Luiza A. MercanteI,*; Rafaela S. AndreII; Juliana B. MacedoIII; Adriana PavinattoIII; Daniel S. CorreaII
This review provides a recent and comprehensive survey on the electrospinning technique and the most representative applications of electrospun nanofibers.
Ana P. R. SantanaI; Daniel F. AndradeII; Taciana G. S. GuimarãesI; Clarice D. B. AmaralIII; Andrea OliveiraIII,*; Ana R. A. NogueiraIV; Mario H. GonzalezI
Two different natural deep eutectic solvents (NADES) were synthesized. They were then used as solvent in ultrasound-assisted extraction (UAE) and heating bath extraction of rock phosphate and mineral supplement samples before elemental analysis by ICP OES and ICP-MS.
Rayanne Penha Wandenkolken Lima*; Thieres Magaive Costa Pereira; Eloi Alves da Silva Filho
Non-Solvent Induced Phase Separation (NIPS): The demixing of solvent and non-solvent during bath coagulation and polymer precipitation to form membrane structure.
Aleksandar M. Shkondrov; Ilina N. Krasteva*
A rapid LC-MS/MS screening for secondary metabolites in crude extracts of Astragalus species was performed.
Tamires C. LimaI,*; Rafaela J. SouzaII; Milene H. MoraesIII; Saulo S. MatosI; Fernando H. O. AlmeidaI; Mário SteindelIII; Maique W. BiavattiII
Isolation and characterization of the sesquiterpenes lactones 2α-hydroxy-8β-2',3',5'-trihydroxy-angeloyloxycostunolide (1), desacetyleupaserrin (2), 2α-hydroxy-8β-3'-hydroxy-2',5'-epoxyangeloyloxycostunolide (3) and ovatifolin (4) from leaves of Calea uniflora.
Mariana MauroI; Rodrigo Moreira da SilvaII; Michel Leandro de CamposIII; Anelize BauermeisterII; Norberto Peporine LopesII; Natalia Valadares de MoraesI,*
In vitro metabolism of the diterpenes copalic and kaurenoic acids of Copaifera sp in rat and human liver microsomes. The kinetic parameters and metabolites described here might support drug development and the traditional use.
Selene M. de Morais*; Hamanda B. Pinheiro; José V. Rebouças-Filho; Gessica S. Cavalcante; Oriel H. Bonilla
Cryptostegia species are strong invasive plants causing damage to Carnauba trees in Northeastern Brazil, nevertheless, have several actions and bioactive compounds that suggest more detailed studies in relation to toxicity and management.
Karmel BeringuiI; Maria Fernanda C. QuijanoI; Elizanne P. S. JustoI; Luciana Maria Baptista VenturaI,II; Adriana GiodaI,*
The state of Rio de Janeiro presents regions with different topography and land-use, which contribute in different ways to the particulate matter concentration and composition. Thus, air quality monitoring is an important tool to understand the air pollution that the population is exposed.
Eduardo ParmaI; Laura MenezesI; Sidnei A. BaldinII; Raphael NagaoI,III,*
A potentiostat is connected to both the Cu/Sn electrodeposition system and a computer. The electrochemical oscillations can be seen on the latter. The delayed feedback control equation is presented upon it, indicating the control application.
Lisia M. G. dos SantosI,*; Cristiane Barata-SilvaI; Santos A. Vicentini NetoI; Mayssa A. FonsecaI; Carolina D. MagalhãesI; Josino.C. MoreiraII; Silvana C. JacobI
Analytical method validation for the identification and quantification of dissolved gold and gold nanoparticles in cosmetics products by single particle inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry.
Gabriela Venturi; Ermelinda Silvana Junckes; Maria da Graça Moraes Braga Martin; Brenno Ralf Maciel Oliveira*
The graphical abstract represents the difficulties and misconceptions that chemistry undergraduates have with electrochemistry and possible challenge for higher education.
Natália Bozzetto Alves*; Fábio André Sangiogo; Bruno dos Santos Pastoriza
This research reports difficulties in teaching and learning organic chemistry in undergraduate Chemistry courses in two Federal Universities in Brazil.
Olívia Brito de Oliveira Moreira; Larissa dos Anjos Castro; Marcone Augusto Leal de Oliveira*
Buffers are an important and widely used resource to keep unchanged the pH of solutions. In this work we offer a practical guide on how to calculate all the parameters required to prepare a buffer solution in addition to help anyone who searches for knowledge about this issue.
Anna Luísa Ribeiro Miguel*; Renata Pereira Lopes Moreiraa and André Fernando de Oliveira
In a complex market, assuring the quality of a service is strategic. For testing and calibration laboratories, the ISO/IEC 17025 proposes a Quality Management System (QMS) that supports this strategy, since it promotes the generation of traceable and reliable results.
On-line version ISSN 1678-7064 Printed version ISSN 0100-4042
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