20:27, seg fev 17

Acesso Aberto/TP

vol. 44, No. 3, 2021

Artigo de Capa
Quim. Nova 2021, 44(3), 267-271

Insecticidal and fungicidal activity of a magnesium compound containing isovanillic acid against leaf-cutting ant and its symbiotic fungus

Eldevan S. SilvaI,II,III; Rafael C. MarchiIII; Carla Sthefane P. MatosII; Maria Fátima G. F. SilvaIII; João B. FernandesIII; Odair C. BuenoIV; Rose M. CarlosIII,*

Physical chemical characterization of the magnesium (II) complex containing isovanillic acid with insecticidal and fungicidal potential against leaf-cutting ant and its symbiotic fungus.


Publicado online: dezembro 15, 2020
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Total access: 1577

Artigo de Contra Capa
Quim. Nova 2021, 44(3), 272-277

Diferenciação catiônica de bentonitas por infravermelho: um estudo dos efeitos da hidratação dos cátions trocáveis

Andréia O. RodriguesI; Rômulo S. AngélicaI; Simone P.A. PazI,II,*

Infrared spectroscopy proved to be an effective technique in the cationic differentiation of bentonites using the characteristic bands "7072 cm-1" and "3620 and 3430 cm-1". The increasing order of intensity follows a pattern characteristic: Na+<Mg+2<Ca+2.


Publicado online: janeiro 20, 2021

Total access: 1417

Artigo Quim. Nova 2021, 44(3), 278-283


Synthesis, characterization, dft modeling and in vitro antimycobacterial activity assays of a silver(i)-isoniazid complex

José Alberto Paris JuniorI; Maurício CavicchioliII,*; Rachel Temperani Amaral MachadoIII; Fernando Rogério PavanIII; Douglas Hideki NakahataIV; Pedro Paulo CorbiIV; Adão Marcos Ferreira CostaV; Douglas Henrique PereiraV; Antonio Carlos MassabniI

A silver(I) complex with the antimycobacterial drug isoniazid is described. It presented a minimal inhibitory concentration (MIC90) of 0.78 µg mL-1 against the standard Mycobacterium tuberculosis strain H37Rv.


Publicado online: dezembro 1, 2020
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Total access: 1184

Quim. Nova 2021, 44(3), 284-287


Antioxidant naphthoquinones of Sinningia reitzii from Santa Catarina state, Brazil

Vanessa WiniewskiI; Adson S. SilvaI; Kattleen D. C. AlvarezII; Eduardo L. de SáI; Marcos J. SalvadorII; Maria Élida A. StefanelloI,*

Two new and three known naphthoquinones, including three with antioxidant capacity, were isolated of Sinningia reitzii from Santa Catarina State, Brazil.


Publicado online: dezembro 1, 2020
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Total access: 937

Quim. Nova 2021, 44(3), 288-294


Avaliação química de lenhos carbonizados de Araucaria columnaris sob diferentes concentrações de oxigênio como comparativo de análise de charcoal fóssil

Fernanda MarderI; Daniela Mueller de LaraI,II; André JasperIII; Eduardo Miranda EthurI; Dieter UhlIV; Simone StülpI,*

The aim of this study is to simulate atmospheric conditions during the formation of charcoal through the carbonization of Araucaria columnaris wood in varying oxygen concentrations.


Publicado online: dezembro 10, 2020
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Total access: 1169

Quim. Nova 2021, 44(3), 295-300


Photodegradation of RhB under visible light by Pt/Tio2 nanoparticles prepared through photoreductive deposition process

Jianye LiI,II,#; Youjun YanII,*; Guangjin SunII,III; Jianwei YangII; Zhixiao WangII; Xue YanII

Pt/TiO2 nanoparticles were prepared by a simple two-step aqueous solution method, which consists of a low temperature hydrothermal step and a photoreduction deposition step with Ti(SO4)2 CO(NH2)2 and H2PtCl6 as raw materials.


Publicado online: dezembro 8, 2020
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Total access: 1182

Revisão Quim. Nova 2021, 44(3), 301-317


Recentes aplicações do organofotocatalisador 1,2,3,5-tetraquis(carbazol-9-il)-4,6-dicianobenzeno em transformações químicas

Lucas V. B. L. Pugnal; Emanuele F. Pissinati; Karina S. Quaglio; Márcio W. Paixão*

This review aims to present the potential of 4CzIPN as a metal-free photocatalyst by highlighting its application in many methodologies recently reported.


