21:01, seg fev 17

Acesso Aberto/TP

vol. 45, No. 7, 2022

Artigo de Capa
Quim. Nova 2022, 45(7), 816-830

Features and strategies for scaffold design and production for tissue engineering

Leonardo de SouzaI,II; Paula Resende VieiraIII; Raissa Hellen da Silva FlorindoIII; Alex Carvalho AlavarseI,II; Jean Jacques BonventI,II,*

Obtaining Scaffolds is a critical task in Tissue Engineering, several features can be modulated in order to mimic the ECM of the target tissue.


Publicado online: março 23, 2022

Total access: 1058

Artigo de Contra Capa
Quim. Nova 2022, 45(7), 847-861

Obtenção de aminas primárias a partir da redução de nitrocompostos aromáticos via protocolos de reações sustentáveis em meio aquoso

Breno de S. BernardesI; Thamires M. da CostaI; Letícia de O. J. L. da SilvaI; Ligia S. da S. PintoI; Victor FacchinettiII; Marcus Vinícius Nora de SouzaII; Thatyana R. A. VasconcelosI,*

The advantages of sustainable protocols in aqueous media for the reduction of aromatic nitro compounds to primary amines.


Publicado online: abril 6, 2022

Total access: 1033

Artigo Quim. Nova 2022, 45(7), 767-776


Clorofila extraída de resíduo industrial da erva-mate (Ilex paraguaiensis) uma possibilidade de economia circular

André R. PettersonI,#; Vanderlei A. de LimaII; Fauze J. AnaissiI,*

The processing of mate-herb generates a residue rich in chlorophyll that can be used as a source of natural dyes. The extraction and modification of chlorophyll are carried out in an ethanolic medium, generating metal compounds with different shades and compatible with being dispersed as pigments in paints.


Publicado online: março 23, 2022
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Total access: 1079

Quim. Nova 2022, 45(7), 777-781


Observação de homodímero do tipo bis-1,3-benzodioxona sintetizado via metátese de olefinas da piperina catalisada por pré-catalisadores de Ru(II) não comerciais

Kerlane A. FernandesI; Aline Aparecida C. FrançaI; Ana Karina B. CostaI; Eliada A. da SilvaII; Benedito dos S. Lima-NetoII; Nouga C. BatistaI,#; José Luiz S. SáI,*

Compound derived from piperine is catalyzed by non-carbenic complexes based on Ru that presents results based on the different electronic and steric contributions of the catalysts.


Publicado online: março 24, 2022
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Total access: 830

Quim. Nova 2022, 45(7), 782-787


Planejamento fatorial na síntese do oleato de etila catalisada pela lipase nativa de aspergillus niger

Sofia S. DiasI; Michele R. G. DiasI; Renata Danielle AdatiI; Patrícia de O. CarvalhoII; Cristiane PilissãoI,*

Lipases are seen as appropriate alternative sources for biodiesel production in terms of availability and cost. Here the Octave, a free computational software is used to optimize the experimental design in the synthesis of ethyl oleate catalyzed by a native lipase from
A. niger.


Publicado online: março 24, 2022
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Total access: 779

Quim. Nova 2022, 45(7), 788-796


Synthesis of glycerol-fluorinated triazole derivatives and evaluation of their fungicidal activity

Fernando Fontes BarcelosI; Lucas Fagundes da SilvaII; Poliana Aparecida Rodrigues GazollaIII; Róbson Ricardo TeixeiraIII; Vagner Tebaldi de QueirozIV; Pedro Alves Bezerra MoraisIV; Victor da Rocha FonsecaV; Wanderson RomãoV; Valdemar Lacerda JúniorV; Rodrigo SchererI; Fabrício Marques de OliveiraVI; Milene Miranda Praça-FontesVII; Adilson Vidal CostaIV,*

A series of 1,2,3-triazoles derived from glycerol were synthesized and had their effects evaluated against Colletrotricum gloesporioides.


Publicado online: março 24, 2022
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Total access: 866

Quim. Nova 2022, 45(7), 797-802


Effect of mercury exposure on U1-70 kDa protein expression in embryos of black bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.)

Claudia Y. Michel-LópezI,*; Lucía Delgadillo-RuízII; Francisco J. Cabral-ArellanoII; Edgar Esparza-IbarraII; Rodrigo Flores-GarivayI

This work describes the evaluation of the toxicity of mercury as a heavy metal during the first stages of expression in bean seeds
P. vulgaris L.


