3:35, ter fev 18

Acesso Aberto/TP

vol. 45, No. 4, 2022

Artigo de Capa
Quim. Nova 2022, 45(4), 497-505

Movimento química pós 2022: construção de um plano de ação para que a química e seus atores impactem a sustentabilidade e soberania no Brasil

Ingrid F. SilvaI; Pedro H.P. NascimentoII; Rochel M. LagoII; Mozart N. RamosIII; Fernando GalembeckIV; Romeu C. Rocha FilhoV,*; Ana Paula C. TeixeiraII,*

The process of formulating an action plan with the aim that chemistry and its actors contribute for the sustainable and sovereign development of Brazil in the coming years is described in detail.


Publicado online: maio 12, 2022

Total access: 1144

Editorial Quim. Nova 2022, 45(4), 363-364


Movimento química pós 2022, aspirando ao desenvolvimento sustentável e soberano do brasil ajudado pela química

Romeu Cardozo Rocha Filho



Total access: 901

Artigo Quim. Nova 2022, 45(4), 365-373


Predictive model for determining the mass of BHA and BHT to be added in commercial biodiesel

Felipe Y. SavadaI; Hagata C. SilvaI; Ana Carolina G. MantovaniII; Letícia T. ChendynskiIII; Karina B. AngilelliI; Dionísio BorsatoI,*

Biodiesel samples with different masses of synthetic antioxidants were analyzed. A mathematical model was created to predict the antioxidant masses to be added to biodiesel in order to reach the legislation values.


Publicado online: setembro 29, 2021
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Total access: 1103

Quim. Nova 2022, 45(4), 374-382


Detailed evaluation of pervaporation modeling to obtaining anhydrous ethanol

Camila Cavalcanti; Wagner Ramos; Romildo Brito; Karoline Brito*

Flowsheet of pervaporation in Aspen Plus™.


Publicado online: novembro 12, 2021
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Total access: 1219

Quim. Nova 2022, 45(4), 383-391


Natural radionuclides in water using inductively coupled plasma - sector field mass spectrometry

Elizabeth Teresita Romero GuzmánI,II,*; José Luis Iturbe GarcíaI; María de Jesús Marín AllendeII; Héctor Hernández MendozaIII,IV; Lázaro Raymundo Reyes GutiérrezV

The global water situation is currently working on guidelines for establishing reference levels for radioactivity in drinking water including naturally occurring radioactivity consumed by humans. Simultaneous analysis of radionuclides in water was performed by ICP-SFMS.


Publicado online: novembro 18, 2021
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Total access: 952

Quim. Nova 2022, 45(4), 392-402


Infravermelho portátil na região do próximo (NIR) aplicado no controle de qualidade de cafés adulterado por borra

Radigya M. CorreiaI; Pedro H. CunhaI; Bárbara Z. AgnolettiI; Lucas L. PereiraII; Fábio L. PartelliIII; Paulo R. FilgueirasI; Valdemar Lacerda Jr.I; Wanderson RomãoI,IV,V,*

Portable NIR associated with chemometric tools to determine the quality and authenticity of coffee samples from the state of Espirito Santo adulterated by the coffee grounds.


Publicado online: dezembro 2, 2021
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Total access: 1423

Quim. Nova 2022, 45(4), 403-409


Characterization and identification of bioactive compounds in agro-food waste flours

Camila Gonçalves RodriguesI; Viviane Dias Medeiros SilvaI; Anna Cláudia de Freitas e LoyolaI; Mauro Ramalho SilvaI; Rodinei AugustiII; Julio Onesio Ferreira MeloIII,*; Lanamar de Almeida CarlosIV; Camila Argenta FanteI

The residues were dried in a tray dryer at 70 °C by 12, after being crushed in a blender of domestic use with the aid of mill attachment. The analyses were: total carotenoids, condensed tannins, total phenolics, antioxidant activity, phenolic profile and paper sprayfingerprint.


