3:32, ter fev 18

Acesso Aberto/TP

vol. 45, No. 6, 2022

Artigo de Capa
Quim. Nova 2022, 45(6), 690-704

Atividade antimicrobiana de quitosanas e seus derivados: influência das características estruturais

Juliana B. MacedoI; Rafaela C. SanfeliceII; Luiza A. MercanteIII; Danilo Martins dos SantosIV; Filipe HabitzreuterV; Sérgio Paulo Campana-FilhoV; Adriana PavinattoI,*

This review provides a recent and comprehensive survey on the influence of methods of obtention and structural characteristics of chitosan on its antimicrobial activity.


Publicado online: fevereiro 16, 2022

Total access: 1321

Editorial Quim. Nova 2022, 45(6), 647


Química nova: tendências, perspectivas e novos editores

Giovanna Machado1; Jorge M. David2; Nelson H. Morgon3



Total access: 325

Artigo Quim. Nova 2022, 45(6), 648-653


Graphen-phenyl-nh2 as nanocarrier: a density functional theory study

Nosrat Madadi Mahani*; Fatemeh Mostaghni; Homa Shafiekhani

EDC-NHS cross-linking process of 5-Aminolevulinic acid drug with Graphene-Phenyl-NH2 was investigated by Density Functional Theory (DFT).


Publicado online: fevereiro 16, 2022
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Total access: 718

Quim. Nova 2022, 45(6), 654-658


Amorphous cusep2/graphene composites as anode material for advanced potassium-ion battery

Yu Luo*; Qing Liu; Lingxiao Yang; Youwei Yan#

Discharged to 0.001 V, the lattice fringes observed in TEM images. Charged to 2.0 V, no apparent crystal particles are observed in TEM images.


Publicado online: fevereiro 16, 2022
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Total access: 943

Quim. Nova 2022, 45(6), 659-665


Enhanced removal of persistent contaminants and toxicity reduction through the application of a triple-stage fenton process to sanitary landfill leachates from yucatan, mexico

Ana M. Escalante-MañéI; Roger I. Méndez-NoveloI; Germán Giácoman-VallejosI; Avel A. González-SánchezI; Jéssica Romo-AlvaradoII; Reyna C. Collí-DuláII,III; Carlos A. Quintal-FrancoI; Carlos Puch-HauII,*

Removal of toxicity of the landfill leachates using a multi-stage Fenton process were evaluated in terms of physicochemical variables, metal(oid)s concentrations, mass spectrometric identification of organic compounds and Daphnia magna acute toxicity test.


Publicado online: fevereiro 16, 2022
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Total access: 1016

Quim. Nova 2022, 45(6), 666-673


The influence of the film formed on the prato cheese surface during the NaCl and KCL salting process: application of the finite element method and neural networks of the self-organizing map (SOM) and multilayer perceptron (MLP) types

Dionisio BorsatoI,*; Hágata C. SilvaI; Ana Carolina G. MantovaniII; Marco A. J. ClementeI; Talita F. de OliveiraI; Karina B. AngilelliI

Prato cheese samples were analyzed by applying the finite element method and neural networks to study the influence of the film formed in the cheese's surface in dynamic and static salting.


Publicado online: março 7, 2022
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Total access: 763

Quim. Nova 2022, 45(6), 674-679


Quantitative speciation of the liquid phase by ftir spectroscopy in the system AMP-PZ-CO2-H2O

Armando ZanoneI,II,*; Denise T. TavaresII; José L. de PaivaII

A PLS model using FTIR spectroscopy to predict the concentration of the chemical species of CO2 absorption/desorption process in aqueous amine solutions.


Publicado online: março 24, 2022
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Total access: 739

Quim. Nova 2022, 45(6), 680-689


Compreendendo os mecanismos de corrosão de ligas de Al-Cu-Li: uma investigação através de técnicas eletroquímicas globais e locais

João Victor de Sousa Araujo*; Rejane Maria Pereira da Silva; Bárbara Victoria Viveiros; Mariana Xavier Milagre; Caruline de Souza Carvalho Machado; Isolda Costa

In this study, the corrosion mechanism of Al-Cu-Li alloys 2198-T3 and 2198-T851 were investigated through global and local electrochemical techniques.


