Ana Karolina de Souza Andrade; Luana Andrade Santos; Edisleide Silva Menezes; Rafael Ciro Marques Cavalcante; James Almada da Silva*
Simple and low-cost semi-quantitative enzymatic method for searching cysteine proteases inhibitors was optimized and validated using E64 irreversible inhibitor and herb extracts.
Bianca C. G. GandolphoI,*; Aline R. AlmeidaI; Gabriel M. GandolphoII; Daniele Z. FreitasI; Otávio C. GaspariniIII; Michelle H. MachadoI; Pedro L. M. BarretoI
The brewing waste (trub) presents high levels of phenolic compounds can be extracted through optimize parameters of UAE by Response Surface Methodology, increasing the byproduct's value, and reducing the process environmental impact.
Shi Lei; Zheng Minggang*
The optimization of the flow field size can improve the performance of the PEMFC under the inadequate air supply of cathode and ensure that it is close to the level under the normal air supply.
Hemmely Guilhermond de Souza SeverinoI,*; Christiane Béatrice Duyck PintoI; André Luiz Durante SpigolonII; Carlos Siqueira Bandeira de MelloII; Tais Freitas da SilvaIII; Kátia Zaccur LealI
Characterization of purified asphaltenes and complementary analysis suggest biodegradation effects on the asphaltenic structure.
Marlice C. Martelli; Eric Mochiutti*; João Pedro O. Lima; Roberto de F. Neves
Kaolin residues from the Capim (CC) and Jari (CJ) regions were calcined at 1300 °C, 1400 °C, 1500 °C of temperature, using a muffle furnace, forming mullite and cristobalite. One of these products had their phases quantified using the Rietveld method.
Bruno Roberto PetryI; Rafael Cardoso RialII,*; Osmar Nunes de FreitasI; Joyce Mara dos Santos BarbosaI; Leandro Fontoura CavalheiroI; Carlos Eduardo Domingues NazárioI; Luíz Henrique VianaI
Methyl biodiesel and ethyl biodiesel obtained from Fucus vesiculosus oil using alkaline catalysis showing to be a potential raw material for the production of biodiesel.
Bárbara N. AudI,II; Giovani A. LourençoII; Lynicker Y. O. DouradoI; Rosana M. N. AssunçãoIII,*
Chemical modification of polypropylene by treatment with concentrated sulfuric acid and fuming sulfuric acid; Application as a catalyst heterogeneous acid in the reaction of esterification of oleic acid with methanol to produce methyl oleate.
Ygor M. de Oliveira; Ângladis V. Delfino; Cenira M. de Carvalho; Lucia M. Conserva; Fabiane C. de Abreu*
Adsorbent biomaterials based on silica and chitosan were synthesized, characterized and tested in a Y-olfactometer for release of a natural Aedes aegypti mosquito repellent.
Pedro R. de Souza Neto; Bruna M. Guimarães; Jucleiton J. R. de Freitas; Ronaldo N. Oliveira#; João R. de Freitas Filho*
In this short review, recent reports of the main glycosylation methods, basic mechanisms, factors influencing the stereoselectivity and their applications in the synthesis of bioactive molecules are described.
Carolina G. Rocha; Arnaldo A. Cardoso*
Creation and emission of reactive nitrogen species have increased dramatically in the last hundred years; such nitrogen compounds act in the atmosphere to produce secondary aerosol, which has deleterious effects to the human health, environment, and climate.
Cintia Maria Carneiro Franco LimaI; José Luis P. B. SilvaII,*
The classification of chemical substances constitutes a large net with classes on the knots and chemical reactions as relations between them.
Bruna R. F. da SilvaI; Sebastião L. da Silva NetoI; Bruno S. LeiteII*
The application of the flipped classroom in the teaching organic chemistry, specifically NMR, in two classes of a Chemistry degree course is discussed in this article revealing possibilities for the teaching and learning processes.
Julia Pereira Postigo; Hellen Franciane Gonçalves Barbosa#; Roberta Maura Calefi##; Jany Hellen Ferreira de Jesus; Priscila Cervini; Rafael Martos Buoro; Rosa Lucia Simencio Otero; Éder Tadeu Gomes Cavalheiro*
Example of phenomenon observed when chloride is added to a solution containing the cations of Group I and when the filtrate from the hot solution is added to a solution containing chromate.
Aline Kaori KatanosakaI; Anne Helene FostierII#; Elias Barros SantosI*
Silver nanoparticles were synthesized using chitosan as a capping agent. The stability of AgNPs colloid was studied in the aqueous medium in the presence of Hg2+ and other ions using UV-vis spectroscopy.
Luciano E. FariaI,*; Carlos A. L. FilgueirasII
Carbonate outcrop of the western slope of monte Rorigo, in Santo Hipólito, MG.
Cássius Klay NascimentoI,#; João Pedro BragaII,*
This paper is about the visit of Fritz Haber to Brazil, in 1914. The present work tries to recover the historical fact behind the visit of this important scientist to Brazil.
On-line version ISSN 1678-7064 Printed version ISSN 0100-4042
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