Publicado online: março 24, 2022
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Total access: 618

Quim. Nova 2022, 45(7), 803-806


Metabolic profiling and cytotoxic activity of methanol extracts from Chamaecrista duckeana (P. Bezerra & A. Fern.) H. S. Irwin & Barneby (Leguminosae, Caesalpinioideae)

Daniele Rodrigues de LimaI; Maria Gleiziane de Araújo FrancaI; Fátima de Cássia Evangelista de OliveiraII; Cláudia do Ó PessoaII; Alberto José CavalheiroIII; Maria Goretti de Vasconcelos SilvaI,*

Representative identification of flavonoid from Chamaecrista duckeana.


Publicado online: abril 5, 2022
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Total access: 764

Quim. Nova 2022, 45(7), 807-815


K2O suportado em zeólita natural: síntese, caracterização e aplicação produção de biodiesel a partir do óleo de girassol

Karoline de Sousa Castro; Aruzza Mabel de Morais Araujo; Alyxandra Carla de Medeiros Batista; Valter José Fernandes Júnior; Sibele Berenice Castella Pergher; Amanda Duarte Gondim*

The figure shows the scheme for obtaining biodiesel from sunflower oil through the transesterification reaction using a heterogeneous natural zeolite catalyst impregnated with K2O and one of the main analyzes for the characterization of biodiesel.


Publicado online: abril 5, 2022
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Total access: 803

Revisão Quim. Nova 2022, 45(7), 831-846


Artemisinina e derivados: Descoberta, estratégias sintéticas e obtenção industrial

Ramon Guerra de Oliveira; Luiza dos Reis Cruz; Luiz Carlos Dias*

This review aims to provide an overview of the discovery and the main synthetic efforts and industrial production of artemisinin and its derivatives.


Publicado online: abril 5, 2022
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Total access: 909

Nota Técnica Quim. Nova 2022, 45(7), 862-866


Methods for extraction and isolation of agathisflavone from poincianella pyramidalis

Bruna O. do Nascimento; Jorge M. David*

The four purification procedures of agathisflavone from leaves of Poincianella pyramidalis were performed and compared.


Publicado online: junho 1, 2022
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Total access: 612

Quim. Nova 2022, 45(7), 867-874


Analysis of benzodiazepines in plasma samples by dllme and LC-DAD: Critical aspects, flaws and issues encountered - A discussion

Geovane de Almeida SaldanhaI; André Lucas Bezerra PachecoI; Ana Miguel Fonseca PegoII; André Valle de BairrosI,*

Validation of DLLME method for benzodiazepines in plasma samples using LC-DAD was an unsuccessful. Nevertheless, critical aspects have never been addressed were evaluated, especially validation parameters involving DLLME, benzodiazepines and biological samples.


Publicado online: junho 8, 2022
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Total access: 604

Educação Quim. Nova 2022, 45(7), 875-881


Desvendando um caso: Quando estudantes se tornam personagens de uma história na disciplina de química orgânica experimental

Amanda Silva de Miranda; Roberta Guimarães Corrêa; Ana Luiza de Quadros*

A fictitious case of intoxication was used so that Pharmacy students could perceive the direct relationship of the techniques studied in an Organic Chemistry course with the future field of work.


Publicado online: abril 5, 2022
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Total access: 1188

Quim. Nova 2022, 45(7), 882-890


Perfil socioeconômico de estudantes de química: O caso dos cursos da UNESP - Araraquara

Gabriela AgostiniI,*; Matheus Monteiro NascimentoII; Luciana MassiIII

A study based on a quantitative, longitudinal, and sociological approach found that there are three distinct socioeconomic profiles among students who enter Unesp-Araraquara chemistry courses.


Publicado online: abril 5, 2022
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Total access: 625

Assuntos Gerais Quim. Nova 2022, 45(7), 891-900


Pedro de Alcantara Lisboa, químico brasileiro do século XIX#

Carlos A. L. Filgueiras*

The first chemical equation published in Brazil, in 1846, in the original version followed by another version using modern symbols, and finally in the way it is written today.


Publicado online: junho 1, 2022
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Total access: 549

On-line version ISSN 1678-7064 Printed version ISSN 0100-4042
Química Nova
Publicações da Sociedade Brasileira de Química
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