Dartagnan S. P. Ferreira; Valter E. Murie#; Thiago dos Santos#; Paulo C. Vieira; Giuliano C. Clososki*
In the last twenty years, quinolines have received much attention due to their wide spectrum of attractive chemical and biological properties. This review describes recent strategies for obtaining structurally diverse quinolines as well relevant synthetic applications.
Bruno JacobsI; Daisa Hakbart BonemannI; Camila Corrêa PereiraI; Alexander Ossanes de SouzaI; Ana Claudia Beduhn LuckowI; Meibel Teixeira LisboaI; Anderson Schwingel RibeiroI; Solange CadoreII; Adriane Medeiros NunesI,*
This study aims a better elemental characterization of grape skin samples based on the determination of the total concentration and the bioaccessible fraction of metals by MIP OES.
Emanoel HottesI; Carla Regina G. R. SantosII; Heloisa J. M. de SouzaII; Marco Edilson F. LimaI,*; Rosane N. CastroI
FMOC-OH is a degradation product of the derivatizing agent FMOC-Cl, which is widely used as N-protecting group of amino acids and related molecules, such as gabapentin. The formation of FMOC-OH is conditioned to the pH of the reaction medium. The results obtained allowed the optimization of the gabapentin derivatization reaction with FOMOC-Cl through the analysis of the products obtained by HPLC-PDA.
Caio H. P. RodriguesI,II; Aline T. BruniI,II,*
This work discusses automotive glasses as evidence in traffic forensic analysis. Chemometrics was used to evaluate Energy Dispersive X-ray Fluorescence data for different oxides concentrations according to the glasses' internal and external faces
Maycon D. de LimaI; Ana S. FajardoI,II; Elaine C. de M. SantosI; Aline M. Sales-SolanoI,III; Djalma R. da SilvaI; Carlos A. Martínez-HuitleI,*
Boron‐doped diamond electrodes can be used as a potential tool for environmental applications by employing an electrochemical cell to eliminate the organic pollutants from wastewater with electrogenerated oxidants.
Cassia Cristina FernandesI; Pietro ChrystalII; Alexandra Cristine PereiraII; Ana Carla ColliIII; Livia StenicoIII; Arthur Barcelos RibeiroIV; Iara Silva SquarisiIV; Ana Carolina Bolela Bovo CandidoIV; Denise Crispim TavaresIV; Lizandra Guidi MagalhãesIV; Antônio Eduardo Miller CrottiIII; Carlos Henrique Gomes MartinsV; Mayker Lazaro Dantas MirandaVI,*
Findings provided strong evidence of the promising potential of volatile oil from Psidium firmum fresh leaves as a nature-based antileishmanial, antibacterial and antiproliferative agent.
Kemilly M. P. PinheiroI; Kariolanda C. A. RezendeI; Wendell K. T. ColtroI,II,*
One of the major challenges related to electrophoresis microsystems refers to the sample injection mode. In this way, this review covers the different electrokinetic and hydrodynamic approaches aiming to provide a complete overview for the readers.
Jéssyca Ferreira de Medeiros; Raphael D'Anna Acayaba; Cassiana Carolina Montagner*
Humans are constantly exposed to pesticides in several ways. Since most pesticides are not selective for target species, adverse effects can occur in non-target species, including humans.
Stefany Grutzmann ArcariI,II,*; Vinícius CaliariIII,IV; Edson Luiz de SouzaIV; Helena Teixeira GodoyI,#
Merlot red wines from Água Doce, Campos Novos and Tangará presented borneol, high concentrations of 1-hexanol, 2-phenylethanol, β-damascenone, α-ionone and, syringic and vanillic acids, the last two effective in capturing the free radicals DPPH and ABTS.
Carina de Souza Gondim; Marina Penna e Palhares; Pedro Paulo Borges dos Santos; Roberto Cesar de Sousa; Roberto Gonçalves Junqueira; Scheilla Vitorino Carvalho de Souza*
The classical rosolic acid method for detection of neutralizing compounds in milk was fully validated for four adulterants, in official and modified versions. Modifications in the analytical procedure improved the method performance.
Wesley F. MagelaI; Nyuara A. S. MesquitaII*
Considering the increase in the number of training courses for Chemistry teachers offered by Federal Institutes from the first decade of the 21st century, it is important to investigate the formative elements of these courses, such as Environmental Education.
Leonardo Silva-Dias*
The BZ reaction is a typical oscillating reaction, which can spontaneously evolve to organized states under the influence of small perturbations. Such features make this reaction a suitable kinetic mechanism to theoretically study the emergence of oscillations, waves, and stationary patterns.
Jhonatas R. Carvalho; Larissa R. Lopes; Luciano N. Vidal; Poliana M. Santos*
All data produced in a measurement may contain useful information that can be employed to build a more robust and reliable calibration model, through multivariate analysis.
Adriana Nori de Macedo; Mariana Ramos Almeida; Ana Luiza de Quadros*
A case study involving a question about calcium supplementation using calcium carbonate or calcium chelate.
Nerilson M. LimaI*; Teresinha de Jesus A. S. AndradeII; Kojo S. AcquahIII; Marcone A. L. de OliveiraI*; Kellyane F. GoisIV; Lis Cardoso M. MedeirosIV
This work describes some medicinal plant species, and phytochemicals and their derivatives, with promising antiviral potential against coronavirus, which could be explored as potential candidates for drug prototypes in the treatment of COVID-19.
On-line version ISSN 1678-7064 Printed version ISSN 0100-4042
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