Maria L. S. O. LimaI,*; Ramon K. S. AlmeidaII; Francine S. A. da FonsecaIII; Caroline C. S. GonçalvesIV,**
According to leading global health organizations, sanitizers play an important role in containing COVID-19. With different modes of action, each chemical compound has its particular contribution to protect people and eradicate the pandemic.
Fabricio M. FreitasI,*; Sérgio PillingI,II
Investigation of X-ray photolysis of methanol ice with identification of produced species, determination of Equilibrium Branching Ratio (EBR) and timescale to reach chemical equilibrium.
Ellen Cristine Araújo Rosa*; Rene Francisco Boschi Gonçalves; Marcela Galizia Domingues; José Atílio Fritz Fidel Rocco
The epoxy ring-opening was studied by molecular dynamics simulations with ethylene oxide and methanediamine. The intermediate product (C3H2NO) is shown in the figure above, in which carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen and oxygen atoms are represented in gray, green, blue and red, respectively.
Ananda Gabrielle de Matos RebêloI,*; Maria Terezinha Ferreira MonteiroI; Sávio José Filgueiras FerreiraI; Eduardo Antonio Ríos-VillamizarI; Carlos Alberto Nobre QuesadaII; Sergio Duvoisin JuniorIII
Trace metals accumulate in various geochemical phases of the sediment through adsorption, co-precipitation and complexation and can be found in the soil in the forms described in the scheme above.
Igor O. P. da CunhaI,III; Wanderson RomãoI,II; Valdemar Lacerda JuniorI,*
The use of GC-MS in the identification of arson-derived accelerants and computer simulation using FDS to verify whether fire damage is compatible to occur naturally or only with the use of accelerant.
Angelo C. B. CarvalhoI,*; Libério J. SilvaI; Déborah P. DickII; Vanessa de A. MoreiraI; Murilo de C. VicenteI; Antoni Felipe O. de AndradeI; Edison Dausacker BidoneI; Elisamara Sabadini-SantosI
Infrared spectral absorption locations are indicative of functional groups bonds (e.g., aliphatic, amidic, aromatic and carboxylic) which provide important information about organic matter composition of coastal sediments.
Josana Pereira dos SantosI, Willian Xerxes Coelho OliveiraI, Sidney A. Vieira-FilhoII, Rafael C. G. PereiraI, Grasiely Faria de SouzaI, Viviane Alves GouveiaIII, Adriano de Paula SabinoIV, Fernanda C. G. EvangelistaIV, Jacqueline Aparecida TakahashiI, Marília A. F. MouraI, Filipe B. AlmeidaV and Lucienir Pains DuarteI,*
The phytochemical study of the S. crassifolia roots led to the isolation of thirteen compounds. Their chemical structures were determined by IR and 1D/2D NMR together with X-ray diffractometry. Extracts of S. crassifolia and some of the compounds were evaluated on acetylcholinesterase inhibition, in vitro cytotoxic activity and in vivo toxicity tests using Caenorhabditis elegans model. All tested compounds inhibited acetylcholinesterase. The tested compounds showed low cytotoxicity against the THP-1, K562 and MDA-MB-231 cancer cell lines. None of the tested compounds and extracts were toxic against C. elegans.
Laiane Caline Oliveira PereiraI; Lucas Silva AbreuI; Mayra Bitencourt SilveiraII; Yuri Mangueira do NascimentoI; Thalisson Amorim de SouzaI; Mireille Le HyaricIII; Thaís Mangeon Honorato LisboaI; Marianna Vieira SobralI; Eudes da Silva VelozoII; Josean Fechine TavaresI,*; Marcelo Sobral da SilvaI
A new A-seco-limonoid, dictyolomol, isolated from the inflorescences of Dictyoloma vandellianum.
Ludmilla R. JorgeI; Liliam K. HaradaI; Erica C. SilvaI; Welida F. CamposI; José M. Oliveira Jr.I; Marta M. D. C. VilaI,*; Matthieu TubinoII,#; Victor M. BalcãoI,III
Microbial nanocellulose was utilized as a biomatrix for the physical adsorption of human insulin and, after a full physicochemical characterization, was used in transdermal permeation studies aiming at developing a new route for insulin delivery.
Viviane D. M. SilvaI; Priscila B. F. ArquelauI; Mauro R. SilvaI; Rodinei AugustiII; Júlio O. F. MeloIII,*; Camila A. FanteI
Evaluation of the composition, physicochemical and antioxidant characteristics, and chemical profile of ripe "Prata" banana peel flour.
