15:45, ter fev 11

Acesso Aberto/TP

vol. 45, No. 5, 2022

Artigo de Capa
Quim. Nova 2022, 45(5), 630-635

Síntese de nanopartículas de ouro e sensoriamento colorimétrico do sulfatiazol: uma prática experimental para aulas interdisciplinares

Elias Barros SantosI,*; Letícia Cuesta MatosI; Italo Odone MazaliII,*

The citrate capped gold nanoparticles (AuNPs) were used as a colorimetric sensor for the detection of sulfathiazole in mixed water/ethanol solution by simple visual inspection and using molecular absorption spectrophotometry.


Publicado online: janeiro 27, 2022
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Total access: 1161

Artigo de Contra Capa
Quim. Nova 2022, 45(5), 518-530

Estudo do perfil químico de cervejas brasileiras: uma avaliação entre as bebidas artesanais e industriais

Dorval M. Coelho NetoI; Laysa L. P. F. MoreiraI; Eustáquio V. R. de CastroI; Warley B. SouzaI; Paulo R. FilgueirasI; Wanderson RomãoI,II; Gabriely S. FolliI; Valdemar Lacerda Jr.I,*

Analytical techniques of infrared (IR), hydrogen nuclear magnetic resonance (1H NMR) and mass spectrometry (ESI(±)FT-ICR MS) applied to discriminate craft beers from industrial ones (brands common to the Brazilian market) aimed at building the chemical profile of beverages.


Publicado online: janeiro 27, 2022
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Total access: 1705

Artigo Quim. Nova 2022, 45(5), 507-517


Síntese, caracterização e aplicação de Ca-MOFs na remoção do azul de metileno por adsorção

Olímpio J. Silva JuniorI,*; Camilla. V. C. MoreiraII; Arthur. F. F. MonteiroII; Victor. E. R. MeloIII; João. B. L. OliveiraI; Joanna E. KuleszaII; Bráulio S. BarrosIV

The synthesis solution was subjected to ultrasonic processing to obtain samples of Ca-MOF. Then, the obtained calcium MOF was applied in the adsorption of methylene blue in an aqueous solution.


Publicado online: janeiro 17, 2022
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Total access: 1222

Quim. Nova 2022, 45(5), 531-536


Perfil de elementos inorgânicos em amostras de mel do estado do maranhão como um potencial bioindicador de origem geográfica

Sonaly S. LealI,*; Eliane R. SousaII; Gilmar SilvérioI; Paulo C. LimaI

The determination of metals by ICP-OES in honey samples proved to be efficient in the application of this matrix as a bioindicator of geographic origin and environmental contamination.


Publicado online: janeiro 27, 2022
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Total access: 783

Quim. Nova 2022, 45(5), 537-542


Uma rota alternativa para obtenção de redes de coordenação via síntese solvotermal utilizando Eu2O3 e ácido 2,6-naftalenodicarboxílico

Roberta F. OliveiraI; Raphael H. de M. PereiraI; Rodrigo da Silva VianaII; Severino Alves JúniorII; Mônica F. BelianI,*

This article proposes an innovative synthesis with the use of europium(III) oxide, hydrothermal process, generating a luminescent complex. The europium(III) coordination network showed a quantum efficiency of 56%, with triplet states located in the ligand system resonant to the 5D1 state of the Eu(III) ion.


Publicado online: fevereiro 4, 2022
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Total access: 809

Quim. Nova 2022, 45(5), 543-549


Aplicação de polímeros na floculação de rejeito de caulim: efeitos da variação de concentração e tipo de floculante

Giuliano S. MartinsI; Ana Maria M. BatistaII; Juliano C. de SiqueiraIII,*; Luciene A. B. SiniscalchiIII; Rodrigo L. OréficeIV

Flocculation in high molecular weight polymers occurs by electrostatic interaction followed by bridging. A) Chitosan grafting; B) Infrared spectroscopy; C) Bridging flocculation process; D) UV-VIS spectroscopy.


