21:14, seg fev 17

Acesso Aberto/TP

vol. 42, No. 6, 2019

Artigo de Capa
Quim. Nova 2019, 42(6), 595-606

Inibição do crescimento de microrganismos patogênicos induzida por butenolídeos análogos aos cadiolídeos

Simone Z. MairinkI; Luiz C. A. BarbosaI,II,*; Célia R. A. MalthaI; Jodieh O. S. VarejaoI,II; Geane P. OliveiraII; Jacqueline A. TakahashiII,*; John BoukouvalasII,III

21 compounds analogous to cadiolides were prepared from 4 synthesized butenolides. The compounds were evaluated against 5 pathogenic microorganisms and four of the most active against S. aureus presented IC50 in the range of 1.8-6.0 µg mL-1.


Publicado online: maio 22, 2019
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Total access: 1879

Artigo Quim. Nova 2019, 42(6), 607-610


Identification of aroma-active volatile compounds in Pouteria sapota fruit by aroma extraction dilution analyses (AEDA)

Diana A. Martín; Coralia Osorio*

The aroma active volatile compounds of Pouteria sapota fruit were identified on the SAFE extract by combination of sensory (AEDA) and instrumental (GC-MS) analyses.


Publicado online: maio 23, 2019
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Total access: 1569

Quim. Nova 2019, 42(6), 611-618


Impactos da mudança de vegetação local no aporte de matéria orgânica para um estuário tropical preservado (Estuário do Rio Itapicuru - BA)

Lucas M. GuimaraesI; Tiago de Abreu C. LimaI; Elvis Joacir De FrançaII; Gilberto N. de ArrudaII; José Roberto B. de SouzaIII; Ana Cecília R. de Albergaria-BarbosaI,*

Temporal changes in concentrations and type of organic matter deposited were evaluated by the analysis of n-alkanes and stable isotopes (δ13C and δ15N) in a sediment core collected on the estuary banks.


Publicado online: maio 23, 2019
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Total access: 2149

Quim. Nova 2019, 42(6), 619-627


Organic matter composition related to methane ebullitive flux of an urban coastal lagoon, Southeastern Brazil

Alessandra da Fonseca VianaI,*; Marco Aurélio dos SantosI; Marcelo Corrêa BernardesII; Marcelo AmorimI

The present study investigates the origin of organic matter that reaches a coastal, urban and eutrophic lagoon in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil and compares with the data from methane ebullitive flux.


Publicado online: junho 26, 2019
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Total access: 1136

Quim. Nova 2019, 42(6), 628-637


Analysis of the chemical reactivity of indaziflam herbicide and its metabolites through global and local reactivity descriptors

Luis Humberto Mendoza-HuizarI,*; Clara Hilda Rios-ReyesII; Giaan Arturo Alvarez-RomeroI; María Elena Páez- HernándezI

Condensed Fukui Function and dual chemical reactivity descriptor for indaziflam. In all cases the isosurfaces were obtained at 0.008 e/u.a.3, broken circles show the more reactive zones in the molecule.


Publicado online: julho 1, 2019
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Total access: 1323

Quim. Nova 2019, 42(6), 638-641


Cuprous oxide nanoparticles: preparation and evaluation of antifouling activity

Wei-Zhao Shi*; Ying-Shuang Liang; Bingxing Lu; Mengting Chen; Yanwei Li; Zhiheng Yang

The preparation procedure of Cu2O nanoparticles.


Publicado online: junho 26, 2019
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Total access: 1347

Revisão Quim. Nova 2019, 42(6), 642-660


Avanços recentes na química dos aminoaçúcares: ocorrência, biossíntese, síntese e aplicação

Aldicéia Luiz de MouraI; Bruna Martins GuimaraesI; Josefa Aqueline da Cunha LimaI; Mauricélia M. Sousa MataI; Jadson Farias da SilvaI; Ronaldo N. OliveiraI; Juliano Carlo Rufino de FreitasII; Joao R. de Freitas FilhoI,*

This review summarizes recent developments, about the occurrence, biosynthesis, synthesis and application of amino sugars.


Publicado online: abril 17, 2019
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Total access: 2261

Quim. Nova 2019, 42(6), 661-675



Romero T. BuenoI; Osmando F. LopesII; Kele T. G. CarvalhoIII; Caue RibeiroIII,IV,*; Henrique A. J. L. MouraoI

Heterostructured semiconductors used in different photochemical processes for environmental and energy applications. The suitable structural connection enables the charge transfer between the semiconductors.


Publicado online: maio 27, 2019
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Total access: 3754

Nota Técnica Quim. Nova 2019, 42(6), 676-682


Determinação de designer drugs em saliva por paper spray mass spectrometry

Lanaia Itala L. Maciel; Thays C. Carvalho; Igor Pereira; Boniek G. Vaz*

A method has been optimized for quantification of methamphetamine, 3,4-methylenedioxyamphetamine (MDA) and 3,4-methylenedioxy-N-methylamphetamine (MDMA) from saliva samples. Rapid analysis (~ 1 min) of designer drugs in saliva is demonstrated using PSI-MS with a Molecularly Imprinted Polymer (MIP) coated paper as substrate.


Publicado online: junho 27, 2019
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Total access: 1392

Quim. Nova 2019, 42(6), 683-690


Recuperação de acetona em resíduos laboratoriais: uma abordagem sobre aspectos da gestão, operacionais e da eficiência ambiental

Guilherme Furlan Coletti*; Glauco Arnold Tavaresa e José Albertino Bendassolli

Difference of environmental impacts between distillation and incineration using Eco-indicator 99, Ecosolvent software.


Publicado online: abril 22, 2019
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Total access: 1263

Educação Quim. Nova 2019, 42(6), 691-701


Educação para as relações étnico-raciais na formação de professores de química: sobre a lei 10.639/2003 no ensino superior

Marysson Jonas Rodrigues Camargo; Anna Maria Canavarro Benite*

It is the duty of the university to train qualified teachers to implement Education for Ethnic-Racial Relations. This article brings the experience of the Collective Ciata to contribute with discussions pointing theoretical-methodological paths for professors of Chemistry.


Publicado online: junho 26, 2019
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Total access: 1602

Quim. Nova 2019, 42(6), 702-710


O ano internacional da tabela periódica e o ensino de química: das cartas ao digital

Bruno S. Leite*

This article analyzes in the chemistry journals how the Periodic Table has been used in the Chemistry teaching and what didactic strategies were used.


Publicado online: abril 18, 2019
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Total access: 3012

Carta ao Editor Quim. Nova 2019, 42(6), 711


Nem uma flor sequer para o fundador da moderna química de coordenação...

Nicolás A. Rey


Publicado online: julho 1, 2019
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Total access: 1082

On-line version ISSN 1678-7064 Printed version ISSN 0100-4042
Química Nova
Publicações da Sociedade Brasileira de Química
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