Shirley A. Castilho; Humberto M. S. Milagre; Cintia D. F. Milagre*
Pot-economy, step-economy and atom-economy are key issues that can be addressed by enzymatic cascade reactions, an efficient and sustainable approach in synthetic organic chemistry.
Kleber Queiroz FerreiraI; Isabel C. RigoliI; Marcus V. S. da SilvaII; Alexandre de Freitas EspeletaIII; Zênis Novais da RochaI,*
"A good looking" alcohol gel containing ethanol less than 68.25 0INPM may trick the customer. However, it does not trick the coronavirus, with remains active. This is worrying fact amidst COVID-19 crisis.
Lilian Christina Zin; Camilla Fonseca Silva; Luciana Guimarães; Keyller Bastos Borges; Clebio Soares Nascimento Jr.
Enantioselective separation of oxybutynin studied by HPLC and DFT calculations.
Luis C. Kellner FilhoI; Rhenner N. A. AssisI; Aline O. dos SantosII; Sabrina K. TarganskiIII; Kátia A. SiqueiraIII; Livia S. de MedeirosIV; Célio F. F. AngoliniV; Felipe M. A. da SilvaII; Marcos A. SoaresIII; Gustavo M. DiasVI; Marcio L. A. SilvaI; Wilson R. CunhaI; Patricia M. PaulettiI; Hector H. F. KoolenII,*; Ana H. JanuarioI,*
The marine fungus Pestalotiopis sp. 4A11, isolated from the ascidian Didemnum perlucidum after cultivation in solid medium, produced ambuic acid and 10 other derivatives, which were dereplicated using LC-MS/MS-based molecular networking.
Ziran ChenI; Yujin ZhangI; Zhanrong HeI; Yuan LiI,*; Meihao XiaII; Wenhao YuII,III,*
Quantum chemical calculations of the charge-transport rates were performed for five derivatives of
1,2,5,6,9,10-hexa(methoxy)coronene with varying numbers of thiophene rings, using different basis sets and hybrid functionals.
Marina Moreira FreireI,II; Cristina GómezV; Anabela Sousa OliveiraIII,IV,†; Josino Costa MoreiraI; Ana Rosa Linde AriasI,V,*
The analysis of fish bile extracts for PHA derivatives using fixed and synchronous fluorescence spectroscopy could help determine exposure to contaminated waters.
Josefredo R. Pliego Jr.*
The formation of azeotrope is interpreted in terms of the relative solvation free energy in the pure liquid and its diluted solution in the other component.
André R. PimentaI; Valter S. FelixI; Daniele M. SilvaI; Marcelo O. PereiraII; Ana L. OliveiraI; Douglas S. FerreiraI; Cristiano S. CarvalhoII; Fabricio L. SilvaII; Elicardo A.S. GonçalvesI; Rafael S. DutraI; Leandro O. PereiraI; Ronaldo V. PereiraI; Renato P. FreitasI,*
The macro multi-element mapping b XRF technique allows performing images about the distribution of elements present in a sample. In artworks, these elemental mappings are related to the pigments present on the canvas. Therefore, images enable the investigation of the creative process of the artworks and also are useful in the forensic study of canvases.
Grazielle R. SantosI; Gabriela S. P. PaulinoI; Grazielle P. I. BorgesI; Aníbal F. SantiagoII; Gilmare A. da SilvaIII,*
Use of ultraviolet-visible (UV-Vis) spectrophotometry and calibration methods for determination of water quality parameters.
Suellen A. Alves*
Environmental management is essential nowadays for any productive sector. In this sense, teaching environmental management and disciplines that encourage sustainable thinking and clean practices in undergraduate courses in Bachelor of Chemistry is necessary.
José ArãoI,*; Laurinda LeiteII; Emília NhaleviloIII
Analogies are comparisons between two knowledge domains: a familiar domain and an unknown or inaccessible one. They are twofold educational tools as they may help you to think and to visualize scientific entities, like the atom, and may cause unintended understandings.
Carina C. Lisbôa*; Olívio P. de Oliveira Júnior; Delvonei A. de Andrade
Through a simple kit containing clean swipe cloths, plastic bags, gloves, forms, a pen, labels and a roll of aluminum foil (used to establish a clean working surface) is possible to collect environmental samples in nuclear facilities and obtain essential data for nuclear safeguards.
On-line version ISSN 1678-7064 Printed version ISSN 0100-4042
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