16:25, ter fev 11

Acesso Aberto/TP

vol. 43, No. 6, 2020

Artigo de Capa
Quim. Nova 2020, 43(6), 823-836

Mulheres cientistas na química brasileira

Naiane Naideka; Yane H. Santosa; Patricia Soaresa; Renata Hellingera; Thayna Hacka; Elisa S. Orth*

Gender gap numbers of scientists in the field of chemistry in Brazil are presented beginning from early stages since undergraduate course until higher stage of a career such as presidency and overall recognition.


Publicado online: maio 29, 2020
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Total access: 4366

Artigo Quim. Nova 2020, 43(6), 685-691


Novel PEG 4000 derivatives and its use in controlled release of drug indomethacin

Lúbia G. NascimentoI; Suellen A. LopesI; Ayron B. L. TeodolinoI; Kátia M. NovackI; Ana Paula M. BarbozaII; Bernardo R. A. NevesII; Maria Luiza S. AzevedoI; Lucas R. D. SousaI; Viviane M. R. dos SantosI,*

Incorporation and controlled release of drug indomethacin with formation of the microspheres of PEG 4000 incorporated with indomethacin.


Publicado online: abril 24, 2020
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Total access: 1313

Quim. Nova 2020, 43(6), 692-696


Dois novos alcaloides azafenantreno de Anaxagorea dolichocarpa Sprague & Sandwith

Kaio A. SalesI; Anderson A. V. PinheiroI; Diego I. A. F. AraújoI; Rodrigo S. de AndradeI; Maria de Fátima AgraII; Marianna V. SobralI; Hemerson I. F. MagalhãesI; Valgrícia M. de SousaI; Raimundo Braz-FilhoIII; Marcelo S. da SilvaI; Josean F. TavaresI,*

A chemical investigation of Anaxagorea dolichocarpa Sprague & Sandwith led to isolation of six (1 - 6) alkaloids, five of which had their cytotoxic activity evaluated against HCT-116 and L929 cell lines.


Publicado online: abril 20, 2020
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Total access: 1321

Quim. Nova 2020, 43(6), 697-704


Speciation analysis of arsenic in rice using high performance liquid chromatography coupled with hydride generation atomic fluorescence spectrometry (HPLC-HG-AFS)

Gabriella A. BorgesI; Guilhermina de O. SouzaII; Patrícia S. F. LopesII; Virginia S. T. CiminelliII,III; Claudia L. CaldeiraII,III; Guilherme D. RodriguesI,*

Determination and speciation analysis of the inorganic and organic species of arsenic found most often in rice samples: As(V), As(III), monomethylarsonic acid (MMA), and dimethylarsinic acid (DMA) using HPLC-HG-AFS.


Publicado online: maio 4, 2020
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Total access: 1335

Quim. Nova 2020, 43(6), 705-710


Influence of agitation and aeration on xylitol production by the yeast Starmerella meliponinorum

Rosimeire Oenning da Silva*; Meirielem do Nascimento Serpa; Fábio Cristiano Angonesi Brod

For yeast strain used in this research increasing aeration, there is a gradual increase in the yield of xylitol, showing that the adjustment of this factor is essential in the production of this polyol.


Publicado online: maio 4, 2020
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Total access: 1468

Quim. Nova 2020, 43(6), 711-717


Cellulose nanofibers from Cassava Agro-industrial Waste as reinforcement in PVA films

Marcilene N. SchoelerI; Fernando Reinoldo ScreminI,II; Nayara Fernandes de MendonçaI; Viviane Prima BenettiI; Jhonatan Alves de JesusI; Rodrigo L. de Oliveira BassoII; Paulo R. Stival BittencourtI,*

Cellulose nanowhiskers can be obtained from cassava fiber and used in polymeric composites, increasing the thermal and mechanical resistance of these systems and valuing this material, which is a residue of the food industry.


Publicado online: maio 4, 2020
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Total access: 1232

Quim. Nova 2020, 43(6), 718-722


Bioacessibilidade de zinco, cálcio e fósforo em extrato de soja e amostras de leite bovino, caprino e ovino

Carla M. BossuI,II,*; Eveline A. MenezesIII; Ana Rita A. NogueiraI

Bioaccessibility of Zn, Ca and P in soybean extract and cow, goat, and sheep milk samples.


Publicado online: maio 5, 2020
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Total access: 1564

Quim. Nova 2020, 43(6), 723-728


Quantificação do teor de biodiesel de crambe em misturas com diesel utilizando espectroscopia mir e seleção de variáveis

Lucas G. da CostaI,*; Baltazar V. SitoeI,II; Douglas Q. SantosIII; Waldomiro Borges NetoI

The method of quantification of crambe methyl biodiesel in blends with diesel proposed in this work, which uses the analysis by PLS allied to the selection of variables iPLS presents advantages to the official method, such as waste reduction and analysis time.


Publicado online: maio 26, 2020
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Total access: 1104

Quim. Nova 2020, 43(6), 729-737


Incorporation of essential oils from Piper aduncum into films made from arrowroot starch: effects on their physicochemical properties and antifungal activity

Anna Carolina Fernandes ValadaresI; Cassia Cristina FernandesI; Josemar Gonçalves de Oliveira FilhoI; Isabella Pelosi Borges de DeusI; Thayanara Mayara de LimaI; Elizabeth Aparecida Josefi da SilvaI; Edson Luiz SouchieI; Mayker Lazaro Dantas MirandaII,*

Arrowroot starch films enriched with essential oils from Piper aduncum are capable of operating as biodegradable packaging with promising antifungal activity against Rhizopus microsporus and Colletotrichum gloeosporioides.


