15:55, ter fev 11

Acesso Aberto/TP

vol. 43, No. 3, 2020

Artigo de Capa
Quim. Nova 2020, 43(3), 329-354

Metabolômica de plantas: métodos e desafios

Alan C. PilonI,II,III,#; Denise M. SelegatoII,IV,#; Richard P. FernandesII; Paula C. P. BuenoI,V; Danielle R. PinhoI; Fausto Carnevale NetoVI; Rafael T. FreireVII; Ian Castro-GamboaII; Vanderlan S. BolzaniII; Norberto P. LopesI,*

Diagram demonstrating all required steps for plant metabolomics study.


Publicado online: março 26, 2020

Total access: 4882

Artigo Quim. Nova 2020, 43(3), 253-260


Electrochemical incineration of short-chain carboxylic acids with Nb-supported boron doped diamond anode: supporting electrolyte effect into the electrogenerated oxidant species (hydroxyl radicals, hydrogen peroxide and persulfate)

Jorge Leandro Aquino de QueirozI; Dayanne Chianca de MouraI; Elaine Cristina M. de Moura SantosI; Bernardo A. Frontana-UribeII,III; Carlos A. Martínez-HuitleI,*

The electrochemical incineration study in H2SO4 and HClO4 solutions, as well as the chemical oxygen demand and total organic carbon analysis for each one of the carboxylic acids studied in both media, gave us information to propose a degradation mechanism for the electrochemical degradation of the carboxylic acids in each electrolytic media.


Publicado online: março 3, 2020
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Total access: 1938

Quim. Nova 2020, 43(3), 261-270


Interações competitivas de complexos de rutênio contendo dimetilsulfóxido e ligantes N-heterocíclicos com albumina de soro humano

Guilherme Luiz B. Neto; Eduardo Alexandre M. Baptista; Gabriel Hideki S. Becca; Helena S. Nakatani; Vagner R. de Souza*

Competitive site marker experiments revealed that the binding site of ruthenium complexes to HSA was the Sudlow's site I in subdomain IIA. The binding of complexes was mainly driven by enthalpy.


Publicado online: março 5, 2020
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Total access: 2375

Quim. Nova 2020, 43(3), 271-278


Method development and validation for the fluoroquinolones determination by stabilized silver nanoparticles

Luiza D. de M. MoraesI; André F. de OliveiraI; Alvaro V. N. de C. TeixeiraII; Renata P. LopesI,*

Silver nanoparticles stabilized with glutathione were used as nanosensors for the determination of fluoroquinolones. The method presented satisfactory accuracy and precision allowing on-site analysis.


Publicado online: março 3, 2020
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Total access: 1479

Quim. Nova 2020, 43(3), 279-285


Aproveitamento de precursores lignocelulósicos para produção de acetato de celulose

Mayara da S. SantosI; Heliane R. do AmaralI; Daniel F. CiprianoI; João V. T. FerretiII; Carla da S. MeirelesII; Jair C. C. FreitasI; Reginaldo B. dos SantosIII,*

A simple route to produce cellulose acetate from lignocellulosic precursors using organosolv extraction to obtain cellulose and homogeneous acetylation process to obtain cellulose acetate.


Publicado online: março 26, 2020
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Total access: 1854

Quim. Nova 2020, 43(3), 286-290


Electrochemical determination of 2-naphthylamine in perfume samples using boron-doped diamond electrode

Guilherme N. Rodrigues; Weberson P. Silva; Diego P. Rocha; Eduardo M. Richter; Rodrigo A. A. Munoz; Alex D. Batista*

A simple electrochemical method for 2-naphthylamine (2NAP) determination in perfume by differential-pulse voltammetry (DPV) employing a boron-doped diamond (BDD) electrode cathodically treated, feasible to be applied for 2NAP detection and quantification on perfume samples with simple sample preparation.


Publicado online: março 9, 2020
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Total access: 1274

Quim. Nova 2020, 43(3), 291-299


Análise gráfica do desempenho de métodos computacionais no estudo de propriedades termoquímicas

Leonardo Viana das Chagas Lima; Nelson Henrique Morgon*

The reduced order perturbation theory (G4MP2) offered the best relationship between accuracy and computational cost in the calculation of thermochemical properties. The performance evaluation was carried out using graphical analysis.


Publicado online: março 5, 2020
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Total access: 1601

Quim. Nova 2020, 43(3), 300-306


Avaliação de aditivos de fase móvel e temperatura na vida útil de colunas para cromatografia líquida de alta eficiência

Kátia A. Gomes; Allyson L. R. Santos; Anizio M. Faria*

Buffers, pH and temperature in liquid chromatography: improved separation efficiency and retention reproducibility vs. column lifetime shortening.


