Elisa T. S. DamascenoI; Regiamara R. AlmeidaI; Stephanne Y. B. de CarvalhoI; Sara S. VieiraII; Valdir ManoI; Luiz Gustavo de L. GuimarãesI,*
Development of chitosan nanogel bound to caffeic acid, to be used in the encapsulation of the essential oil of Lippia origanoides, in order to enable its use as an antioxidant.
Baltazar Vasco SitoeI,II,*; Lucas Gustavo da CostaI; Brendon Araújo dos SantosI; Douglas Queiroz SantosIII; Waldomiro Borges NetoI
The spectra of calibration samples were decomposed into three vectors: NAS, Interference and Residual. From these vectors the statistical limits were calculated and the multivariate control charts were constructed. The scalar values NAS, D and Q of each sample were plotted on the respective charts.
Adão S. Oliveira; Leandro Honório; Mayara L. de Matos; João Batista G. de Souza*
In method 1: the extraction solvent mixed with a dispersing solvent it injected into the aqueous sample. In method 2: The extractive solvent it injected and then the sample is heated. At the end, the extractive solvent is solubilized in methanol and the chlorpyrifos determined by HPLC-UV.
Vanessa B. VieiraI; Eliada A. da SilvaII; Valdemiro P. Carvalho Jr.III; Benedito S. Lima-NetoII,*; José L. S. SáI,*
Cinnamic derivative compounds are catalyzed by Grubbs Ru-catalysts which present distinct results based on the different electronic and steric contributions of the catalysts.
Alvaro T. Omori*; Marina G. Capeletto; Daniela Y. Yamamoto; Ronaldo E. de Oliveira Filho
Carrot root can act as catalyst to reduce furfural to furfuryl alcohol. This low-cost reaction is conducted under eco-friendly conditions.
Luís Fernando L. SoutoI,*; Antonio Jorge Ribeiro da SilvaII
Vegetable cultivars of human consumption in Brazil have been analyzed for calystegines presence. They were found in the whole sample set.
Nagib A. S. Qarah*,I; Sameer A. M. AbdulrahmanII; Faisal K. Algethami#,III; Kanakapura BasavaiahIV; Ezzouhra El-MaaidenV
In this study, one titrimetric and two spectrophotometric methods are developed for the determination of amoxicillin (AMX) in bulk drug and dosage forms using iodate-iodide mixture reagent.
Débora Caroline Marques de SouzaI; Valéria Carlos de SousaII; Lucas Pereira Lima da CruzII; Sabrina Maria Portela CarneiroII; Michel Muálem de Moraes AlvesIII; Fernando Aécio de Amorim CarvalhoIV; Marcília Pinheiro da CostaII; Cíntia Marques CorrêaI; Arlan de Assis GonsalvesI; Cleônia Roberta Melo AraújoI,*
Illustration of two routes of synthesis to obtain five new hydrazones. All the synthesized molecules were tested for antileishmanial and cytotoxic activity.
Rajagopal SwaminathanI; Kothandapani VenugopalII; Muthuramalingam RasiIII; Marwan AbukhaledIV; Lakshmanan RajendranV,*
Schematic diagram for the reduction of hydrogen peroxide to water.
Yan HongI,II; Jingming SuI; Chaoli TangI; Chaoqun HuangII,*; Sheng LiuIII; Yannan ChuII
Analyzing and removing the base drift phenomenon of Hadamard transform technique.
Davi S. OliveiraI; Leandro S. LimaI; Ananda S. AntonioI; Larissa S. M. WiedemannI; Valdir F. Veiga-JuniorI,II,*
Polar extracts of Copaifera multijuga plant parts (leaves, branches and barks) were analysed by direct insertion in ESI-QqQ-MS and MS2 fragmentation. Several polyphenols were suggested and the metabolic profiles analysed by PCA.
Harold H. FokoueI; Pedro S. M. PinheiroI; Carlos A. M. FragaI; Carlos M. R. Sant'AnnaII,*
Molecular recognition of a ligand by its target is essential. Are there are new insights in molecular interactions to explore for improvement of the ligand affinity with its target?
Virgínia M. CarvalhoI,*; Andrey F. L. AguiarI; Leopoldo C. BarattoII; Fábio L. C. SouzaI; Ernesto D. RochaI
Cannabinoids were extracted by solvents and ultrasound. The samples were refrigerated and centrifuged to separate the lipids. Cannabinoids were separated and quantified by HPLC method.
Humberto R. BizzoI,*; Eduardo G. BarbozaII; Marcelly C. S. SantosI; Paola E. GamaI
Electronic sheets for fast data handling on both qualitative and quantitative analyzes of essential oils.
Marianna M. JunqueiraI; Flavio A. MaximianoII,*
This article analyses the students' answers and representations about intermolecular interactions involved between oxygen gas and water.
Joanna Nackiewicz*; Józef Hureka and Aneta Wróbel
Conductometric monitoring of the basic hydrolysis of an ester using a digital data acquisition kit. The progress curve with the trend line calculated based on the iteratively determined asymptote.
Maria I. L. Soares; Susana M. M. Lopes; Dina Murtinho; Teresa M. V. D. Pinho e Melo*
A one-pot diastereoselective synthesis of thiazolidine-ring fused systems derived from enantiomerically pure amino acids is described as an experiment to be carried out by upper-division undergraduate students in a laboratory classroom.
Karina de Carvalho Pougy; Sérgio de Paula Machado*
Predicting spin crossover through Density Functional Theory and using in Inorganic Chemistry classes.
On-line version ISSN 1678-7064 Printed version ISSN 0100-4042
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