Simone Z. MairinkI; Luiz C. A. BarbosaI,II,*; Célia R. A. MalthaI; Jodieh O. S. VarejaoI,II; Geane P. OliveiraII; Jacqueline A. TakahashiII,*; John BoukouvalasII,III
21 compounds analogous to cadiolides were prepared from 4 synthesized butenolides. The compounds were evaluated against 5 pathogenic microorganisms and four of the most active against S. aureus presented IC50 in the range of 1.8-6.0 µg mL-1.
Diana A. Martín; Coralia Osorio*
The aroma active volatile compounds of Pouteria sapota fruit were identified on the SAFE extract by combination of sensory (AEDA) and instrumental (GC-MS) analyses.
Lucas M. GuimaraesI; Tiago de Abreu C. LimaI; Elvis Joacir De FrançaII; Gilberto N. de ArrudaII; José Roberto B. de SouzaIII; Ana Cecília R. de Albergaria-BarbosaI,*
Temporal changes in concentrations and type of organic matter deposited were evaluated by the analysis of n-alkanes and stable isotopes (δ13C and δ15N) in a sediment core collected on the estuary banks.
Alessandra da Fonseca VianaI,*; Marco Aurélio dos SantosI; Marcelo Corrêa BernardesII; Marcelo AmorimI
The present study investigates the origin of organic matter that reaches a coastal, urban and eutrophic lagoon in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil and compares with the data from methane ebullitive flux.
Luis Humberto Mendoza-HuizarI,*; Clara Hilda Rios-ReyesII; Giaan Arturo Alvarez-RomeroI; María Elena Páez- HernándezI
Condensed Fukui Function and dual chemical reactivity descriptor for indaziflam. In all cases the isosurfaces were obtained at 0.008 e/u.a.3, broken circles show the more reactive zones in the molecule.
Wei-Zhao Shi*; Ying-Shuang Liang; Bingxing Lu; Mengting Chen; Yanwei Li; Zhiheng Yang
The preparation procedure of Cu2O nanoparticles.
Aldicéia Luiz de MouraI; Bruna Martins GuimaraesI; Josefa Aqueline da Cunha LimaI; Mauricélia M. Sousa MataI; Jadson Farias da SilvaI; Ronaldo N. OliveiraI; Juliano Carlo Rufino de FreitasII; Joao R. de Freitas FilhoI,*
This review summarizes recent developments, about the occurrence, biosynthesis, synthesis and application of amino sugars.
Romero T. BuenoI; Osmando F. LopesII; Kele T. G. CarvalhoIII; Caue RibeiroIII,IV,*; Henrique A. J. L. MouraoI
Heterostructured semiconductors used in different photochemical processes for environmental and energy applications. The suitable structural connection enables the charge transfer between the semiconductors.
Lanaia Itala L. Maciel; Thays C. Carvalho; Igor Pereira; Boniek G. Vaz*
A method has been optimized for quantification of methamphetamine, 3,4-methylenedioxyamphetamine (MDA) and 3,4-methylenedioxy-N-methylamphetamine (MDMA) from saliva samples. Rapid analysis (~ 1 min) of designer drugs in saliva is demonstrated using PSI-MS with a Molecularly Imprinted Polymer (MIP) coated paper as substrate.
Guilherme Furlan Coletti*; Glauco Arnold Tavaresa e José Albertino Bendassolli
Difference of environmental impacts between distillation and incineration using Eco-indicator 99, Ecosolvent software.
Marysson Jonas Rodrigues Camargo; Anna Maria Canavarro Benite*
It is the duty of the university to train qualified teachers to implement Education for Ethnic-Racial Relations. This article brings the experience of the Collective Ciata to contribute with discussions pointing theoretical-methodological paths for professors of Chemistry.
Bruno S. Leite*
This article analyzes in the chemistry journals how the Periodic Table has been used in the Chemistry teaching and what didactic strategies were used.
On-line version ISSN 1678-7064 Printed version ISSN 0100-4042
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