Publicado online: fevereiro 4, 2022
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Total access: 1374

Quim. Nova 2022, 45(5), 550-559


Redgim como aplicativo de smartphone para aplicações quimiométricas por meio de análise de imagens: um uso em PLS

Thalles R. RosaI,III; Bruno M. M. SiqueiraI; Rayana A. CostaI; Jadson Z. dos ReisI; Wagner L. S. PachecoIII; Paulo R. G. de MouraI; Wanderson RomãoI,II,IV,*; Paulo R. FilgueirasI,*

REDGIM application for smartphones on the Android platform capable of working with multivariate image analysis using chemometric methods through the luminous intensities of photos and R (red), G (green) and B (blue) channels.


Publicado online: fevereiro 4, 2022
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Total access: 1621

Revisão Quim. Nova 2022, 45(5), 560-577


Naftoimidazóis e naftoxazóis - promissores componentes de sistemas teranósticos

Victória Laysna dos Anjos SantosI; Délis Galvão GuimarãesI; Rodolfo Hideki Vicente NishimuraII; Larissa Araújo RolimI,II; Arlan de Assis GonsalvesIII; Cleônia Roberta Melo AraújoIII,*

Main constituents of a theranostic system and structures of the naphthoimidazole and naphthoxazole nuclei, promising components for the theranostic system.


Publicado online: dezembro 2, 2021
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Total access: 953

Quim. Nova 2022, 45(5), 578-593


Aspectos químicos da biomineralização óssea

Marcos A.E. Cruz; Claudio R. Ferreira; Lucas F. B. Nogueira; Luiz H.S. Andrilli; Ana Lara N. dos Santos; Jeferson M. M. Macedo; Ekeveliny A. Veschi; Bruno Z. Favarin; Heitor G. Sebinelli; Mayte Bolean; Ana Paula Ramos*; Pietro Ciancaglini*

The hierarchical organization of bone from macroscale to molecular composition. Mineralization is driven by Matrix vesicles (MVs), which are secreted by osteoblasts or chondrocytes. MVs bind to the collagen fibrils and release this precursor mineral phase (CaP) which infiltrates into the staggered and periodic gaps of the collagen matrix. MV can be mimicked in liposomes or proteoliposomes to study biomineralization.


Publicado online: janeiro 14, 2022
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Total access: 934

Quim. Nova 2022, 45(5), 594-607


Materiais lamelares de Ti aplicados em processos fotocatalíticos

Nailma J. Martins*; Luele R. S. Barbosa; Vitor E. P. Cota; Henrique A. J. L. Mourão#

Representation of the main synthesis methods, photocatalytic applications and charge photogeneration scheme of titanium based lamellar materials.


Publicado online: janeiro 20, 2022
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Total access: 537

Nota Técnica Quim. Nova 2022, 45(5), 608-620


Guia para processamento de dados de cromatografia acoplada a espectrometria de massas

Ricardo Moreira BorgesI,*; João Victor Mendes ResendeI; Aldebaran Oliveira de MoraesI; Alana Kelyene PereiraII; Rafael GarrettIII; Anelize BauermeisterIV,V; Antonio Jorge Ribeiro da SilvaI

A guided tutorial for LC-MS and GC-MS data processing using the open-source software MZmine2 is described. Examples data from an open-access repository is offered with processing parameters for training.


Publicado online: novembro 11, 2021
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Total access: 1639

Quim. Nova 2022, 45(5), 621-629


Optimización de la deshidratación y extracción de compuestos fenólicos de piel de mango

Nicole Febres Burneo; María Mora-Medina; Jorge G. Figueroa*

In order to maximize the extraction of phenolic compounds in the mango peel, the dehydration process and UAE were optimized. The results obtained may promote the use of this by-product as a source of mangiferin.


Publicado online: novembro 18, 2021
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Total access: 1150

Assuntos Gerais Quim. Nova 2022, 45(5), 636-646


As mulheres ganhadoras do Nobel de Química (1901 - 2020)

Camila Silveira*; Clarice D. B. Amaral; Glaucia Pantano; Tatiana R. G. Simões

The seven women who have been awarded a Nobel Prize in Chemistry: from the discovery of the elements radium and polonium to the development of a method for genome editing.


Publicado online: março 10, 2022
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Total access: 986

On-line version ISSN 1678-7064 Printed version ISSN 0100-4042
Química Nova
Publicações da Sociedade Brasileira de Química
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