Daiana P. Francoª; Thiago M. Pereiraª; Felipe Vitorioª; Nathalia F. Nadurª; Renata B. Lacerdab; Arthur E. Kümmerlea,*
Coumarins are oxygen containing organic heterocyclic with wide range of biological properties such as anticoagulant, anticancer, anti-neurodegenerative, antibacterial, antifungal, antiviral, antidiabetic, antioxidant and anti-inflammatory.
Diégina A. Fernandesª, Otemberg S. Chavesª, Yanna C. F. Telesb, Maria de F. Agraª, Maria A. R. Vieirac, Paulo S. S. da Silvac, Marcia O. M. Marquesc and Maria de Fátima Vanderlei de Souzaª*
Fatty acids from extracts of ten Malvoideae (Malvaceae) species analyzed by GC-FID and multivariate analysis.
Mauro R. Silvaa, Lucas G. Freitasª; Henrique de O. P. Mendonçab; Amauri G. Souzab; Hebert V. Pereirac; Rodinei Augustic; Inayara C. A. Lacerdaa; Júlio O. F. Melob;* Raquel L. B. Araújoa
Volatile profile and use of paper spray ionization mass spectrometry for rapid analysis of cagaita (Eugenia dysenterica) ice cream.
Butong Li; Lulin Li; Ju Peng
In past decades, energetic materials attracted much attention for their implication in the military and civilian field. Therefore, difluoroamino substituted prismane is designed and characterized in this paper. Finally, the derivatives with more than three substituent groups are confirmed to be potential high energetic compounds.
Alexsandro Antônio Matias; André Fernando de Oliveira; Antônio Augusto Neves; Maria Eliana Lopes Ribeiro de Queiroz
Nitrate to nitrite reduction using aluminum spheres coated with a copper film (Al-Cu) and quantification using the Griess-Ilosvay reagent, an alternative to the reduction with cadmium.
Kalil Z. R. de Sousaª; Emerson H. de Fariaª; Liziane Marçalª; Katia J. Ciuffiª; Emiliane G. Ricciª; Lucas A. Rochaª; Eduardo J. Nassara,*; Jorge V. L. Silvab; Marcelo F. Oliveirab; Izaque A. Maiab
The incorporation of the rhodamine B into poliamide pieces obtained by Additive Manufacture at lower concentration at different pH, is not affected the spectroscopic properties of the dye, and can be applied as luminescent sensors and random lasers.
Fernanda Diniz Botelhoª; Roberta Siqueira Soldaini de Oliveiraª; Joyce S. F. D. de Almeidaª; Tanos C. C. Françaa,b,*,;Itamar Borges Jr.a,#
Mean and standard deviation values of atomic charges computed by Mulliken, MBS, Chelp, Chelpg, MK, Hirshfeld, NPA, AIM and DMA methods for the atoms of the indicated molecule.
Kenia Melchor-Rodríguezª; Sarra Gaspardb; Ulises Javier Jáuregui-Hazaa,c,*
With the combination of semiempirical, DFT and QTAIM methods it is possible to understand chlordecone adsorption process on activated carbon at different pH and solvation conditions, in order to optimized activated carbons synthesis.
Jacira I. de Mouraa,d, Benedito B. Farias Filhoa,*,, Maria Conceição S. M. Lageb, Christian Rilza S. de Meloª, Wilkins O. de Barrosª, Aníbal Gustavo S. Oliveiraª e Luzia Maria S. Carvalhoc
Analytical method using portable X-Ray Fluorescence was optimized for direct determination of phosphorus in archaeological sediment samples of the Serra da Capivara National Park, Piauí, Brazil.
Alexandre de Jesusª; Ariane V. Zmozinskiª; Diane O. Laroqueª; Márcia M. da Silvaa,b,*
Fast sequential determination of nine trace-metals in biodiesel samples was carried out with microemulsions as sample preparation. Biodiesel samples from different sources were analysed by high-resolution continuum source flame atomic absorption spectrometry.
André Valle de Bairrosa,*,, Gustavo Andrade Ugaldeª and Mauricio Yonamineb
Gamma-hydroxybutyrate (GHB) is a depressant drug used as Drug-Facilitated Crime (DFC) and urine is the biological matrix of choice for toxicological analysis involving DFC. A simple and ultra-fast methodology for GHB determination in urine samples by GC-MS was developed.
Drielly E. T. B. de Oliveiraª; Leonardo A. B. Bezerraª; Romário J. Oliveiraª; Vitocley B. de Moraesª; Juliana Angeiras Batista da Silvaa,b; João R. de Freitas Filhoª; Juliano C. Rufino Freitasa,c; Clécio S. Ramosa,*,
This work describes the development of a simple experiment with easily accessible and low cost materials, enabling its practice with or without laboratory infrastructure, with feasibility for experimental theoretical study.
Guy Lamoureuxa,b,*,; John F. Ogilviea,c,d
The presentation of orbitals in General Chemistry has been debated for many years. We review previous arguments for and against the teaching of orbitals in this paper.
Eduardo D. Vicentini; Antonio G. Sampaio de Oliveira-Filho*
An educational introduction to the subject of neural networks is presented as a tool for non-linear regression, by an application in potential energy surfaces.
Daniel T. G. Gonzagaª; Luana da S. M. Forezib; Carolina G. de S. Limab; Patricia G. Ferreira; c Fernando de C. da Silva;b Vitor F. Ferreirac,*,
In honor of the work developed by Huisgen, in this review we provide an overview on the applications of 1,3-dipolar cycloaddition reactions for the preparation of five-membered heterocyclic compounds, starting with the seminal examples in the field and further discussing the most recent applications.
Letícia dos Santos Pereiraa,*,; Olival Freire Jr.b; Artur José Santos Mascarenhasª; Gisela Boeckc
The chemist Wilhelm Ostwald had for a long time his scientific contributions eclipsed by his rejection to atomic theory. It is time to understand his role for chemistry, highlighting his chemical investigations as well as his efforts for spreading physical chemistry.
On-line version ISSN 1678-7064 Printed version ISSN 0100-4042
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