Lin-Jie WangI,*; William B. ZengII; Song GaoIII
The geometric parameters, vibrational frequencies and frontier molecular orbitals are calculated with PBE, RPBE, HCTH, PW91 and BLYP functionals. Electron density isosurface and atomic charge distribution are calculated to demonstrate the active-site of finasteride.
Lorena S. Ferreira; Jéssica T. Andrade; William G. Lima; Juliano de P. Souza; Rafael C. R. Chagas; Camyla A. Leonel; Laís C. Cunha; Karina M. S. Herrera; Alysson V. Braga; Luís F. Soares; Jaqueline M. S. Ferreira*
Design, synthesis, characterization and determination of biological activity of scorpionate ligand coordinated with copper (Cu), cobalt (Co), and tin (Sn).
Victor Hugo Jacks Mendes dos SantosI,II,*,#, Darlan PontinI,II, Gabriele Sória OliveiraI, Tiago de Abreu SiqueiraII,# and Marcus SeferinI,#
A multivariate method based on the color histogram of digital images can be applied to monitor the degradation of dyes.
Sabrina M. AlbaniI; Ana P. BorgesI; Monik C. MartinsI; Rozane M. RestelloI; Fernanda D. CameraII; Natália ParoulIII; Rogério L. CansianIII; Albanin A. Mielniczki-PereiraI,*
DCCR planning optimization showed that GR activity from Aegla increases as function of higher GSSG and lower protein concentration in the reaction. In environmental validation, GR activity was lower in watersheds that presented higher percentage of anthropogenic uses.
Ariane R. de S. RossinI; Évelin Lemos de OliveiraI; Flavia Amanda Pedroso de MoraesI; Ranulfo C. da S. JúniorI; Desirée Tamara ScheidtII; Wilker CaetanoI; Noboru HiokaI,*; Douglas C. DragunskiII,*
The electrospinning technique can be used in conjunction with photodynamic therapy for the manufacture of materials for medical use. A systematic review of the union of the two techniques is presented.
Sidiane ManfronI,*; Antonio ThoméI; Iziquiel CecchimI; Krishna R. ReddyII
Nanotechnology has become an important innovation to be used in soil and contaminated water remediation processes. The zero-valent iron (nZVI) is considered an efficient nanomaterial capable of degrading various types of pollutants.
Alan F. Canevari MoreiraI; Victor Rodrigues AlvesII; Gustavo A. MickeII; Lucas M. DuarteI; Nerilson M. LimaI; Marcone A. L. de OliveiraI,*
A rapid and reliable method by HPLC-QqQ-MS/MS for identification and quantification of Kaurenoic acid (KA) in extract, tincture and syrup from Mikania glomerata. The developed method represents an excellent alternative for agile and efficient analysis of the KA in complex matrices from simple dilution.
Klenicy K. L. YamaguchiI,*; Hudinilson Kendy de Lima YamaguchiII; Jath da Silva e SilvaIII
Evaluating of difficulties of undergraduate on the report of Chemistry Lab Experimental.
Isabella Elias Arruda; Brendo Vinícius Santos Macedo; Joseane da Conceição Macedo; Wesley Randson Alcantara Campos; Cleônia Roberta Melo Araújo*; e Arlan de Assis Gonsalves
This work shows the application of commercial drugs as alternative reagents for organic chemistry and medicinal chemistry education.
Sharise Beatriz R. BertonI,III,*; Milena P. FerreiraII; Edmilson Antonio CanesinIII; Rúbia Michele SuzukiIII; Alessandro Francisco MartinsIII; Elton G. BonaféIII; Makoto MatsushitaI
A didactic sequence for the study of the environment, extremely important subject and very useful for both academic and personal life.
Fernando Luiz LavoieI,II,*; Marcelo KobelnikII; Clever Aparecido ValentinII; Jefferson Lins da SilvaII
This paper summarizes the mechanisms and concepts involved in the HDPE geomembrane aging and describes the important contributions of laboratory and field studies over the years around the world.
Rodrigo SequinelI,*; Guilherme Felipe LenzI; Francis Josiane Liana Baumgardt da SilvaII; Fabiano Rosa da SilvaI,**
Hand and surface hygiene, associated with social distance and the use of masks, are the most effective measures to prevent the spread of coronavirus and worsening the pandemic.
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