Adonias A. CarvalhoI,II; Lucivania R. dos SantosI; Jurema S. de FreitasI; Mariana H. ChavesI,*
This review describes a total of 240 isoflavonoids reported in 69 species and 15 genera from the Dalbergieae tribe. Formononetin, biochanin A and medicarpin were more frequent in this tribe and the antimicrobial, estrogenic, cytotoxic and antioxidant were predominant biological activities.
Fang Tian; Sheng Yun Li*
The formation of the charge transfer complex was also confirmed by both infrared and 1H NMR measurements. The thermodynamic quantities of the complex were estimated. A new spectrophotometric method was developed for the determination of taurine.
Kelly R. SpacinoI; Hágata CremascoI; Karina B. AngilelliI; Ana Carolina G. MantovaniII; Dionisio BorsatoI,*
The relative protection factor (RPF) of rosemary extract in biodiesel was studied in the presence of metallic ions. The phenolic compounds present in rosemary extract protected the biodiesel and Co2+ and Fe2+ ions led to the degradation.
Eliezer P. da SilvaI,II,#; Jorge M. DavidII,*; Juceni P. DavidIII; Geisse H. Trindade GarciaIII; Maisa T. SilvaII
Flowers and seeds of Tapirira guianensis Aubl. (Anacardiaceae) afforded new bioactive alkenyl dihydrobenzofuranoids besides known compounds. Unsaturated fatty acids are predominant in seed's oil.
Adão S. GonçalvesI,II; Cristiane A. HenriquesI,II,*; Deborah V. CesarII
Ethyl acetate and methanol adsorb on the Mg-La catalyst surface forming intermediates that are identified by the combination of DRIFTS and MS techniques. The intermediates reaction products suggest that a mechanism of Eley-Rideal predominates in the reaction catalyzed by Mg-La.
João Henrique do Nascimento e SilvaI,*; Marta Regina Verruma-BernardiI; André Eduardo de Souza BellucoI; Simone Daniela Sartorio de MedeirosII; Alessandra Lopes de OliveiraIII
The volatile compounds found in cachaça can come from the raw material used in the production of the drink, during the fermentation process, distillation or aging in wooden barrels, providing essential aromas and flavors for quality cachaça.
Elizabete Araújo CarneiroI; Ana Karine Pessoa BastosII; Ulisses Marcondes Freire de OliveiraIII; Leonardo José Brandão Lima de MatosIV; Wellington Sabino AdrianoV; Rodolpho Ramilton de Castro MonteiroIII; José Cleiton Sousa dos SantosIII,VI,*; Luciana Rocha Barros GonçalvesIII
In this study, we aimed to tune the catalytic features of the lipase from Rhizomucor miehei immobilized on chitosan hybrids beads by altering the chemical activation conditions of the support.
Larissa Rocha TerraI,II; Marcia Miguel Castro FerreiraI; Daniel TeraoII; Sonia Claudia do Nascimento de QueirozII,*
The non-destructive and non-invasive extraction process of papaya's VOCs by SPME was optimized using an experimental design. The variables conditioning time and fiber exposure time were evaluated. The optimal conditions were found by analyzing the response surface.
João V. BraunI,II; Samuel J. SantosI,II; Guilherme C. EspíndolaI; Gabriel F. de MattosI; Diego P. OngarattoI; Diogo M. de OliveiraI,II; Marlon W. da SilvaI; Vinícius VendrusculoI; Vinícius O. B. dos SantosI,II; Rodrigo E. RennerII; Fabrício F. NaciukI,II; Marcelo V. MarquesI,II; Luiz A. M. FontouraI,II,*
Oxidative stability and the cold filter plugging point of biodiesel blends made from fats and soy oil in different proportions were evaluated.
Thamy G. P. SobreiraI,III; Lindomar A. da SilvaII; Frederico D. de MenezesII; Elvis J. FrançaIII; Kátia Aparecida da Silva AquinoI,*
The chitosan extracted from chitin, present in insects, fungi, and arthropods is cross-linked in order to obtain chitosan spheres. The novel physical characteristics obtained are applicable in several areas.
Clodoaldo MachadoI; Keller P. NicoliniII; Jaqueline NicoliniII,*
Drug screening combined with the use of mathematical models has been shown to be an important strategy for predicting the susceptibility of microorganisms to drugs.
Caroline de Mayrinck; André Felipe Vale da Fonseca; Marco Antônio Schiavon*
The perovskite nanocrystals have emerged as a new class of promising materials in optoelectronics, due to their high photoluminescent quantum yield, short decay times and narrow emissions bands that covers the entire visible spectrum mainly by the composition control.
Aline P. Oliveira; Juliana Naozuka*
The success of the elemental enrichment of foods depends on chemical speciation studies and allows to supply macro and microelements deficiencies.
Vinicius A. O. P. da SilvaI; Vinicius A. P. TartareI; Cristiane KalinkeII; Paulo Roberto de OliveiraI; Daniel Cardoso de SouzaI; Juliano A. BonacinII,*; Bruno C. JanegitzI,*
The construction of a lab-made contact angle measuring device by using 3D-printing technology.
Total access: 2023
Bruno L. FerreiraI; Junior V. BeikII; Salvino J. Z. AlvesIII; Flavia A. HenriqueII; Elenise SauerIV; Cesar A. ChornobaiIV; Simone BowlesII; Eduardo S. ChavesIII,*
An easy and efficient laboratory experiment designed for undergraduate students by using ultrasound assisted extraction for subsequent determination of total lipids in food samples.
Lourenço Luis Botelho de SantanaI,II,#; Orlando Maia BarbozaII; Fernando Alves BarrettoI; Wilson Araujo LopesI,III; Silvio CunhaI,III,*
A new undergraduate experiment was developed based on the comparison of generics and brand name drug. Extraction of paracetamol and tablet mass checking with statistic considerations were also addressed, simulating quality control.
Ariane Baffa Lourenço; Salete Linhares Queiroz*
Are we ready for argumentation in chemistry classrooms? An investigation into pre-service teachers' readiness for promoting argumentation.
Victória Laysna dos Anjos Santos; Arlan de Assis Gonsalves; Cleônia Roberta Melo Araújo*
Practical didactic sequence using the Debus-Radziszewski reaction to teach multicomponent reactions.
César de B. Lobato*
This article brings up the Dalton - Gay-Lussac - Avogadro debate, which took place in the early 19th century. Such a discussion allowed the assumption of gaseous diatomic molecules. The original figure from the Dalton's paper was modified by the author, with the intent of representing the conceptual change that the Dalton's Theory underwent.
Pedro Augusto F. Borges; Louise Vasconcelos Groener; Gabriel Pereira Gomes; Joanna P. Rodrigues; Geraldo Magela de Lima; Wagner N. Mussel; Rodinei Augusti; Carlos A. L. Filgueiras*
Alchemical "gold": tin samples before and after treatment with calcium polysulfide. The gold colour is due to a coating of mosaic gold, or stannic sulfide
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