Publicado online: abril 20, 2020
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Total access: 1304

Quim. Nova 2020, 43(6), 738-746


Extraction of monomers of hydrolysable tannins from pods of Libidibia ferrea (Mart. ex Tul.) L. P. Queiroz: effects of solvent and amount of drug using response-surface methodology and Desirability profile

Magda R. A. Ferreira*; Patricia A. Sousa; Janaína C. B. Machado; Luiz A. L. Soares

Influence of drug and ethanol proportion on responses of analysis of extracts from Libidibia ferrea pods by Response Surface Methodology and Desirability profile.


Publicado online: abril 24, 2020
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Total access: 1115

Quim. Nova 2020, 43(6), 747-751


An electrochemiluminescence sandwich biosensor for the detection of lipopolysaccharide

Xuemei FanI,II,*; Zhejian LiI; Shumin WangI; Yimeng WangI; Lingmin YuII; Xinhui FanI,II

A sensitive sandwich electrochemiluminescence biosensor for the determination of lipopolysaccharide was designed using peptide as recognition molecules.


Publicado online: maio 18, 2020
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Total access: 1054

Quim. Nova 2020, 43(6), 752-759


Complexos de platina(II) conjugado e análogo a O-glicosídeos: síntese, caracterização estrutural e atividade antitumoral

Lidiane M. A. de LimaI; Mirelly D. F. SantosI; Leonardo S. AlbuquerqueI; Mônica F. BelianI,*; Wagner E. SilvaI; João R. F. FilhoI; Jandyson M. SantosI; Jaciana S. AguiarII; Teresinha G. da SilvaII

Despite presenting antitumor activities similar to cisplatin, the proposed platinum(II) complexes have reduced toxicity, once the cisplatin is belonging to category 2, cis-[PtCl2(C6H14S2O2)-κ2S] to category 3 and cis-[PtCl2(C26H38O12S2)-κ2S] to category 4.


Publicado online: maio 7, 2020
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Total access: 1630

Quim. Nova 2020, 43(6), 760-764


Development of an analytical method for the determination of lead based on local surface plasmon resonance of silver nanoparticles

Hamed AzimiI, Seyyed Hamid AhmadiII,*; Mohammadreza ManafiI; Syed Husain Hashemi MousaviI; Mostafa Najafic

Colorimetric determination of lead in water samples based on local surface plasmon resonance (LSPR) phenomenon in aggregation of silver nanoparticles in presence of Pb2+ and deferoxamine as chelating agent.


Publicado online: abril 20, 2020
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Total access: 1566

Quim. Nova 2020, 43(6), 765-772


Theoretical studies on diacetonediperoxide derivatives and comparisons with other multi-peroxidic compounds

Zongcheng MiaoI; Junmei LiII; Guoliang Fanb and Yi LuanIII,*

The stability and detonation performance of diacetonediperoxide and its derivatives were investigated and compared with one of TATP counterparts. Results show that DADPNO2 is a novel candidate for use as an energetic material.


Publicado online: maio 20, 2020
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Total access: 1304

Revisão Quim. Nova 2020, 43(6), 773-786


Evolução dirigida de enzimas: pequenas modificações, melhores biocatalisadores

Iris S. Teixeira; Cintia D. F. Milagrea*

Scientific progress in the field of Directed Evolution today enables the opportunity to tune or create a given biocatalyst for a specific application. The generated biological systems are good models for sustainable organic synthesis.


Publicado online: abril 24, 2020
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Total access: 1912

Quim. Nova 2020, 43(6), 787-803


Helicteres L. species (Malvaceae sensu lato) as source of new drugs: a review

Diégina A. FernandesI,#; Edileuza B. de AssisI,#; Maria Sallett R. SouzaI,#; Pedro Isaac Vanderlei de SouzaII; Maria de Fátima Vanderlei de SouzaI,#,§,*

Bibliographic analysis of the traditional use, chemical and pharmacological profile of Helicteres L. species (Malvaceae sensu lato) searching for new drug sources.


Publicado online: abril 20, 2020
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Total access: 1298

Educação Quim. Nova 2020, 43(6), 804-812


Implementação do campo de força ClayFF no GROMACS: uma aplicação em estrutura de caulinita

Eric Mochiutti*; Rodrigo Luiz da C. Sehwartz; João Pedro O. Lima; Arthur Lobato S. Carvalho; Roberto de F. Neves; Davi do Socorro B. Brasil; Marlice C. Martellia

Molecular simulation applied to the kaolinite crystal structure, used as an example of the ClayFF force field implementation for molecular dynamics studies in GROMACS software, with unit cell parameterization and replicated systems.


Publicado online: abril 13, 2020
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Total access: 2114

Quim. Nova 2020, 43(6), 813-822


Síntese e caracterização de pontos quânticos ambientalmente amigáveis, um meio simples de exemplificar e explorar aspectos da nanociência e nanotecnologia em cursos de graduação

Calink I. L. Santos; Juan C. A. Ferreira; Letícia R. C. Cunha; Roberto Vaza; Marco A. Schiavona*

Nanotechnologies and nanomaterials can be interdisciplinary tools in education. Quantum dots are nanomaterials of technological interest and involve lots of important subjects in chemistry teaching and may be helpful to discuss a variety of concepts in a deeper and applied way.


Publicado online: maio 29, 2020
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Total access: 2108

On-line version ISSN 1678-7064 Printed version ISSN 0100-4042
Química Nova
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