Publicado online: março 23, 2022
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Total access: 1064

Revisão Quim. Nova 2022, 45(6), 705-711


Microplásticos: uso na indústria cosmética e impactos no ambiente aquático

Julia Gabriela Matos VargasI; Vinicius Bueno da SilvaI; Lílian Karla de OliveiraII; Eduardo Ferreira MolinaI,*

The use of microplastics in cosmectic, personal care products and the loss of fibres from clothes when washed could be affect aquatic organisms and eventually increases the potential risk to humans of microplastic ingestion.


Publicado online: março 7, 2022
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Total access: 2556

Quim. Nova 2022, 45(6), 712-727


Recent advances in cyanation reactions

Larissa P. Silva; Isabella F. S. Marra; Giovanni W. Amarante*

The homologation of cyano group in complex molecules allows access to a wide variety of organic functions, making these structures important building blocks in organic synthesis.


Publicado online: março 23, 2022
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Total access: 831

Nota Técnica Quim. Nova 2022, 45(6), 728-733


Supercritical extraction of lyophilized strawberry anthocyanins with pulsed electric fields pretreatment

Marco A. Ávila-HernándezI; César Pérez-AlonsoI; Juan Orozco-VillafuerteI; Carlos E. Barrera-DíazI; Erik Alpizar-ReyesI,II; Julian Cruz-OlivaresI,III,*

The graphical abstract represents the anthocyanins extraction process from strawberry and the extraction yield at different conditions.


Publicado online: dezembro 2, 2021
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Total access: 892

Quim. Nova 2022, 45(6), 734-741


An adapted unmanned aerial vehicle for environmental water sampling

José C. D. NetoI; Ian S. ResqueI; Rodrigo A. AvelinoI; Vagner B. dos SantosI,*; Lucas S. LeiteII; Lucas O. CesarI; Paulo H. da Silva BeloI; Jones AlbuquerqueII,III; José L. de Lima FilhoII

An adapted unmanned aerial vehicle used as a sampling analytical tool to fast and secure acquisition of waters samples for environmental purposes.


Publicado online: abril 8, 2022
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Total access: 1075

Educação Quim. Nova 2022, 45(6), 742-749


Ring current in anthracene and phenanthrene: correction to Hückel parameters

Yuanita P. D. SudarsoI; Arifin L. MaulanaII; Agoes SoehianiI; and Inge M. SutjahjaI,*

We proposed a correction to the Hückel parameters of anthracene and phenanthrene by changing the Coulomb energy and different resonance energies of the four central carbon atoms and calculate the geometric aromaticity index of the harmonic oscillator model of aromaticity.


Publicado online: março 10, 2022
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Total access: 681

Quim. Nova 2022, 45(6), 750-759


Interdisciplinary education through the development of a cost-effective photometric pH meter sensor using natural pigments

Rodolfo S. Barboza*; Daniella L. Vale; Thiago C. A. Gomes; Thayná L. Mesquita; Carlos A. C. da Silva; Gabriela do N. Camargo

The photometric pH meter sensor is used to parameterize the conditions for capturing the colors given to the solutions by using natural red cabbage dyes, followed by data analysis in RGB and subsequent conversion into HSV and mathematical processing by PhotoMetrix free App.


Publicado online: março 7, 2022
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Total access: 938

Assuntos Gerais Quim. Nova 2022, 45(6), 760-766


Testes diagnósticos para o SARS-CoV-2: uma reflexão crítica

Marcone A. L. de OliveiraI,*; Aripuanã S. A. WatanabeII; Dionéia E. CesarIV; João Marcos B. CandidoI; Nerilson M. LimaI; Olívia B. O. MoreiraI; Paula R. ChelliniIII

The most used tests for the diagnosis of COVID-19 are compared, considering the effectiveness of each one of them for the detection of SARS-Cov-2, having as a parameter the time scale from the onset of symptoms.


Publicado online: abril 19, 2022
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Total access: 1231

On-line version ISSN 1678-7064 Printed version ISSN 0100-4042
Química Nova
Publicações da Sociedade Brasileira de Química
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