Publicado online: novembro 18, 2020
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Total access: 1107

Quim. Nova 2021, 44(3), 318-333


Imidazol e catálise: um par perfeito

Valmir B. Silva; Elisa S. Orth*

Imidazole presents a remarkable catalytic acid, basic and nucleophilic activity, which are explored in several scaffolds: molecular, (bio)materials, polymers and enzymes.


Publicado online: outubro 28, 2020
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Total access: 2247

Nota Técnica Quim. Nova 2021, 44(3), 334-340


A simple and sensitive LC-MS/MS method for the determination of S-phenylmercapturic acid in human urine

Andressa Priscila GomesI; Eduardo BarbosaI; Ana Laura Anibaletto dos SantosI; Lilian Feltraco LizotI; Elisa SauerII; Solange Cristina GarciaII; Rafael LindenI; Marina Venzon AntunesI; Mariele Feiffer CharaoI,*

A LC-MS/MS method validation using an efficient one-step liquid-liquid extraction, conferring a cost-effective sample analysis and easy execution, making this an applicable biomarker in the laboratory routine.


Publicado online: outubro 8, 2020
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Total access: 774

Quim. Nova 2021, 44(3), 341-347


Titulador automático em fluxo-batelada utilizando um hardware de código fonte aberto arduino

Fernanda S. C. Soares; Rúbia E. C. R. Rodrigues; Carla M. Bossu*; Márcio S. Soares; Sidney X. dos Santos; Gabriel O. Uebe; Alex A. Silva

Automatic titrometric method in flow-batch with potentiometric detection developed in this work allow the implementation of practical disciplines, such as potentiometric titration and flow analysis system in undergraduate chemistry courses.


Publicado online: novembro 11, 2020
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Total access: 940

Educação Quim. Nova 2021, 44(3), 348-354


Orbitals in general chemistry, Part II: mathematical realities

Guy LamoureuxI,II,*; John F. OgilvieI,III,IV

This article provides mathematical facts about the use of orbitals in General Chemistry; 1) There are four sets of distinct, but equivalent, orbitals; 2) There is no logical basis to explain molecular structure with orbitals.


Publicado online: outubro 29, 2020
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Total access: 786

Quim. Nova 2021, 44(3), 355-360


Orbitals in general chemistry, Part III: consequences for teaching

Guy LamoureuxI,II,*; John F. OgilvieI,III,IV

What are the consequences of teaching the complexity of orbitals to an average student of General Chemistry?


Publicado online: outubro 28, 2020
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Total access: 776

Quim. Nova 2021, 44(3), 361-365


Construction of a low-cost polarimeter for educational purposes

Claudio A. G. da Camara

Polarimetric analysis of chiral chemical substances with the use of polarizing and analyzing filters and the detection of the displacement of polarized light by a photodiode connected to a voltmeter.


Publicado online: outubro 28, 2020
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Total access: 698

Quim. Nova 2021, 44(3), 366-371


Estudo e validação de uma progressão de aprendizagem em cinética química de estudantes de nível superior

Luciana G. MonteiroI; Antonio C. O. GuerraII; Joaquim F. M. SilvaI,*

The learning progression models of Chemistry, Chemical Engineering and Pharmacy students from two federal universities in Rio de Janeiro on Chemical Kinetics were built from Rasch analysis of their responses to a questionnaire based on teachers' conceptions about their learnings.


Publicado online: setembro 30, 2020
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Total access: 903

Quim. Nova 2021, 44(3), 372-376


Síntese verde de 1,3-diariltriazenos simétricos e assimétricos em vinagre

Leonardo C. Messina; Álvaro T. Omori*

An expeditious, organic solvent-free synthesis of 1,3-diaryltriazenes from substituted anilines using vinegar as solvent / acid source is presented. Reagent reactivity and product stability discussions are suitable for undergraduated students.


Publicado online: outubro 15, 2020
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Total access: 1093

Assuntos Gerais Quim. Nova 2021, 44(3), 377-384


Escalonamento de tecnologias: desenvolvimento de produto e processo do laboratório à escala piloto conectado ao mercado (parte 1)

Elimar Pires VasconcellosI; Priscila Maria Teixeira Gonçalves de SouzaII; Marcella Rocha FrancoII; Vinícius Gomide de CastroII; Lorena Viana SouzaII; Rochel Montero LagoIII; Marcelo Gomes SpezialiIV,*

The scaleup process can be divided into 3 steps in the lab from the basic research, product, process validation up to the more complex 4th step of building and operating the pilot plant.


Publicado online: outubro 29, 2020
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Total access: 1256

On-line version ISSN 1678-7064 Printed version ISSN 0100-4042
Química Nova
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