21:17, seg fev 17

Acesso Aberto/TP

vol. 8, No. 2Sup, 1985

Sumário Quim. Nova 1985, 8(2Sup), 3


Unperturbed and Solvent Modified Unperturbed Dimensions of Macromolecules via NMR - Data on Low Molecular Weight Models

H.-J. Cantow e D. Lausberg

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Total access: 591

Quim. Nova 1985, 8(2Sup), 3


Osmosedimentation: Analytical and Preparative Uses

S. P. Nunes, A. T. N. Pires, A. A. W. Hechenleitner, L. D. L. Herrera e F. Galembeck

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Total access: 596

Quim. Nova 1985, 8(2Sup), 3-6


Isochrone Viscoelastic Functions via Activation Energy of Flow-Charge Transfer Compatibilized Polyblends

M. J. Brekner, H. A. Schneider e H.-J. Cantow

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Total access: 709

Quim. Nova 1985, 8(2Sup), 6-8


Temperature Dependent Magic Angle Spinning13C-NMR Studies of Semicrystalline Polymers - Polyethylene and N-Alkanes

D. Emeis, M. Moller e H.-J. Cantow

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Total access: 601

Quim. Nova 1985, 8(2Sup), 8


Dye Leveling in Poly (Ethylene Terephtalate)

A. L. Simal e J. P. Bell

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Total access: 576

Quim. Nova 1985, 8(2Sup), 9


Polimerização por Enxertia via Emulsão de Monomeros Vinílicos em Acetato de Celulose

S. M. Maia e M. A. de Araújo

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Total access: 699

Quim. Nova 1985, 8(2Sup), 9-11


Orientation Behaviour of Rodlike Junctions in Elastomeric Networks

R. Stadler, W. Gronsky, F. Bühler, V. Abetz e M. Weber

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Total access: 573

Quim. Nova 1985, 8(2Sup), 10-11


Polymer Adsorption on Hydrophobic Mineral Surfaces

J. A. Solari

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Total access: 568

Quim. Nova 1985, 8(2Sup), 10


Polimerização de Ácido Metacrílico em Meio Nítrico

M. G. Lachtermacher, E. A. Bugni, E. E. C. Monteiro e E. B. Mano

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Total access: 788

Quim. Nova 1985, 8(2Sup), 10-11


Poly ( Isoprene) Containing Donor and Acceptor Pendant Groups: Synthesis and Preliminary Results on Swelling Behaviour

H. Northfleet-Neto,M. A. de Araújo, M. A. M. Jacoby e E. C. Muniz

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Total access: 567

Quim. Nova 1985, 8(2Sup), 11


Interação de Polieletrólitos com Íons Metálicos

J. F. Rodrigues, C. C. B. Sá Carneiro e S. S. Vasconcellos

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Total access: 561

Quim. Nova 1985, 8(2Sup), 11


Estudo de Miscibilidade e Homogeneidade em Blendas Poliméricas

E. Hage Junior e J. L. Melchor Claudio

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Total access: 775

Quim. Nova 1985, 8(2Sup), 12


Polymer - MnO2 Surface Composites: Preparation, Characterization and Uses

A. F. Rubira, M. G. Oliveira e F. Galembeck

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Total access: 551

Quim. Nova 1985, 8(2Sup), 12


Synthesis of Model Compounds for U.V. Determination of the Contents of Carbazole and Chloranil Groups in Copolymers of Poly (Isoprene)

H. Northfleet-Neto, M. A. de Araújo e E. C. Muniz

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Total access: 522

Quim. Nova 1985, 8(2Sup), 12


Efeito da Ftalocianina de Níquel sobre o Processo de Fotodegradação do Polipropileno Isotático

L. B. Dietrich, H. B. P. Fonseca e M. A. de Araújo

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Total access: 656

Quim. Nova 1985, 8(2Sup), 13


Cristalinidade de Polpa Celulósica Branqueada

R. Baumhardt-Neto, C. Jung e J. V. Marengo

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Total access: 569

Quim. Nova 1985, 8(2Sup), 13


Crosslinking of Poly-Dienes in Solution

M. A. M. Jacobi, L. L. Freitas, C. Bica e R. Stadler

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Total access: 588

Quim. Nova 1985, 8(2Sup), 13-14


Sugar Cane Bagasse-Lignin as Stabilizer for Elastomers

M. A. De Paoli e L. T. Furlan

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Total access: 577

Quim. Nova 1985, 8(2Sup), 14


Influence of Hydrogen Bonding on the Properties of Elastomers and Elastomer Blends

R. Stadler e J. Burgert

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Total access: 562

Quim. Nova 1985, 8(2Sup), 14


Kinetic Studies of the Crosslink Reaction of Polybutadiene

L. L. Freitas, M. M. Jacobi, M. A. de Araújo e R. Stadler

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Total access: 624

Quim. Nova 1985, 8(2Sup), 15-16


Interaction of Polymers and Polymer Blends with Small Molecules as a Tool to Judge Polymer Compatibility

H.-J. Cantow, H. Gräter, S. Klotz e R. H. Schuster

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Total access: 655

On-line version ISSN 1678-7064 Printed version ISSN 0100-4042
Química Nova
Publicações da Sociedade Brasileira de Química
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