; Marco A. Sperança; Raimundo R. Gamela; Edenir R. Pereira-Filho*

LIBS applications in a myriad of samples: agriculture, food and electronic waste.


Publicado online: março 11, 2019

Total access: 3680

Artigo Quim. Nova 2019, 42(5), 473-484


Síntese e avaliação das atividades fotoprotetora, citotóxica e antiviral contra o Zika Vírus de derivados triazólicos da benzofenona

Angela M. A. LimaI; Róbson R. TeixeiraI,*; Bianca F. da SilvaI; Raoni P. SiqueiraII; Italo E. P. da SilvaIII; Edjon G. SantosIII; Maria Cecília FernandesI; Victor Hugo Sousa GonçalvesII; Gustavo C. BressanII; Tiago Antonio de Oliveira MendesII; Sérgio O. de PaulaIII; Adílson Vidal CostaIV; Marcelo H. dos SantosI

A series of triazolic benzophenone derivatives were synthesized and had their photoprotective, cytotoxic and antiviral against Zika Virus activities evaluated.


Publicado online: maio 14, 2019
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Total access: 2562

Quim. Nova 2019, 42(5), 485-488


Phytotoxic constituents from endophytic fungus Xylaria cubensis associated with Eugenia brasiliensis

Carolina R. BiasettoI; Andressa SomensiI; Viviane de C. P. AbdallaII; Lucas M. de AbreuIII; Sonia C. J. GualtieriII; Ludwig H. PfenningIV; Vanderlan da S. BolzaniI; Angela R. AraujoI,*

Phytotoxic constituents and other compounds isolated from Xylaria cubensis.


Publicado online: maio 16, 2019
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Total access: 1598

Quim. Nova 2019, 42(5), 489-496


Aplicação da espectroscopia raman na caracterização de minerais pertencentes a uma geocoleção

Adriele R. SantosI,II; Denise B. MenezesIII; Javier EllenaI,*; e Marcelo B. AndradeI

Raman Spectra of three pertaining samples of a mineral collection, correctly identified in this study by their mineral composition as calcite [CaCO3], spodumene [LiAlSi2O6] and muscovite [KAl2(Si3Al)O10(OH,F)2].


Publicado online: abril 18, 2019
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Total access: 4675

Quim. Nova 2019, 42(5), 497-504


Study of the Chromium(VI) removal from aqueous systems by cobalt nanoparticles

Patricia G. Leles; Mayra A. Nascimento; Jean C. Cruz; Paloma V. F. de Sous; Renata P. Lopes*

The Cr(VI) removal by Co-NPs occurs initially by the adsorption of the Cr(VI) species on the surface of NPs-Co. The Cr(VI) is reduced to Cr(III) on the surface of the Co-NPs. Also occurs the formation of Cr(OH)3, whose species are co-precipitated under the surface of the NPs-Co.


Publicado online: maio 8, 2019
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Total access: 1189

Quim. Nova 2019, 42(5), 505-512


Ring opening polymerization of L-lactide with two different zinc(II) phenoxy-imine complexes as initiators

Alana L. C. OliveiraI; Leonardo C. FerreiraI; Marcos L. DiasI,*; Rodrigo S. BitzerII; Marco A. C. NascimentoII

Two zinc(II) complexes containing phenoxy-imine ligands were synthesized and used as initiators in bulk ring opening polymerization (ROP) of L-lactide (LA) to produce high stereoregular poly(lactic acid).


Publicado online: abril 30, 2019
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Total access: 622

Quim. Nova 2019, 42(5), 513-521


Characterization of silicon-aluminum-zirconium oxide obtained by the sol-gel process

Cristiano Nunes da SilvaI; José Márcio Siqueira JúniorII; Amanda Garcez VeigaI; Germildo Juvenal MuchaveIII; Donato Alexandre Gomes ArandaIII; Júlio Carlos AfonsoI; Emerson Schwingel RibeiroI,*

Synthesis and full characterization of a ternary oxide prepared by the sol-gel process followed by two washing procedures. A promising material for many applications such as dye/metal ion adsorption from effluents, among other applications.


Publicado online: maio 8, 2019
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Total access: 1987

Quim. Nova 2019, 42(5), 522-526


A new validated method for determination of roflumilast in tablet by CZE-UV

Tufan Güray*,#

In this study, new, rapid and sensitive capillary zone electrophoresis (CZE) method for the determination of roflumilast (RFL) developed. This validated method is the first example based on the determination of RFL by CZE.


Publicado online: maio 27, 2019
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Total access: 3615

Revisão Quim. Nova 2019, 42(5), 546-559


Metabolômica microbiana: inovações e aplicações

Joao Raul BelinatoI,II; Jaqueline Moraes BazioliI,III; Alessandra SussuliniI,II; Fabio AugustoI,II; Taícia Pacheco FillI,*

Microbial metabolomics has been applied in several microbiological areas. The metabolomics workflow mainly involves quenching and extraction of metabolites, instrumental analysis, processing and data analysis, all of these steps acting together essentially.


Publicado online: fevereiro 27, 2019
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Total access: 3162

Nota Técnica Quim. Nova 2019, 42(5), 560-565


Magnetometria in-situ para caracterização de materiais eletrodepositados

Vinícius C. De Franco*; Joao E. Schmidt

This paper presents a technical approach for in-situ magnetic properties studies of materials electrodeposits onto some types of substrates.


Publicado online: maio 14, 2019
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Total access: 1113

Quim. Nova 2019, 42(5), 566-569


Thermogravimetric and ftir analyzes of corn cob pyrolysis

Elías Ricardo Durango PadillaI; Gabriela Tami NakashimaI; Ana Larissa Santiago HanstedII; Luis Ricardo Oliveira SantosI; Joao Lucio de BarrosIII; Andrea Cressoni De ContiIV; Fabio Minoru YamajiI,*

In this study the pyrolysis process of corn cob was investigated using thermogravimetric analysis (TGA) and Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR).


Publicado online: abril 18, 2019
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Total access: 2147

Educação Quim. Nova 2019, 42(5), 570-579


Dai-me agô (licença) para falar de saberes tradicionais de matriz africana no ensino de química

Anna M. C. Benitea*; Gustavo A. A. Faustino; Juvan P. Silva; Claudio R. M. Benite

We used plant phytochemical contributions in African matrix religions as contextualization elements for the teaching of chemistry.


Publicado online: abril 1, 2019
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Total access: 1935

Assuntos Gerais Quim. Nova 2019, 42(5), 580-594


A contribuição do Brasil para a descoberta de um novo elemento químico - o paládio

Luciano E. FariaI,II; Carlos A. L. FilgueirasI,*

The discovery of palladium was confirmed in minerals from Minas Gerais, containing Pd in natural gold alloys, as in the sample shown above.


Publicado online: março 21, 2019
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Total access: 2151

On-line version ISSN 1678-7064 Printed version ISSN 0100-4042
Química Nova
Publicações da Sociedade Brasileira de Química
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