Tharcilla de Castro AglioI; Vinicíus DinizI; Maria Fernanda Araujo Vieira MatosI; Paulo Pires Cesar RosaII; Susanne RathI,*
Nathália Vieira BarbosaI,II,*; Larissa Batista dos SantosIII; Lucas Junji SeguchiIV; Beatriz Costa e SilvaV; Thaís Lamoglia de CarvalhoVI; Estácio Tavares Wanderley NetoIV; Rossano GimenesI; Melina Espanhol SoaresI; Ana Júlia AraujoI; Flávio Soares SilvaI; Mariana Ramos AlmeidaIII; Milady Renata Apolinário da SilvaI
A simple, fast, and non-destructive method was developed for evaluation of the quality of insulating vegetable oil from power transformers, using FTIR spectroscopy combined with chemometrics.
Miguel A. Pedroza ToscanoI; Rodolfo Salazar PeñaI; Martín Rabelero VelascoII; José J. Ibarra MontalvoIII; Jesús A. Aréchiga GuzmánIII; Susana López CuencaIII,*
Spheroidal nanoparticles of ZnO are obtained from zinc nitrate and ammonium carbonate, via controlled precipitation. Effects of the reaction parameters and the antimicrobial effect of the material are studied.
Maria Helena P. S. de AndradeI; Jaciana S. AguiarII; Teresinha G. da SilvaII; Jandyson M. SantosI; Wagner E. SilvaI; Mônica F. BelianI,*
The Ru3+ complex proposed presented antitumor activity higher to cisplatin, and a significant reduction in acute toxicity once compared to antitumor drug (category = 1), being considered the Na[Ru(H2O)2(Mal-κ2O)2] complex in the category = 4.
Yuan TangI; Zhi LiI,II,*; Yan GuoII; Xianhua YinI; Shan TuIII; Dapeng ZhangI
The THz spectroscopy was used to detect the 4- and 5-hydroxysalicylic acid isomers. The vibrational modes of two isomers were studied by PED analysis. Chemical bonds and weak interactions of two isomers were analyzed using IRI methods.
Daiane A. R. NogueiraI,*; Silvia JaergerI; Margani Taise FinII; Rubiana Mara MainardesII; Leandro ZattaIII; Luciano TormenIV; Rafael MarangoniI
Copaiba oil was adsolubilized into ZnAl layered double hydroxides synthesized with dodecyl sulfate anions. The slow-release experiments have shown de potentiality to use the layered double hydroxides filled with copaiba oil like a carrier in ointments.
Ana K. B. CostaI; Kerlane A. FernandesI; Vanessa B. VieiraI; Aline A. C. FrançaII; Wanessa A. Limaa; Pedro M. de Almeidaa; José M. E. de MatosII; Benedito S. L. NetoIII; José L. S. SáI,*; Francielle A. MartinsI
The present study describes the one-pot metathesis reaction between piperine and eugenol, in the presence of the 1st generation Grubbs catalyst. The results (isomerization, dimerization) are discussed in terms of the influence of the double bond.
Marco A. J. Clementea; Heloisa H. P. SilvaI; Júlia W. CamposI; Ana C. G. MantovaniII; Dionisio BorsatoI,*
Biodiesel samples in mixtures with natural extracts of senna leaves, hibiscus flowers and blackberry fruits were analyzed and studied using neural networks of the multilayer perceptron type.
Silvane Holanda SoaresI; Hugo Cavalcante PeixotoI; Edlene Ribeiro PrudencioII; Rosa Helena LucheseII; Robson AraújoIII; Ana Paula Duarte MoreiraIII; Leonardo Sales AraújoIII; Luiz Henrique Guerreiro RosadoIV; Rommel Sauerbronn da CunhaV; Rosane Nora CastroVI; Renata Nunes OliveiraI,*
Melaleuca (tea tree) essential oil, with high proportion of 1,8-cineol/terpinen-4-ol, was loaded to NaCMC gels. The samples presented hydrolitic degradation; relaxation mechanism dictated swelling capacity and oil delivery; and the samples were active against S.aureus.
Humberto R. BizzoI,II,*; Claudia M. RezendeII
Brazil is an important player in the essential oils market, with a positive impact the balance of trade for this class of goods.
Janderson Barbosa Leite de AlbuquerqueI; Camila Macaúbas da SilvaI; Diégina Araújo FernandesI; Pedro Isaac Vanderlei de SouzaII; Maria de Fátima Vanderlei de SouzaI,*
Bibliographic analysis of the traditional use, chemical and pharmacological profile of Pavonia Cav. species (Malvaceae sensu lato) searching for new drug sources.
Jany Hellen F. de JesusI,II,#; Rennan Geovanny O. AraujoIII,IV,*; Luciane Pimenta C. RomãoI
A new spectrophotometric method based on cloud-point extraction for the determination of gadolinium in water and contrast agents was successfully optimized.
Carlos Alberto da Silva JúniorI,II; Dosil Pereira de JesusI,#; Gildo Girotto JúniorI,*
The Periodic Table of the Elements of Green and Sustainable Chemistry is an interdisciplinary encyclopedia contributing to Sustainable Development. This paper presents a translation of this alternative table into the Portuguese language and an alignment discussion with a sustainable future.
Ricardo Silvério Gomes Pinheiro; Márlon Herbert Flora Barbosa Soares*
Educational robotics and educational cooperation combined with Chemistry Teaching in a Civil Engineering course, culminated in learning of university students made a robot to identify electrochemical corrosion in concrete metallic structures.
Leonardo de Oliveira Aguiar; Clara Ribeiro do Espírito Santo D'Onofrio; Jorge Mauricio David*
The state of the art of new techniques for flavonoids separation and purification: employing ionic liquids, eutectic solvent, and chelating agents.
On-line version ISSN 1678-7064 Printed version ISSN 0100-4042
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