15:47, ter fev 11

Acesso Aberto/TP

vol. 44, No. 10, 2021

Artigo de Capa
Quim. Nova 2021, 44(10), 1328-1352

Microplásticos: ocorrência ambiental e desafios analíticos

Cassiana C. Montagner*; Mariana Amaral Dias; Eduardo Maia Paiva; Cristiane Vidal

Microplastics are considered ubiquitous contaminants in the environment once they are detected in all compartments. Their characterization is a challenge to the environmental chemistry, especially for those smaller than 1 mm.


Publicado online: junho 29, 2021

Total access: 5228

Artigo de Contra Capa
Quim. Nova 2021, 44(10), 1252-1260

Biogeoquimica espaço-temporal da liteira em ambiente de floresta natural na Amazônia central

Ananda Gabrielle de Matos RebêloI,*; Maria Terezinha Ferreira MonteiroI; Sávio José Filgueiras FerreiraI; Eduardo Antonio Ríos VillamizarI; Ézio Sargentini JuniorII; Marcos Alexandre BolsonII; Sergio Duvoisin JuniorIII

The chemical elements concentration determination in the litter is one of the parameters for assessing the vegetation quality, contributing to serve as a reference value for Amazon tropical areas.


Publicado online: junho 29, 2021

Total access: 1160

Editorial Quim. Nova 2021, 44(10), 1225


Boas novidades em Química Nova

Giovanna Machado; Jorge M. David; Nelson H. Morgon



Total access: 627

Artigo Quim. Nova 2021, 44(10), 1226-1235


Feasibility of H2 production by acid corrosion using H2SiF6 and waste Fe sources

Tatiane Carvalho MaedaI; Letícia TeixeiraI; Lorrane Cristine CaixetaI; Raissa AntonelliI,II; Camila Ferreira PintoI; Sandra Cristina DantasI; Priscila Pereira SilvaI; Ana Claudia GranatoI; David Maikel FernandesIII; Geoffroy Roger Pointer MalpassI,*

This study investigated the feasibility of H2 production by acid corrosion, employing a by-product from the fertilizer industry (Hexafluorsilic acid - H2SiF6) and waste iron sources. The influence of the variables was evaluated by factorial design, verifying greater production of H2 for materials with higher contact areas.


Publicado online: junho 16, 2021
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Total access: 1392

Quim. Nova 2021, 44(10), 1236-1244


Environmental parameters and relationships with COVID-19 cases in central south america

Thais Costa BrunelliI,*; Sophia PaivaI; Angélica Yara SiqueiraI; Cleyton Elizeu SantanaI; Luís Otávio CurvoI; João Basso MarquesI; Thiago Rangel RodriguesII

We investigated the correlation between COVID-19 and environmental parameters in central South America. Fire radiative power (FRP) influence the daily cases COVID-19. The relative humidity of the air, (U%), mitigated the COVID-19.


Publicado online: junho 22, 2021
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Total access: 1147

Quim. Nova 2021, 44(10), 1245-1251


Electrospinning PBAT (poly (butylene-adipate-co-terephthalate))/PCL (poly(ε-caprolactone) blend containing propolis for the preparation of a smart wound dressing

Heloisa G. ZanellaI; Ariane R. Souza RossinI; Janice Caroline HardtII; Andressa G. RosenbergerII; Juliana C. WiggersII; Josiane CaetanoII; Douglas C. DragunskiI,II,*

Electrospun matrices generated from electrospinning technique. These were incorporated with propolis for utilization in wound dressing.


Publicado online: junho 22, 2021
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Total access: 1376

Quim. Nova 2021, 44(10), 1261-1267


Síntese, caracterização e estudo dos parâmetros de Judd-Ofelt de compostos β-dicetonatos de Eu(III) ou Sm(III)

Maria I. X. ScapolanI; Daniel H. de OliveiraI; Jorge H. S. K. MonteiroII; Marian R. DavolosIII; Renata D. AdatiI,*

The intensity parameters were calculated using absorption and emission spectra of the Sm(III) or Eu(III) beta-diketone complexes, respectively. Highlyintense luminescence from lanthanides compounds enables us to identify the correlationbetween symmetry environment and spectroscopic properties.


Publicado online: julho 6, 2021
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Total access: 1641

Quim. Nova 2021, 44(10), 1268-1279


Síntese de novos 1,2,3-triazóis inspirados no SRPIN340 e avaliação de seus efeitos em linhagem celular de glioblastoma humano

Sara Maria Ribeiro de SousaI; Róbson Ricardo TeixeiraI,*; Adilson Vidal CostaII; Alex Ramos de AguiarI; Victor da Rocha FonsecaIII; Valdemar Lacerda Jr.III; Wanderson RomãoIII; Laser Antônio Machado OliveiraIV; Iára Mariana Lellis RibeiroIV; Katiane de Oliveira Pinto Coelho NogueiraIV; Claudia Jorge do NascimentoV; Jochen JunkerVI

A series of 1,2,3-triazoles inspired on the SRPIN340 was synthesized and had their effects evaluated on human glioblastoma multiform cell line U87MG.


