15:11, ter fev 11

Acesso Aberto/TP

vol. 44, No. 1, 2021

Artigo de Capa
Quim. Nova 2021, 44(1), 64-69

Determinação de mercúrio em fígado de tetrápodes marinhos por espectrometria de fluorescência atômica acoplada a geração de vapor frio (CV-AFS) e espectrometria de massa com fonte de plasma indutivamente acoplado (ICP-MS): uma comparação sistemática entre as duas técnicas

Raiza F. da SilvaI; Siomara D. da RochaII,III; Amauri A. MenegárioI;*; Jorge H. PedrobomI; Everton T. SulatoI; Karen S. LukoI; Lucas Pellegrini EliasI; Lucia M. de Souza OliveiraI; Ézio Sargentini JuniorIII

Comparison between the determination of Hg by ICP-MS, CV-AFS and in natura and freeze-dried samples of hepatic tissue from marine tetrapods.


Publicado online: novembro 20, 2020

Total access: 1216

Artigo de Contra Capa
Quim. Nova 2021, 44(1), 112-117

Galileo's pendulum as a magnetic balance for studying chemical magnetism at home

Henrique E. Toma*

In 1583, this beautiful chandelier at the Cathedral of Pisa inspired Galileo to formulate the theory which is being applied in the construction of a pendulum magnetic balance.


Publicado online: setembro 4, 2020

Total access: 770

Artigo Quim. Nova 2021, 44(1), 1-14


Insight into the conformational space of N-benzyl-N-(furan-2-ylmethyl)acetamide by nmr spectroscopy and dft calculations

Jeisson D. Corredor MontañaI; Alix E. LoaizaII; Gustavo P. RomanelliIII; Isabelle De WaeleIV; Yeny A. TobónIV; Jovanny A. Gómez CastañoI,*

In this paper, we explore the hitherto unknown conformational behavior of the title tertiary amide in deuterated chloroform through a combined experimental/theoretical strategy using one- and two-dimensional NMR spectroscopy and quantum chemical calculations.


Publicado online: setembro 21, 2020
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Total access: 1089

Quim. Nova 2021, 44(1), 15-19


Odontadenia lutea (apocynaceae) leaves: phytochemical study and insecticidal activity against leaf-cutting ants atta sexdens rubropilosa forel

Weber M. da Silva JuniorI; Renato G. SantosI; Geane K. G. F. DuarteI; Gracielle O. S. CunhaI,II; Daniela M. da SilvaI; Thais F. R. MarchesinIII; Odair C. BuenoIII; Antônio Carlos S. MenezesI,*

Phytochemical investigation of O. lutea leaves resulted in the identification of triterpenes, flavonoid, fatty acids, and glyceroglycolipid. The hexane fraction decreases the average survival of ants from sixteen to six days.


Publicado online: setembro 21, 2020
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Total access: 1050

Quim. Nova 2021, 44(1), 20-27


Uso de um scanner de mesa e espuma de poliuretano para quantificação de ferro total em cápsulas de suplementos alimentares

Fernanda. N. Feiteira; João V. de P. P. Barreiros; Wagner F. Pacheco*

Solubilization and complexation of iron from food supplies, and its sorption on polyurethane foam for quantification by digital images analysis.


Publicado online: outubro 16, 2020
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Total access: 924

Quim. Nova 2021, 44(1), 28-34


Efeito do teor de glicerol no transporte de vapor d'água através de filmes de triacetato de celulose produzidos a partir do aproveitamento da palha de milho (zea mays L.)

Erlon Alves RibeiroI,II,*; Guimes Rodrigues FilhoI; Rosana Maria Nascimento de AssunçãoI,III; Marcos Vinícius FerreiraI,III; Betina RoyerIV; Felipe Viegas dos ReisI; Daniel Alves CerqueiraV; Rodrigo Alejandro Abarza MuñozI

In this paper the corn straw was used for the production of cellulose triacetate films from mixtures with glycerol (10%, 20% and 30%).


Publicado online: outubro 29, 2020
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Total access: 862

Quim. Nova 2021, 44(1), 35-40


Caracterização física e química da biomassa usada como combustível sólido em uma caldeira

Natália R. de CarvalhoI; João L. de BarrosII; Diego A. da SilvaI; Gabriela T. NakashimaI; Fábio M. YamajiI,*

The energy performance of biomass varies according to its chemical and physical properties, and the burning parameters. Such properties can be determined using biomass characterization standards for energy purposes.


Publicado online: outubro 29, 2020
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Total access: 1334

Quim. Nova 2021, 44(1), 41-47


Propriedades de proteção térmica do carbeto de silício em revestimentos cerâmicos

Marcela Galizia Domingues*; José Atílio Fritz Fidel Rocco

Atomic-molecular arrangement of crystalline extrusion of the silicon carbide coating (filler) dispersed in a potassium silicate binder (K2SiO3).


Publicado online: setembro 30, 2020
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Total access: 764

Quim. Nova 2021, 44(1), 48-57


Efecto de la adición de polímeros de cadena corta sobre la estructura química, propiedades mecánicas, térmicas y biológicas de poliuretanos sintetizados con diisocianatos alifáticos y aceite de higuerilla

Yomaira L. Uscategui; Luis E. Díaz; Manuel F. Valeroa*

Polyurethanes synthesized with polyols derived from castor oil were evaluated for their mechanical and biological properties. The results indicate that the polyurethanes synthesized with polyols derived from castor oil can be used in the design of biomaterials.


