Tatiana C. Penna; Thiago C. Correra*
Most methods for isomer differentiation by mass spectrometry rely on differential fragmentation patterns. Selective activation methods have been proved to be a powerful alternative, giving rise to advanced ion spectroscopy and other techniques that will be discussed.
Karen P. S. LopesI; Igor M. CavalcanteI; Raquel F. da SilvaI; Débora H. A. de BritoI; Lillian M. U. D. FechineI; Denise R. MoreiraI; Ícaro G. P. VieiraII; Francisco Vinícius Clemente S. AzulIII; Luzia K. A. M. LealIII; Maria E. N. P. RibeiroI,*; Nágila M. P. S. RicardoI,#
Binary micelles may improve the bioavailability of poorly soluble drugs.
Mayra Aparecida NascimentoI; Jean Castro da CruzI; Marina Ferreira dos ReisI; Carolina Teixeira Costa AlpinoI; Cristiana Resende MarceloII; Guilherme Dias RodriguesIII; André Fernando de OliveiraI; Renata Pereira LopesI,*
Alkaline and nickel-metal hydride spent batteries were leached separately. The metal ions present in the leachate were reduced to obtain polymetallic materials from different components, which were applied to remove the reactive blue 4 textile dye.
Patrícia H. RibeiroI; Lêda R. A. FaroniI,*; Fernanda F. HelenoII; Maria E. L. R. de QueirozIII; Lucas H. F. PratesI
A vortex-assisted liquid-liquid microextraction method followed by gas chromatography coupled to mass spectrometry for the determination of anilazine, linuron, prothiofos, and tebuconazole residues in water from the culture and processing of potatoes was optimized.
Tamires da Silva LimaI; Gabriel Bercley de Lima VitorinoI; Elaine Cristina Lima do NascimentoI; Carlos André de SouzaI; Daniel Lucas Dantas de FreitasII; Kássio Michell Gomes de LimaII; Andréa Monteiro Santana Silva BritoI,*
We achieved it through a PVC sensing phase with detection in the infrared and SIMCA classification, with an accuracy of 80%, aqueous that were not contaminated by 17β-estradiol, demonstrated a possible viability of the proposed screening method.
Yuzhen ZhaoI,*; Yang ZhaoI; Zhun GuoI; Xiaoxi KangI; Zongcheng MiaoI; Haiquan ZhangII
Perylene diimide with electron-donating groups at bay position has high formation rate of radical anon salt and high optical sensitivity to Cu2+ compared with that of the perylene diimide with electron-withdrawing groups.
Henrique S. DornellesI,*; Fabrício MotteranII; Isabel K. SakamotoI; Maria A. T. AdornoI; Maria Bernadete A. VarescheI
The graphical abstract shows the analysis procedure in anaerobic reactors, with sample pre-treatment using Solid Phase Extraction cartridges (SPE) and subsequent determination in High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC).
João Victor de Sousa Araujo*; Rejane Maria Pereira da Silva; Mariana Xavier Milagre; Caruline de Souza Carvalho Machado; Isolda Costa
Corrosion mechanism of the 2198-T8 Al-Cu-Li alloy immersed in an aggressive environment.
Shirley A. T. MoralesI; Mariana G. de AguilarI; Rafael C. G. PereiraI; Lucienir P. DuarteI,*; Grasiely F. SousaI; Djalma M. de OliveiraII; Fernanda C. G. EvangelistaIII; Adriano P. SabinoIII; Roberta O. VianaIV; Viviane S. AlvesIV and Sidney A. Vieira-FilhoV
Extracts and compounds from Maytenus distichophylla roots were submitted to biological tests. All samples reduced the viability of S. aureus. Three compounds showed potential cytotoxic activity and selectivity against THP-1 and K562 leukemic cells and low toxicity to PBMC cells.
Sun PengI,II,*; Gao YulingI,II; Zhang XiaolinIII; Yan RuiaII
The algae samples were extracted by dilute nitric acid, As (Ⅲ), DMA, MMA, As (Ⅴ) in extracting solution were separated by HPLC. The four arsenic species were subjected to potassium borohydride hydrolysis to produce gaseous arsenic compounds that were measured by AFS.
Maria Villen-Guzman*; Maria del Mar Cerrillo-Gonzalez; Juan M. Paz-Garcia; Carlos Vereda-Alonso; Cesar Gomez-Lahoz; Jose M. Rodriguez-Maroto
In this study, EDTA enhanced electrokinetic experiments were designed to remediate a real soil contaminated with Pb.
Marcela Z. CorazzaI; Paula Mantovani dos SantosI,II; Mariana Gava SegatelliII; Arnaldo César PereiraIII; César R. T. TarleyII,IV,*
Different applications of carbon nanotubes modified by means of chemical and/or physical functionalization for metal ions preconcentration with spectroanalytical and electroanalytical determination are discussed in this review.
Giset Y. Sánchez Delgado*; Camila A. S. R. Condé; Hélio F. Dos Santos; Maribel Navarro#
Au(III)-containing multidentate ligands and Au(I)-PR3/NHCs complexes have excellent antitumor properties. Their ability to inhibit several therapeutic targets, in particular, enzymes containing thiols, positions them as promising anticancer candidates.
Casiano A. DheinI; Deborah P. DickI,*; Andressa C. BenderII
Quantification of humic substances in liquid fertilizers based on the chemical oxidation of C overestimated fulvic acids content. The most reliable results were obtained from the gravimetric determination of purified fulvic and humic acids.
Camila SilveiraI,*; Andressa de Souza FernandesI; Aline KundlatschII
Quantitative distribution of abstracts presented at the Coordinated Sessions of the teaching area at the Annual Meetings of the Brazilian Chemical Society by Brazilian states.
Idália Helena S. EstevamI,*; Emmanuelle Ferreira R. SilvaII; Ana Paula dos S. SacramentoI
Sequential images showing the first step of the alcohol dehydratation mechanism - alcohol protonation step.
Carolina Sotério; Salete Linhares Queiroz*
A five-step course for undergraduate chemistry students who want to communicate science to a broad audience.
Magalí GimenoI,II; Franco Martín ZanottoI,II,III,*
The interplay between cyclic voltammetry experiments and simulations allows a natural comprehension of new concepts. The behavior of ultramicroelectrodes is seamlessly introduced and explained in terms of edge effects and spherical diffusion.
Luiz G. F. LopesI,II,*; Peter J. SadlerIII; Vânia Bernardes-GénissonIV,V; José J. G. MouraVI; Remi ChauvinIV,V; Paul V. BernhardtVII; Eduardo H. S. SousaI,II,#
In a series of short stories from an international chemistry network of collaboration, the critical importance of basic science in advancing the well-being of everyone on our Planet is highlighted.
Breno M. Marson; Victor Concentino; Allan M. Junkert; Mariana M. Fachi; Raquel O. Vilhena; Roberto Pontarolo*
This review details the analytical method validation parameters considering international and national guidelines.
On-line version ISSN 1678-7064 Printed version ISSN 0100-4042
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