Publicado online: julho 6, 2021
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Total access: 1302

Revisão Quim. Nova 2021, 44(10), 1280-1299


A química por trás dos medicamentos distribuídos pelo programa farmácia popular no Brasil: rotas sintéticas, relação estrutura-atividade e perspectivas futuras

Giovanny C. dos SantosI; Julia L. RodriguesI; Júllia R. de SouzaII; Luiz C. da Silva-FilhoI; Bruno H. S. T. da SilvaII,*

This paper describes the structure, mechanism of action, synthetic routes, among other parameters related to drugs intended to treat the main diseases in Brazil.


Publicado online: maio 24, 2021
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Total access: 5916

Quim. Nova 2021, 44(10), 1300-1310


Alternatives for the production of levulinic acid obtained from biomass

Lucas A. dos SantosI; Gabrielle das V. FragaI; Danilo Aguiar PontesI; Leila M. A. CamposII; Luiz A. M. PontesI,III; Leonardo S. G. TeixeiraIV,*

Levulinic acid is a potential building block for biorefineries to add value to biomass and reduce dependence on the world oil economy.


Publicado online: junho 4, 2021
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Total access: 1496

Quim. Nova 2021, 44(10), 1311-1327


Processamento e aplicação de biomateriais poliméricos: avanços recentes e perspectivas

Marcela Piassi BernardoI; Rafaella Takehara PaschoalinII; Danilo Martins dos SantosI; Stanley BilattoI; Cristiane Sanchez FarinasI; Daniel Souza CorreaI; Osvaldo N. Oliveira Jr.II; Luiz Henrique Capparelli MattosoI,*

This paper examines the recent advances in the design materials for biomedical applications prepared via electrospinning, solution blow spinning, film preparation methods, and 3D printing techniques.


Publicado online: junho 16, 2021
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Total access: 1870

Nota Técnica Quim. Nova 2021, 44(10), 1353-1359


Development and validation of a fast and simple hplc-uv method to determine caffeine in guarana (Paullinia cupana) food supplements

Júlia Cecília Pereira Coura*; Cláudia Aparecida de Oliveira e Silva; Edvane Santos Silva; Sara Araújo Valladão; Maria Gorette Resende Duarte

The proposed method may be used both in health surveillance and monitoring and in quality control of food supplements, especially concerning the confirmation of caffeine content, which must be shown on the labels of products available on the market.


Publicado online: junho 4, 2021
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Total access: 1353

Quim. Nova 2021, 44(10), 1360-1363


Application of water beads as a novel and simple sorbent for smartphone-based colorimetric determination of iron in water

Cristina B. Adamo; Ayandra S. Junger; Dosil P. de Jesus*

Commercially available water beads made of superabsorbent sodium polyacrylate can be a simple and inexpensive sorbent for iron concentration before colorimetric assay using digital images.


Publicado online: junho 16, 2021
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Total access: 2198

Quim. Nova 2021, 44(10), 1364-1368


Sistema de baixo custo para execução e monitoramento on-line de reações fotocatalíticas: aplicação em redução de nitro-fenol

Byanca S. SalvatiI; Sirlon F. BlaskieviczI; Patricia G. CorradiniI,II; Lucia H. MascaroI,*

In this technical note, an impedimetric sensor was built from low-cost materials, to monitor online a reduction reaction of an organic contaminant (4-nitrophenol) to a value-added product (4-amino-phenol).


Publicado online: julho 6, 2021
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Total access: 1269

Educação Quim. Nova 2021, 44(10), 1369-1378


Contribuições à formação de professores de química para atuação em espaço de educação não formal: quadro analítico como facilitador da avaliação

Ariane Baffa Lourenço; Maria Eduarda Vizotto; Salete Linhares Queiroz*

Teacher education in non-formal educational setting: The Scientific and Cultural Dissemination Center case.


Publicado online: junho 16, 2021
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Total access: 1045

Quim. Nova 2021, 44(10), 1379-1387


Promover modelos explicativos sobre las interacciones químicas del felodipino-citocromo P450: una propuesta didáctica basada en la modelización

Rafael Amador-RodríguezI,*; Daniel InsuastyII; Maximiliano Méndez-LópezII; Edgar MárquezII

Teaching of chemistry in context and based on modeling favors the construction and reconstruction of student explanatory models.


Publicado online: junho 16, 2021
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Total access: 1331

Quim. Nova 2021, 44(10), 1388-1391


Cartesian axis and plane conventions in Cnv symmetry groups

Lucas A. L Dias; Roberto B Faria*

The water molecule should be placed on the yz plane, but a survey in the literature shows that this recommendation, made by Mulliken in 1955, is not followed in many textbooks and articles. This affects the label of the asymmetric vibration and of the HOMO as B1 or B2.


Publicado online: junho 29, 2021
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Total access: 1058

Assuntos Gerais Quim. Nova 2021, 44(10), 1392-1394


(Des)construindo a metabolômica em produtos naturais: um convite a discussão

Ricardo Moreira Borges*; João Victor Mendes Resende

Should I label this approach I’m following? Should I call it metabolomics to match others? But I’ve just paid more attention to on the statistics.


Publicado online: junho 16, 2021
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Total access: 1154

Quim. Nova 2021, 44(10), 1395-1403


Da fama ao ostracismo: oito reagentes que deixaram o ambiente laboratorial

Jéssica Frontino Paulino; Júlio Carlos Afonso*

An example of replacing an old laboratory procedure (heterogeneous generation of H2S) by a current one (homogeneous generation of H2S).


Publicado online: junho 22, 2021
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Total access: 1205

On-line version ISSN 1678-7064 Printed version ISSN 0100-4042
Química Nova
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