Publicado online: setembro 21, 2020
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Total access: 990

Quim. Nova 2021, 44(1), 58-63


Fast determination of the sulfur species in solid phase systems by a TOP-IR method

Shiyun TangI,II,*; Song YangI; Sheng TanI; Junjiang GuoI; Anjiang TangI

TPO-IR method was used for rapid determination of sulfur species in solid minerals. During the TPO process, sulfur species in minerals are oxidized or pyrolyzed to form sulfur dioxide which is detected by infrared detector. The content of sulfur species was quantified by fitting curve information.


Publicado online: outubro 28, 2020
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Total access: 757

Quim. Nova 2021, 44(1), 70-75


Main minerals and organic compounds in commercial roasted and ground coffee: an exploratory data analysis

Daneysa Lahis KalschneI; Nathalia Karen SilvaI; Cristiane CananI; Marta de Toledo BenassiII; Eder Lisandro Moraes FloresIII; Oldair Donizete LeiteIII,*

The commercial Brazilian roasted and grounded coffees, traditional and extra strong ones, showed interesting relationships between organic and mineral composition, with traditional and extra strong segmentation even considering roasted coffee from different commercial origins.


Publicado online: outubro 15, 2020
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Total access: 943

Revisão Quim. Nova 2021, 44(1), 76-85


Rotaxanos - interações intercomponentes e movimentos moleculares

Fellipe Freire Santos Farias; Tainára Orlando; Paulo Roberto dos Santos Salbego; Marcos Antonio Pinto Martins*

An overview of intercomponent interactions in [2]rotaxane molecules is presented, exhibiting how these interactions are studied, in solution and solid state. It is demonstrated the relation and importance between interactions and the major movements presented by this class of molecules.


Publicado online: agosto 31, 2020
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Total access: 1452

Quim. Nova 2021, 44(1), 86-97


Anodes for sofc: review of material selection, interface and electrochemical phenomena

Marina CuriI,*; Eduardo da R. SilvaII,III; José Geraldo de M. FurtadoIII; Helen C. FerrazII; Argimiro R. SecchiII

For more than forty years, Ni-YSZ cermet composites have been the main anode applied to SOFCs. In this cermet conventional anode, the chemical reaction occurs on a three-phase boundary (3PB) defined as an interface composed by an oxygen-ion conductor phase YSZ (electrolyte), an electronic conductor phase (Ni metal) and a fuel gas phase.


Publicado online: outubro 8, 2020
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Total access: 1601

Nota Técnica Quim. Nova 2021, 44(1), 98-104


Preparation and properties of Pt-Rh-Pd / CeO2-ZrO2-La2O3-Al2O3 fibrous catalyst via electrospinning

Yu Zhu; Wei-gang Shen*; Shuai-shuai Lv; Hong-jun Ni; Xing-xing Wang

The fiber membrane CeO2-ZrO2-La2O3-Al2O3 prepared by electrospinning technology is used as a catalyst carrier and loaded with catalytically active particles such as Pt, Rh and Pd, which can effectively purify NOX, CO and HC in automobile exhaust into CO2, H2O and N2.


Publicado online: setembro 10, 2020
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Total access: 836

Educação Quim. Nova 2021, 44(1), 105-111


Quantificação de nanopartículas de prata em um produto farmacêutico por espectrofotometria e potenciometria: uma proposta para aulas práticas de química analítica

Elen C. P. de Brito; Ludmila dos S. Madalena; Richard H. Lima; Gabriel S. Bernardes; Luís Antônio da Silva; Valéria A. Alves*

Spectrophotometry and potentiometry techniques were used to quantify silver in an ophthalmic solution. The average concentrations of Ag were 1.65 ± 0.03% (w/v) by spectrophotometry and 1.73 ± 0.06% (w/v) by potentiometry.


Publicado online: agosto 31, 2020
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Total access: 1742

Quim. Nova 2021, 44(1), 118-127


Células eletrolítica e a combustível confeccionadas com materiais alternativos para o ensino de eletroquímica

Marlon M. S. Silveira; Richard H. Lima; Gabriel S. Bernardes; Valéria A. Alves; Luís Antônio da Silva*

The experimental proposal focuses on the conversion of electrical energy to chemical energy and vice versa. The experiments for the two simultaneous energy conversions were designed with simple, easily accessible and inexpensive reagents and materials. The electrochemical reactions involved in the two conversions are considered fundamental in the teaching-learning process of the basic concepts of water electrolysis and in the recombination of hydrogen and oxygen gases.


Publicado online: setembro 2, 2020
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Total access: 2267

Assuntos Gerais Quim. Nova 2021, 44(1), 128-137


Análise sistêmica do patenteamento de indústrias químicas Brasileiras líderes em vendas líquidas

Juliévany de Souza Santos; Allan Charles Marques de Carvalho; Márcio Nannini da Silva Florêncio; Simone de Cássia Silva; Ana Karla de Souza Abud; Antonio Martins de Oliveira Júnior*

With a strong presence in almost all production chains, the chemical industry is a strategic sector. The systemic analysis of patenting in these industries in Brazil based on the leading companies showed companies protect their technologies with patent applications despite little partnership.


Publicado online: setembro 10, 2020
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Total access: 883

On-line version ISSN 1678-7064 Printed version ISSN 0100-4042
Química Nova
Publicações da Sociedade Brasileira de Química
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