Publicado online: janeiro 17, 2022
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Total access: 847

Revisão Quim. Nova 2022, 45(4), 410-423


Eletrocoagulação/eletrofloculação para tratamento de águas residuárias: eletrodos não convencionais e acoplamento de técnicas

Luís Henrique Araújo Grecco*; Bárbara Camila de Araújo Souza; Maria Valnice Boldrin Zanoni

Electrocoagulation system with a cylindrical reactor (right). On the left, there is a representation of the region between the electrodes where the products of the cathodic and anodic reactions are released, and the insoluble metallic hydroxide is formed.


Publicado online: novembro 30, 2021
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Total access: 1625

Quim. Nova 2022, 45(4), 424-434


A química de produtos naturais aplicados a reveladores de impressões digitais latentes

Amanda F. LeitzkeI; Lucas M. BerneiraI; Bruno N. da RosaI; Bruna C. MoreiraI; Kristiane de C. MariottiII; Dalila VenzkeI,*; Claudio M. P. PereiraI,*

This review provides an overview of the application of a series of natural products in the development of latent fingermarks for forensic purposes.


Publicado online: novembro 18, 2021
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Total access: 1951

Quim. Nova 2022, 45(4), 435-454


Atividade anti-Alzheimer de substâncias oriundas de produtos naturais e de origem sintética: alguns exemplos importantes dos últimos 20 anos

Ana Beatriz Silva VellosaI; Valdinei Bueno Lima FilhoII; Breno Almeida SoaresII,*; Nailton M. Nascimento-JúniorI,*

As a way to contribute to the knowledge regarding to Alzheimer's disease, this review describes molecular modeling and medicinal chemistry aspects of natural product derivatives and synthetic compounds developed in the last 20 years.


Publicado online: fevereiro 4, 2022
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Total access: 997

Nota Técnica Quim. Nova 2022, 45(4), 455-465


Comparando o desempenho de dois analisadores de massas (FT-ICR MS & LTQ MS): uma aula experimental sobre análise de compostos orgânicos

Marcos V. V. LyrioI; Amanda E. FeuI; Larissa C. MottaI; Laura P. R. FigueroaI; Leonardo BoasquevisqueI; Roberta T. PintoI; Ana Caroline L. RosaI; Heryson T. L. de ArantesI; Ramon R. T. BottocimI; Victor da R. FonsecaI; Nayara A. SantosI; Valdemar Lacerda Jr.I; Eustaquio V. R. CastroI; Wanderson RomãoI,II,*

The performance of two mass analyzers (FT-ICR and LTQ) was tested on low (Mw = 165-679 Da) and high (Mw = 783-8.58kDa) molecular weight molecules, e.g., Phenacetin, Procaine, Benzocaine, Caffeine anhydrous, Lidocaine, two porphyrins, and two proteins standards, and an oil sample.


Publicado online: outubro 13, 2021
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Total access: 1464

Educação Quim. Nova 2022, 45(4), 466-473


Promovendo o envolvimento e a aprendizagem de estudantes no ensino superior: uma experiência com a escrita científica na disciplina de química inorgânica

Gilson DeFreitas-Silva; Roberta Guimarães Corrêa; Ana Luiza de Quadros*

Students' involvement in creative writing of scientific texts should be encouraged throughout the entire undergraduate course. Here we describe an activity developed in the Inorganic Chemistry course.


Publicado online: janeiro 17, 2022
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Total access: 782

Quim. Nova 2022, 45(4), 474-483


Experimentação articulada às tecnologias digitais de informação e comunicação: problematizações de conhecimentos na formação de professores de química

Renata Isabelle Guaita; Fábio Peres Gonçalves*

This work about training of chemistry teachers discussed about Digital Information and Communication Technologies in chemistry experimentation.


Publicado online: fevereiro 4, 2022
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Total access: 723

Assuntos Gerais Quim. Nova 2022, 45(4), 484-496


As malsucedidas buscas de minerais em Minas Gerais

Luciano E. FariaI,*; Carlos Alberto L. FilgueirasII

How could historical chemical analyzes have confused iron minerals, either with copper or with cobalt minerals?


Publicado online: novembro 30, 2021
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Total access: 890

On-line version ISSN 1678-7064 Printed version ISSN 0100-4042
Química Nova
Publicações da Sociedade Brasileira de Química
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