Renato S. Durello; Lucas M. Silva; Stanislau Bogusz Jr*
In this scientific paper we present a critical and comprehensive review about hop chemistry and their role in the brewing process.
Marcos V. FerreiraI; Lauro A. Pradela FilhoI; André L. dos SantosaII; Regina M. TakeuchiaII; Rosana M. N. de AssunçãoI,II,*
Cellulose acetate (CA) membranes with different morphologies - symmetric and asymmetric - were loaded with ibuprofen (IBF) and showed the effect of morphology on the drug releasing curves. These curves were directly obtained by square-wave voltammetry (SWV) measurements.
João A. F. Garcia; Márcia R. de Moura; Fauze A. Aouada*,**
This paper presents the detailed study of the effects of pH, intensity and ionic species on the mechanism of water absorption of the bionanocomposite hydrogels based on carboxymethylcellulose and laponite nanoclay.
Jifeng ChenI; Yi YuII; Yuchuan LiI,*; Siping PangI,#
Two novel explosives have an excellent power, and their detonation performance are all comparable to CL-20. Besides, their impact sensitivities are slightly better than CL-20, therefore they are promising candidates in energetic materials.
Jaqueline D. BalsanI; Bruno N. RosaI; Claudio M. P. PereiraI,II; Clarissa M. M. SantosI,*
The synthesized chalcones represent as promising and new class of latent fingerprint powder developers as alternative and ecologically correct.
Huimin Yang; Ruyue Hana; Fuxiang Li*
Use KH560-540 as a template to synthesize mesoporous alumina, before the calcination, the methoxy group at the end of the template molecule is hydrolyzed to form a siloxy group, which combines with the aluminumoxy group produced by hydrolysis of aluminum source.
Vanessa R. A. e SilvaI; Elaine C. AlbuquerqueIII; Ana Paula C. dos SantosI,II; Julio C. A. SantosI; Lazaro S. S. JuniorI,II; William A. PresadaVI; Carmen G. C. de M. VinagreIV,X; Ricardo D. CoutoI,IV,*
Three different precipitating solutions were tested for HDL particle-size determination: polyethylene glycol (PEG) 8000 (200 g L-1) (P1); phosphotungstic acid-Ca+2 (3 g L-1) (P2); and dextran sulfate/MgCl2 (15 g L-1) (P3).
Vinícius S. Pinto*; Anna K. Nery; Luciano M. Lião
Use of NMR and PCA in the identification of oxidation products in brazilian margarines subjected to thermal stress.
Rogelio M. SantistebanI; Sonia P. CabreraI; José F. NetoII; Eva M. S. SilvaII; Rebert C. CorreiaIII; Rodolfo F. AlvesIV; Francisco de A. R. dos SantosIV; Celso A. CamaraI; Tania M. S. SilvaI,*
Frieseomelitta doederleini (abelha branca) bee nest. ESI base peak ion (BPI) chromatogram of phenolics extracted from Frieseomelitta doederleini honey bee and analyzed by UPLC-QTOF-MS.
Talis U. Silva; Sérgio de Paula Machado*
Removing process Zn2+ in Aβ peptide bind site: interaction of 8-HQ derivative HOMO orbital with ZnAβ site LUMO orbital.
Guilherme DiasI; Matheus HipólitoII; Fernando SantosI,*; Rogério LouregaII; Jaqueline de MattiaI; Paulo EichlerII; Jonathan AlvesI
Bioremediation of industrial effluent using microalgae.
Julyenne M. CamposI,*; Denis M. RostonI; Sonia C. N. QueirozII,#
Analysis of bisphenol A (BPA) and ethinylestradiol (EE2) in Dwarf papyrus and Water hyacinth by high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) coupled to fluorescence detector (FL).
João Pablo F. PereiraI,*; Igor L. de PaulaII; Rodrigo StephaniII; Ítalo T. PerroneIII; Luiz Fernando C. de OliveiraII; Antonio F. de CarvalhoI
The sweetened condensed milks were analyzed by microscopy (usual method) and by laser particle size analysis using two different dispersion media (water and a lactose solution) and different solubilization times to seek the characterization of the samples using the laser scattering.
John J. Bermúdez LoaizaI; Francisco J. Ruiz OrtegaII,#; Milton Rosero-MoreanoI,*
The matter and energy interaction, used as didactic mediation in the high school learning could promote the better acquisition level of knowledge among the students by facilitating the spectroscopy understanding within a Science, Technology, Environment and Society pedagogical framework.
Raquel V. dos SantosI; Gil M. VianaII; Anderson Felipe S. MoreiraIII; Vitor S. NóbregaIII; Vitor A. S. da SilvaIII; Luiz Fernando B. MaltaIII,*; Lucia C. S. AguiarIII; Jaqueline D. SenraI
The use of raw material from papaya seeds was introduced as a strategy to attract the students' attention towards the biomass valorization while acquiring knowledge in research skills in the context of nucleophilic addition reactions.
Roseli P. SchnetzlerI; Thiago Antunes-SouzaII,*
Pedagogical Practices based on: i) the articulation of the three levels of chemical knowledge, ii) the importance of verbal language in chemistry teaching-learning processes and iii) the role of investigative experiments for exploring students' ideas.
Yair Alexander Porras-ContrerasI,*; Juan Antonio Torres-ArangurenII
The aim of this study is to analyze the concept of Sports Doping in a sample of scientific journals, published during the period 2008-2018, in order to recognize its scope in the educational field.
Caroline NicolodiI; Bruno Nunes da RosaI; Caroline Carapina da SilvaI; Lucas Moraes BerneiraI; Bruna S. PachecoI; Tais PolettiI; Dalila VenzkeI; Kristiane C. MariottiII,III; Claudio M. P. PereiraI,III,*
This paper showed an experimental methodology for the extraction and chromatographic analysis of food spices and the possibility of applying them as latent fingermarks developers. This procedure can be successfully applied in undergraduate chemistry classes.
José Ricardo M. Pinto#; Maria Gabriela T. C. Ribeiro*,#; Adélio A. S. C. Machado
Assessing the substitution of solvents in synthesis with respect to the their intrinsic greenness and their influence on the chemical reaction greenness.
Rodrigo Battisti*; Graziele V. B. Possenti; Ana Paula Figueiredo; Marcelo Dal Bó
Heat exchanger; Adsorption; Humidification; Drying; Planning; Building; Experiment.
On-line version ISSN 1678-7064 Printed version ISSN 0100-4042
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