Publicado online: março 2, 2020
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Total access: 2362

Quim. Nova 2020, 43(3), 307-313


Determinação de multirresíduos de agrotóxicos em méis produzidos na região do Triângulo Mineiro por UHPLC-MS/MS

Renata A. G. Silva; Anizio M. Faria*

Determination of pesticide residues in honey using an efficient and highly sensitive analytical methodology, to evaluate the presence of pesticides in some agricultural areas in the Triângulo Mineiro, Brazil.


Publicado online: março 12, 2020
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Total access: 1719

Quim. Nova 2020, 43(3), 314-318


Evaluation of the metabolic production of the endophytic fungus Phomopsis sp

Jéssica R. da RochaI,*,, Alessandre C. CrispimI, João M. da SilvaII, Antônio E. G. SantanaII and Luiz C. CaetanoI

Formate showing strong positive correlation and positive covariance with methanol.


Publicado online: março 3, 2020
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Total access: 1586

Quim. Nova 2020, 43(3), 319-324


Physicochemical characterization, antioxidant activity and fingerprints of industrialized "detox" mixed beverages by paper spray mass spectrometry

Eliane Beatriz M. SilvaI; Rodinei AugustiII; Júlio O. F. MeloIII,*; Jacqueline Aparecida TakahashiII; Raquel L. Bello de AraújoI

Evaluation industrialized beverages by paper spray mass spectrometry.


Publicado online: março 9, 2020
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Total access: 1197

Quim. Nova 2020, 43(3), 325-328


Theoretical calculations about the thermal stability and detonation character of nitramino-substituted pyrrole

Butong Li*; Lulin Li; Yu Wang*

High-energy-density compound is an important series for their important application in the military and civilian fields. In this paper, the nitramino-substituted pyrroles are proved to be potential high-energy-density compounds based on the theoretical calculations.


Publicado online: março 16, 2020
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Total access: 816

Nota Técnica Quim. Nova 2020, 43(3), 355-361


Construção de mini forno para funcionalização térmica de fases estacionárias monolíticas

Sandro Pereira RibeiroI; José Paulo Rodrigues Furtado de MendonçaII; Marcone Augusto Leal de OliveiraI,*

Schematic figure of the mini oven built for the thermo preparation or thermo functionalization of the monolithic stationary phases in the inner of fused silica capillary tube, for applications in capillary electrochromatography or micro LC.


Publicado online: fevereiro 5, 2020
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Total access: 1062

Educação Quim. Nova 2020, 43(3), 362-370


O jogo de realidade alternada curto (Short ARG) como estratégia de discussão de conceitos químicos em nível superior

Thiago Cardoso de DeusI; Márlon Herbert Flora Barbosa SoaresII

ARG is a game based on experiences like RPG, using various technological devices to investigate clues and solve problems. In this case it was used for discussion of chemical concepts by undergraduate students in chemistry.


Publicado online: fevereiro 17, 2020
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Total access: 1306

Quim. Nova 2020, 43(3), 371-381


Experimento didático de quimiometria para classificação de óleos vegetais comestíveis por espectroscopia no infravermelho médio combinado com análise discriminante por mínimos quadrados parciais: um tutorial, Parte V

Felipe Bachion de SantanaI; André Marcelo de SouzaII; Mariana Ramos AlmeidaIII; Márcia Cristina BreitkreitzI; Paulo Roberto FilgueirasIV; Marcelo Martins SenaIII; Ronei Jesus PoppiI,*

A teaching experiment on supervised pattern recognition was proposed to introduce partial least squares discriminant analysis (PLS-DA) using an attenuated total reflectance Fourier transform infrared (ATR-FTIR) spectrometer for the classification of edible vegetable oils.


Publicado online: fevereiro 17, 2020
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Total access: 2359

Quim. Nova 2020, 43(3), 382-390


A construção de conceitos sobre gestão e tratamento de resíduos químicos: uma experiência de formação de estudantes de química

Diego B. de Oliveira; Raquel W. Becker; Carla Sirtori; Camila G. Passos*

This graphical abstract hopes to lead readers to think about the central focus of the present work, from the perspective of undergraduate students, in relation to the concepts on chemical waste/wastewater management and treatment.


Publicado online: fevereiro 10, 2020
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Total access: 1373

On-line version ISSN 1678-7064 Printed version ISSN 0100-4042
Química Nova
Publicações da Sociedade Brasileira de Química
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