3:48, ter fev 18

Acesso Aberto/TP

vol. 42, No. 7, 2019

Artigo de Capa
Quim. Nova 2019, 42(7), 768-783

Design of immobilized enzyme biocatalysts: drawbacks and opportunities

Carla Luzia Borges ReisI; Emerson Yvay Almeida de SousaII; Juliana de França SerpaI; Ravena Casemiro OliveiraI; José Cleiton Sousa dos Santos*,III

In this study, we aimed to discuss the versatility of biocatalysts immobilized enzymes design, focusing on the opportunities and disadvantages for each method presented.


Publicado online: julho 1, 2019

Total access: 3499

Artigo Quim. Nova 2019, 42(7), 713-719


Binary co-culture selection from marine-derived microorganisms for differential production of specialized metabolites

Paola A. Martínez-Buitrago; Freddy A. Ramos; Leonardo Castellanos*

Selection of promising bacteria-bacteria and bacteria-fungus co-cultures for further chemical studies using contact and distance assays.


Publicado online: julho 29, 2019
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Total access: 1242

Quim. Nova 2019, 42(7), 720-728


Otimização das condições fermentativas de Pichia membranifaciens para produção de etanol de segunda geração

Natália N. Ribeiro*,#; Lidyane A. Freita#; Letícia F. Tralli#; Aline F. Silva#; Cristhyane M. Freita#; Franciele Q. Mendes#; Vitor Teixeira#; Calisto N. S. Junior#; Márcia J. R. Mutton#

The production of ethanol from the use of lignocellulosic materials is already a reality, however the study of new microorganisms capable of fermenting sugars with five carbons is essential for improving the fermentative conditions of the processes.


Publicado online: julho 11, 2019
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Total access: 997

Quim. Nova 2019, 42(7), 729-735


Improvement of an analytical method based on HPLC with refractive index detection for the analysis of glycerol oxidation products

Cristian J. GiertyasI; Débora S. da SilvaI; Camila L. F. da SilvaII; Mario R. MeneghettiI; Simoni M. Plentz MeneghettiI; Rusiene M. de AlmeidaI; Janaína H. BortoluzziI,*

Practical chromatographic method for the identification of glycerol oxidation products using high-performance liquid chromatography with refractive index detection.


Publicado online: julho 29, 2019
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Total access: 1487

Quim. Nova 2019, 42(7), 736-744


Avaliação de compostos bioativos e atividade antioxidante de extratos de folhas de amoreira preta (Morus nigra L.) utilizando planejamento experimental

Kathlyn SchafranskiI; Matheus P. PostigoI; Luciano VitaliII; Gustavo A. MickeII; Wagner E. RichterI; Eduardo S. ChavesII,*

Phenolic compounds, antioxidants and minerals content in leaves of Morus nigra L.


Publicado online: julho 29, 2019
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Total access: 2091

Quim. Nova 2019, 42(7), 745-751


Synthesis and theoretical study of HPW catalysts supported on niobia calcinated at 500 and 600 °C

Claudia V. LacerdaI,#; Livia C. T. LacerdaII; Alexandre A. de CastroII; Tanos C. C. FrançaI,III,*; Teodorico C. RamalhoII,III; Nadine EssayemIV; Wilma de A. GonzalezI,**

Most likely way of binding on the niobia surface of HPW catalysts supported on niobia, calcinated at 500 and 600 °C, according to theoretical calculations.


Publicado online: julho 11, 2019
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Total access: 1196

Quim. Nova 2019, 42(7), 752-759


PhnSnCl4-n supported on activated carbon as novel tin-based catalysts for acetylene hydrochlorination

Yibo Wu; Longjie Cui; Rong Zhang; Rujing Pei; Sufang Hu; Ruyue Han; Huimin Yang; Fuxiang Li*; Jianwei Xue; Zhiping Lv

In this work, the novel organotin-based catalysts was prepared by triphenyltin chloride (Ph3ClSn) and tin(IV) chloride (SnCl4) and utilized in the acetylene hydro chlorination.


Publicado online: julho 29, 2019
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Total access: 1452

Quim. Nova 2019, 42(7), 760-767


Determinação dos parâmetros cinéticos e simulação computacional do perfluoropoliéter (PFPE) empregado como lubrificante sintético

Ellen Cristine Araújo RosaI,*; Rene Francisco Boschi GonçalvesI; Marcela Galizia DominguesI; Luiz Eduardo Nunes AlmeidaIII; Antônio Carlos SilvaII; José Atílio Fritz Fidel RoccoI

Grease is usually constituted by 85% lubricating fluid, 10% thickener and 5% additives. This work aims to study the thermal behavior of perfluoropolyether (PFPE) as a synthetic lubricant by thermal analysis and computer simulation.


Publicado online: julho 23, 2019
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Total access: 919

Revisão Quim. Nova 2019, 42(7), 784-791


Endophytic fungi from the Brazilian flora and their employment in biotransformation reactions

Valmore Henrique Pereira dos Santos; Eliane de Oliveira Silva*

Distinct substrates can be successfully biotransformed by the Brazilian endophytic fungi conducting to wide chemodiversity.


Publicado online: junho 27, 2019
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Total access: 1413

Nota Técnica Quim. Nova 2019, 42(7), 792-796


Superhydrophobic silicon fabricated by phosphomolybdic acid-assisted electrochemical etching

Yanbiao Zhou*; Kaige Qu; Lihui Zhang; Binghua Liao

Superhydrophobic silicon surfaces with water contact angle larger than 150° and sliding angle less than 10° have been successfully fabricated by electrochemical etching strategy. Squarelike hole arrays with controllable geometries, especially controllable hole width and depth were formed on silicon. The relatively stable superhydrophobic silicon exhibited good self-cleaning and water-proofing properties in air and oil.


Quim. Nova 2019, 42(7), 797-802


Extrato de hibisco-colibri como inibidor verde de corrosão do aço-carbono em ácido sulfúrico

Arthur ValbonI; Bruno F. RibeiroI; Maria Augusta F. SoaresI; Márcia C. C. de OliveiraI; Marcelo A. NevesII; Aurea Echevarria*,I

Malvaviscus arboreus as an efficient corrosion green inhibitor to carbon steel.


Publicado online: junho 26, 2019
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Total access: 2241

Educação Quim. Nova 2019, 42(7), 803-811


Estratégias para a inserção de museus de ciências no estágio supervisionado em ensino de química

Rafael Cava MoriI,*; Ana Cláudia KasseboehmerII

Supervised chemistry teacher internships can occur at different kinds of educational spaces, representing education modalities between school/non-school and unsystematic/systematized dimensions.


Publicado online: julho 31, 2019
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Total access: 1669

Quim. Nova 2019, 42(7), 812-816


Hybrid atomic orbitals in organic chemistry. Part 1: critique of formal aspects

Guy Lamoureux*,I; and John F. OgilvieI,II

In Part 1, a review of hybrid atomic orbitals is provided and a critique of their use in undergraduate organic chemistry education is introduced.


Publicado online: junho 26, 2019
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Total access: 1479

Quim. Nova 2019, 42(7), 817-822


Hybrid atomic orbitals in organic chemistry. Part 2: critique of practical aspects

Guy Lamoureux*,I; and John F. OgilvieI,II

In Part 2, a review of the use of hybrid atomic orbitals in organic chemistry is provided and further critiques of their use in teaching are included. A pedagogical alternative to hybridization, which is observable, free from interpretation and consistent with experiments is presented.


Publicado online: junho 26, 2019
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Total access: 1485

On-line version ISSN 1678-7064 Printed version ISSN 0100-4042
Química Nova
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